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Jaime Lynch
(18 KP)
Biology teacher by day, book nerd by night
I am a biology teacher, book enthusiast, youth minister, movie eclectic mix that keeps me...
Last Active: Aug 7, 2018
Entertainment Editor (1988 KP) created a post in Smashbomb Blog Ideas
Nov 7, 2018

Tabletop Game
JAWS is a 2 act, thematic board game with the JAWS theme. The game pits the crew from the movie...
Jaws Board game

Cody Allen Plum
(0 KP)
Book worm/gamer/Secret Agent (shhh!)
I work in the criminal justice field, you'll normally find me reading or playing a game while not...

(0 KP)
Book Reviewer, Book Worm, Movie Bum, Gamer
I’m a book reviewer and clothing designer. Best of both worlds.