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1986 | Abstract Strategy, Fantasy, Maze
You know what’s super fun? Rediscovering one of your favorite childhood games. What’s even better is if the game itself lives up to your memories from when you were younger. Labyrinth is one of those games for me. My siblings and I played it a lot throughout our childhood, and it’s recently come back into my life. So does it still dazzle me after all of these years? Read on to find out!

Labyrinth is a game of tile placement and route building with a modular board in which you are trying to navigate the maze to collect various treasures. To setup the game, shuffle the maze tiles and place them randomly on the empty spaces of the board. There will be 1 tile left over. Shuffle the treasure cards and split them evenly between all players. Players may only look at the top card of their stack at a time. On your turn, you are trying to get your pawn to the tile showing the treasure from your card. You do this by shifting the board and creating new pathways through the maze. Take the extra tile, and add it to a row or column, effectively shifting the entire line in one direction. Once you have shifted the maze, move your pawn as far as possible along the open pathway. If you reach your treasure tile, flip over your card. You now look at the next card in your stack, and on your next turn will begin moving towards that tile. If you don’t reach your treasure tile, that is fine. Just try to set yourself up to reach it on your next turn! The game ends once a player has flipped over all of their treasure cards and returned their pawn to its starting position.
I loved Labyrinth as a kid, and I still love it as an adult. The gameplay is pretty engaging, and now that I’m older, I can appreciate the strategy required of the game way more. One of the most fun parts of the game is the act of shifting the tiles. It’s just fun to watch the rows shift, creating new pathways and trapping opponents in dead-end routes. Not just that, but the amount of strategy you need for success is crazy! You have to be thinking several turns in advance, trying to figure out how to shift the randomly set-up maze to your maximum benefit, while also trying to anticipate how your opponents might shift the maze as well. There really is no down-time in Labyrinth, and that keeps it exciting for such a simple game.

The one thing I do not necessarily like about Labyrinth is that you are only allowed to look at your top treasure card at a time. Sometimes you spend several turns getting to a treasure tile, just to look at your next card and realize that you passed through that tile several times on your way here. I guess it would probably make the game easier overall if you could see all of your cards at once and decide your path from there. Not that I necessarily want an easier game, it can just get frustrating sometimes when you have to be traveling back and forth across the board for every single card.

Labyrinth is definitely a game that I will keep in my collection forever. It was a childhood favorite of mine, and I still love to bring it out with my siblings for some good nostalgia coupled with brain-burning strategy. I can’t wait to have children of my own so that I can play this game with them as well. Just because it’s an old game, doesn’t mean that it’s a bad game! Give it a try if you haven’t, because I think you’ll love it. Purple Phoenix Games gives Labyrinth a twisting 8 / 12.
    Shake 'em Dice

    Shake 'em Dice

    Games and Education

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    Tilt, twist and shake your phone to make the dice roll and tumble using realistic 3D physics. It's...



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Baby Dinosaur Rescue
Baby Dinosaur Rescue
2019 | Kids Game, Prehistoric
The Kids Table series from Purple Phoenix Games seeks to lightly explore games that are focused toward children and families. We will do our best to give some good insight, but not bog you down with a million rules.

The island’s volcano is about to erupt! We HAVE to get these baby dinosaurs to safety FAST! Place the game board on the table with the lava tracker token on the highest lava spot. Depending on how challenging you want your game, place all your dinosaur tokens at the bottom of the board ready to move to safety. Shuffle the cards and deal each player three. You are ready to truck it to the safety of a neighboring island.
On your turn you will play a card from your hand and move any dinosaur to the next-closest open spot that matches the card you played. So if you play that Fish Bone card, move one dino to the first Fish Bone spot on the board you see. Draw another card and it’s the next player’s turn. Do they also have a Fish Bone? Great, play it now because the next-closest open Fish Bone spot is the one PAST where you last placed a dino moving them even further ahead!

Uh oh, have a Lava card in your hand? You HAVE to play that first. When a Lava card is played, no dinosaurs move, but the Lava token moves down one spot closer to obliterating the island!

Play continues in this fashion of playing cards and hopefully leap-frogging dinos to move further ahead on the path to safety. Players are playing cooperatively, so either everyone wins when all the dinos get to the other island, or everyone loses because the island has been burninated.
Components. Any game with a trumpet-playing character already has great components. But, the board and chips are good sturdy quality, and the cards are as well. If you find that you will be playing this one quite a bit I would suggest sleeving the cards as they are handled a lot during play.

We love this game and my son requests it more than any other game we own. It is simple, fun, and tense at times! What we love about this game as parents is that it teaches children about cooperative gaming. No dinosaurs are owned in the game – everyone is trying to save ALL the dinos, not just “THEIR” dino. It also teaches that sometimes you have Lava cards and are unable to help the team, and that’s okay because another player will pick up that slack and make the team better. Gotta love educational games with great themes! Pick it up online as I haven’t seen it in stores anywhere.