Broken Promise
Broken Promise is the first book in the epic Promise Falls Trilogy from master of the thriller,...

Tales from the Crypt Presents: Demon Knight (1995)
Movie Watch
A mysterious drifter known as Brayker (William Sadler) possesses the last of seven ancient keys that...

J. Edgar (2011)
Movie Watch
As head of the FBI through eight presidents and three wars, J. Edgar Hoover waged battle against...

Bite the Bullet (1975)
Movie Watch
BITE THE BULLET is an epic Western adventure featuring an amazing award-winning cast. Directed by...

Gerald of Wales: De Principis Instructione
Gerald of Wales was an ecclesiastic, a servant and critic of the Angevin kings, and a prolific and...

The Primal Blueprint Quick and Easy Cookbook: Over 100 Delicious Recipes for Effortless Weight Loss and Vibrant Health
Hot on the heels of the phenomenal success of The Primal Blueprint and in response to the growing...

How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease
The Sunday Times Bestseller. Why rely on drugs and surgery to cure you of life-threatening disease...
Other Desert Cities
Honor Moore and Jon Robin Baitz
In OTHER DESERT CITIES, Brooke Wyeth returns home to Palm Springs to visit her parents after a...
Power Plants: Simple Home Remedies You Can Grow
Bryce Wylde and Frankie Flowers
Natural remedies are nature's gift to us. From alternatives to side-effect ridden prescriptions to...

Your Guide to Understanding and Dealing with Type 2 Diabetes: What You Need to Know
There are currently over 3.2 million people with diabetes in the UK, or 6 per cent of the adult...