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Purple Phoenix Games (2266 KP) rated Indigo in Tabletop Games
Jun 12, 2019
Indigo is a strategy game of tile placement and route building in which players are attempting to get various gems from the center of the board through their “gateways” on the edges of the board to score points. Players are each building their own pathways, in a maze-like sort of way, to maneuver the gems around the board, through their own gateways, and away from those of their opponents. Each player receives one tile, and on their turn, plays it to the board. Tiles can be placed anywhere on the board, they don’t necessarily need to be placed adjacent to other tiles. If you play a tile to extend an existing route with a gem on it, move the gem as far along that route as possible. After playing a tile, you draw a new tile to be played on your next turn. The game continues until all gems have been claimed, and then points are added! Gems are worth points depending on their color, and the player with the highest score wins!
I think Indigo is such a neat game. It is so simple, yet strategic, and that makes it so much fun for me to play. The board itself becomes a visual maze as tiles are added, and you must be diligent about watching which pathways are open and available to you, while also trying to make sure you keep pathways blocked off towards your opponents. The possibilities are endless with this game in terms of tile placement and strategy, and that keeps me engaged the entire game. I also love the fact that all players only have 1 tile to play at any given time – you’ve got to make your tile work, you don’t have a hand of tiles from which to choose your best option. That ups the strategy factor even more because one misplaced tile could be the difference between gaining a gem or accidentally giving one away!
Another thing I like about Indigo is just that it’s a pretty game to look at! I think it is so cool to see the board fill up as the game progresses, and you get to watch the maze come to life with each turn. What starts as a mostly blank board soon becomes filled with ribbon-like paths that can lead to anywhere! It’s a neat visual effect for me, and that’s something that drew me into this game in the first place.
Is Indigo the best strategy game I’ve ever played? No. But it is a fun one that keeps me on my toes. With so many possibilities for routes, and the board changing with every tile placed, players are constantly engaged and active in the game. Purple Phoenix Games gives Indigo a swirly 13 / 18.

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GameCritics (290 KP) rated Mario & Luigi SuperStar Saga in Video Games
Sep 28, 2017
Original Score: 9 out of 10
Read Review: http://uk.ign.com/articles/2003/11/18/mario-luigi-superstar-saga-2?page=2