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White Elephant Dead
White Elephant Dead
Carolyn Hart | 2024 | Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rummaging for Blackmail Secrets
Broward’s Rock is getting ready for the Women’s Club’s annual white elephant sale. When Kathryn Girard disappears with the club van while out collecting donations, Annie’s friend and best customer, Henny Brawley, heads out after her. But then no one hears from Henny. Annie and her husband, Max, start searching for her. They find the van with Kathryn’s body in the back and Henny’s car nearby. The new police chief thinks that means Henny much have killed Kathryn. But Annie knows better. The real question is, why would anyone want to kill Kathryn? And what happened to Henny?

It isn’t long before Annie and Max realize blackmail is involved, and it adds an interesting layer to this mystery. As usual, I found the suspects a bit flat, and I had a hard time remember who was who. Likewise, one aspect of the plot is just dropped, and I wish it had been fully developed. Still, things came together for a logical climax. I’m catching more of the references to other mystery books, but I still find there are too many of them, so they can get annoying. The series regulars are in fine form, and they gave me plenty of laughs. Most of my issues with the book are regular problems for me in the series, but I still enjoy the books. If you are a fan who hasn’t read this book yet, you’ll enjoy it, too.
2009 | Bluff, Deduction, Political
My wife is not able to play games with me as much as either of us would like. We have kids, dogs, and other life responsibilities that limit our gaming time together. However, if there ever was a game that she loves to play and absolutely has figured out, it’s Revolution! by Steve Jackson Games (yes, the Munchkin Man). So that’s why I am including her guest score on this review. She seems to like it an awful lot.

Revolution! is an area control bidding game of influencing kingdom inhabitants to jockey for a superior position of power to win the game. The key is influencing the right people at the right time to gain resources, influence in the kingdom, and support (VPs).

DISCLAIMER – We are using the expansion “The Palace” along with our review as it add components to play with up to 6 people, and our game nights tend toward 6 players more than 4. The base game alone plays up to 4 players and uses 4 fewer characters to influence. Should we add in the “Anarchy” expansion we will either add that information here or link to the review from here. -T

To setup, place the main kingdom board on the table that outlines the different districts in which the players will be vying for majority influence. Each player chooses a color and receives all color-matched components: player reference screen, cubes, disc, and one bid board (which are all identical). Each player will also receive one Force token (red fist), Blackmail token (black envelope), and three Gold tokens (gold coins). You are now ready to begin.

Turns are taken simultaneously. Players will place tokens on their bid boards to denote which type of influence they plan to exert on an inhabitant and how many of each. For instance, you may place all your coins on the General and hope you win. Or maybe you want to place a coin and a blackmail on the Printer. Once all players have placed their influence on their boards, the privacy screens are lifted and each kingdom character is compared individually, one by one. Did your three Coins on the General fly, or did someone add a Blackmail token and prevail? Wait, one Blackmail wins? Yes, in Revolution! the gold Coins are the lowest value influence. So one Blackmail alone is enough to win against ANY NUMBER of Coins. Now, one Blackmail alone is defeated by one Blackmail and one Coin, but simply one Force would beat both of those attempts, as Force is the most powerful token type, but not all inhabitants are affected by Force. Take your General for example. Their color on the bid board is red, meaning that a red token will have no effect here. Once the winners of each kingdom person have been determined, the winners receive the benefits offered by each character. I will not go into detail the benefits each character gives you, but for an example (shown below on the play pic), the General awards the winner with one Support (VP), one Force (fist token), and you may place an influence cube in the Fortress. Before the next turn, each player will check their token collection and anyone who has less than five tokens will receive a number of Coins to bring their collection to five tokens.

As the bidding phase gains you resources for future rounds, or instant Support, etc, the second half of a round is influencing the different districts within the kingdom. You do this placing your won cubes on any space within a specific district to attempt majority control of it. At the end of the game, the players with majority control of each district will receive Support for the districts that correspond with what is printed on the board. These are VERY important as you can amass tons of Support from district majorities. The game continues in this fashion for a number of rounds until all influence spaces on the main kingdom board are full. Players then check for majority in each district and apply Support on the VP track. The player with the most Support at the end of the game is the winner! (It will be Kristin.)

Components. This is a heavy game, not in complexity, but in component weight. The boards are all of great quality, the cardboard tokens are nice, the wooden cubes are typical quality. The art on the game is good, if dated, but good. I have no complaints about the components.

As you can see from our scores at the top, we REALLY like this game. As one of the highest ranking games on BGG from Steve Jackson Games, this one delivers a great time of double thinking, bluffing your neighbors, and certainly rewards players for their great strategy. We used to play this game ALL THE TIME until it became futile playing against my wife. She is that good. At one point I thought I had her strategy figured out, but I have since lost it. However, I am always eager to play this and try again. One of these days I will claim victory. Revolution! could definitely stand an update, or re-theme, or something along with a reprint to bring it into more homes, but I am glad I have a copy (with all the expansions *shoulder brush*) and it will not be leaving my collection any time soon. That’s a mark of a great game, and that’s partly why Purple Phoenix Games gives this one a close-to-a-Golden-Feather-Award-recipient 23 / 24. If you see one in the wild, pick it up!
The Really Nasty Horse Racing Game
The Really Nasty Horse Racing Game
1987 | Animals, Racing
Quick(Ish) (1 more)
Easy to set up
Can be slightly difficult to understand at first (0 more)
A game of blackmail and tickery
The really Nasy horse racing game sounds as though its name could be deceiving but actually that's exactly what it is, a nasty horse racing game.

Quite simply it's 6 races that you place bets on, the person with the most money at the end wins.

The twist come with the really nasty cards that each player gets issued.. if used tacticlly you can fall horses, object and issue a setwards inquiry to push your horse into 1st or simply call a false start.

All in all its a great game for all the family and I would highly recommend it. Just be warned this could be horse racings answer to monopoly.