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Beyond Balderdash
Beyond Balderdash
1993 | Bluff, Party Game, Word Game
Just make up things and laugh (0 more)
The board and player markers are generic and unimportant (0 more)
Great Party and drinking game... ignore the board and the pieces
How good are you at bullsh#tting? can you make up weird random stuff on the fly? Can you make your friends laugh? this is the game for you.... the actual point of the game doesn't matter. You're supposed to guess what the actual thing is, but no one knows these things, it's way past trivial pursuit.... So instead you make something up and hope someone votes for it to be the actual answer. I always got votes for originality rather than guessing what's right, which encourages others to out do me, which is when the fun really starts.

If you play the game as intended this is a 4 or 5 review... if you play my way this is an 8 or 9 depending on the people you are around. Hence the 7 score.
1935 | Business / Industrial, Economic
Great game (2 more)
Time consumer
Time consumer (2 more)
Tears families apart
Hope you don't mind a prison sentence
Either a really good game, or a really bad game
I love this game. My family and I always used to play this in the school holidays so it always has a lovely memory attached to it. On the other hand, it has been the cause of a few arguments and sore losers as you can probably imagine. Nevertheless, when you can get through a game without arguing it is so fun to play.
It is a massively long game if you are playing in large groups though or people refuse to trade cards and help the game progress. We used to have to either play until an ungodly hour in the morning or put the game aside and continue playing the next night. So if you're after a quick game, Monopoly is a no-no.

Additionally, we used to play card games and use Monopoly money as currency. So there's that use too if you're not feeling up for a massive board game.
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Andy K (10823 KP) Mar 10, 2018

Love this game!


Dracoria Malfoy (690 KP) Mar 10, 2018

@KatieLouCreate Everything?

Terraforming Mars: Venus Next
Terraforming Mars: Venus Next
2018 | Space, Territory Building
Venus Next adds Venus to the list of areas that can be terraformed, through either cards or a standard project. However, it is not required to in order to end the game. It sits as an optional board that takes up space. This is my least favourite of the expansion as it doesn't feel part of the game as closely as it should. It simply feels extra, another source of points. It adds floaters which can be a cool way of doing resources but as a expansion that improves the game? I disagree with that

Steff P (61 KP) rated Last Night on Earth: The Zombie Game in Tabletop Games

Aug 12, 2018 (Updated Aug 12, 2018)  
Last Night on Earth: The Zombie Game
Last Night on Earth: The Zombie Game
2007 | Fighting, Horror, Miniatures, Zombie / Survivalist
It's so well thought out (4 more)
Easy to pick up
Well made
Excellent team coop game
This game is a firm favourite when we do board-game days.

You play either heros or zombies. There are various different missions and games are usually close, going down to the wire and adding to the thrill of it. Worth every penny and I shall be getting the expansions for it.

Did I mention it's well thought out? It's so good - you can tell someone has put a lot of effort into getting the balance just so.