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Swiss Army Man (2016)
Swiss Army Man (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
The movie ends with more questions than what it started with as turn after delightful turn unfold
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OK so this is something that I thought looked absolutely stupid when I first saw the previews for it in the movies. I must say how horribly wrong I was. Swiss Army Man is unique and inspired. Daniel Radcliffe is amazing as Manny "the multipurpose tool man".

The movie opens with Hank (Dando) waking up on a deserted beach, unaware of where he is or what has transpired for him to be there. As he takes in his surroundings he gives way to despair and preps to commit suicide, when he notices a body on the beach. He races over to the body which begins to expel gas on which Hank rides Manny like a jet ski to get off an island. Shortly after,

Manny begins showing signs of semipermeable intelligence. At which point he slowly comes "alive" in a have animated have dead state, almost like a paraplegic zombie. The story centers around the two learning how to live again and a story of finding oneself and making it in the world.

Through out the movie Dano and Radcliffe are stuck in the middle of the woods, where Manny's many talents come to save Hank from the brink of death time and time again. While in the woods Hank tries to teach Manny how to live again, the two undergo a spiritual journey that eventually leads Hank and Manny back to civilization.

The movie ends with more questions than what it started with as turn after delightful turn unfold, you are left wondering what the hell is going on. It is a very funny, tongue in cheek, and almost campy movie at times, but I found it to be surprisingly delightful.

Due to some of the language and brief nudity of Daniel's butt, I would suggest that this not be watched with young children as it is Rated R.
Viy (Spirit of Evil) (1967)
Viy (Spirit of Evil) (1967)
1967 | Horror
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Soviet horror movie from the 1960s rather unexpectedly turns out to be a close spiritual cousin of the kind of films that Hammer et al were making in the west at the same time. A trainee priest finds himself compelled to spend three nights reading prayers over the body of (supposedly) a wealthy landowner's daughter - but the corpse bears a striking resemblance to that of a witch he earlier killed...

Not the longest of films, which is just as well as the pacing may require patience on the part of the viewer; after a very eerie sequence early on, there's a long wait until the stuff with the protagonist's vigil in the second half. Nevertheless, it's worth it, mainly because the special effects are remarkably good, well up to the standard of equivalent western films of the same period (and probably better). Not particularly scary or graphic by modern standards, but the climax has a creepy sort of power to it and the overall impression is of a classy and well-made film; if there's a political subtext to it, it's very well-hidden.
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    Dr Bill, MD is a long time lecturer and current educator with the American Academy of Anti-Aging...