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Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization
Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization
2015 | Card Game, Civilization, Economic
The most Civilization board game (2 more)
There is a ton of complexity that will keep it interesting for a long time
Variation of gameplay style (war, culture, technology, wonders)
The mechanics will likely be too much for most people (1 more)
A handful of the cards are not balanced well
Civilization in Boardgame Form
Do you like the video game Civilization? Then you will absolutely love this board game. Do you not love intense Euro strategy games? Then you will probably hate this game.

This game is very intense. There are a lot of mechanics, and a lot to learn. It follows the basic mechanics of the Civilization video game fairly closely, but even veteran Civ players took a while to learn it.

You also have to be comfortable with the game taking all day. The time estimate on the box is very wrong. Our first game took us three hours, and we only made it through the first age (there are three).
    Snakes & Ladders Game

    Snakes & Ladders Game

    Games and Entertainment

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    Snakes & Ladders Game App is a Fun Game and is a popular board game. This game can be played with...

Jumanji: The Game
Jumanji: The Game
2018 | Adventure, Dice Game, Entertainment, Fantasy
Far too simple
I've been eyeing this game up for quite some time, I mean who wouldn't want a board game like the original in the film? Sadly however when I got a chance to play this (fortunately for free), I was hugely disappointed.

This game looks great, but it's the gameplay that lets this down massively. There are some nods to the original film but the problem is that the gameplay is just far too simple. Only younger children could really get a kick out of this for long. It's just a basic game involving rolling dice and after playing 2 rather short games, we called it a day and quite frankly, wouldn't miss playing it again. I appreciate you can't make a board game exactly like the game in the film, but they really could've tried to make something a little more exciting and interesting. Definitely not one I'd advise paying full price for!
    The 7th Citadel

    The 7th Citadel

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    Tabletop Game

    The 7th Citadel will take place in a new unique "Dark Fantasy" world whose gameplay will be...

    The Initiative

    The Initiative

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    Tabletop Game

    The Initiative — a unique co-operative board game of story, strategy, and code-breaking — lets...