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Mr. Robot  - Season 1
Mr. Robot - Season 1
2015 | Drama
The Writing (6 more)
The Cinematography
The Direction
The Performances
Best Dream Sequence that David Lynch didn't create
The Music
Best plot twist since Fight Club (the one that isnt inspired by Fight Club)
The name, while ultimately great, nearly kept me from giving what is now my favorite tv series a chance (0 more)
Brilliant, breathtaking, addictive.
I love this show. I only watched it on a lark, expecting to make fun of it - a hacker drama on USA called "Mr. Robot"? This is gonna be hilarious, I thought. I was so incredibly wrong. By the end of the pilot, I was hooked harder than any show since Twin Peaks had hooked me.

It's maybe the most cinematic TV series ever made, more so than a lot of movies. The mysteries it creates are gripping and compelling, inviting intense theorizing and speculation. It pulls off the best twist I've ever seen on television, and does it by blinding you with one that is telegraphed and inspired by another famous plot twist. Rami Malik goes from that guy you've seen in a bunch of stuff to legend status in one scene. In fact, the entire cast is nothing short of amazing. It makes the audience into a part of the show like no show ever has. It's already one of my favorite series ever made. It's brilliant.
Shadow Thief (Flirting with Monsters, #1)
Shadow Thief (Flirting with Monsters, #1)
Eva Chase | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
DNF @ 56%
Contains spoilers, click to show
This starts with Sorsha breaking into a big house where she knows the owner has a collection of creatures in his exhibition room. Shadow creatures that need dark to escape but are kept under blinding lights. Sorsha breaks them all out and is shocked the next morning to find three of them waiting in her kitchen wanting to do her a favour back for freeing them. They also seek her help in freeing their boss from the band of humans who took him - and possibly the same group who tried to take Sorcha's "aunt" many years ago.

I did struggle a little with this one right from the start. I never really got into the storyline but I decided to carry on, thinking the action at the start might continue throughout but it was few and far between.

The description had me intrigued and I don't mind reverse harem books but up to the point i got to (56%) Sorsha had only slept with one of the three demons - the incubus - and was secretly lusting after the other two while trying to hunt down the people who had taken the demons' boss but it was going so slowly... I was bored. I was finding other things to do; buying other kindle books, watching tv instead of being engrossed in this. It just wasn't working for me.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Pokémon: Detective Pikachu (2019) in Movies

Jun 15, 2019 (Updated Jun 15, 2019)  
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu  (2019)
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu (2019)
2019 | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy
Magical (I'm 30 years old dammit)
I was the exact target audience at the time of the original Pokémon cartoon series, and invested a fair portion of my childhood playing through Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow, so seeing this all unfold on screen was quite something.

The action kicks off immediately, with Mewtwo (all of my friends bloody loved a bit of Mewtwo back in the day), ticking all the right nostalgia boxes from the start.
It's not long before were pushed into the wider world of Pokémon, both original and later generations, and it just filled me with childish joy to be honest.
The CGI is odd - in a way that I was aware that I was watching CGI creatures, but at the same time, they didn't feel out of place alongside the human characters, it all blends pretty well.

Looking past the blinding nostalgia, the story was engaging enough (even if it does get to absurd levels of silly towards the end), the action pieces were all pretty fun, and the cast were likable enough for the most part.

I spend more time than I probably should playing video games, so it's exited me to no end that we finally have a pretty decent video game movie, and I can only hope that Detective Pikachu is the start of something good, both for future Pokémon installments, and just video game adaptions in general.


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