The Concise Book of Muscles
This fully updated and revised third edition of The Concise Book of Muscles is designed in...

Year Book of Medicine: 2016
James A. Barker, Jennifer L. Barton, Michael R. Gold and Nancy Misri Khardori
The Year Book of Medicine brings you abstracts of the articles that reported the year's breakthrough...

The Little Book of Feminism
Do you want to know more about the fight for women's rights, what we've achieved and how we got...

The Little Book of Rude Words
Swearing is an art form, and with this handy collection of obscenities you can be the Picasso of...

The Mammoth Book of One-Liners
A collection of 10,000 side-splitting one-line jokes arranged in categories from bestselling humour...

The Gardener's Book of Colour
A revised and updated edition of Andrew Lawson's classic work Andrew Lawson has an artist's eye, a...
Scratch & Sniff Book of Weed
Ann Pickard, Seth Matlins and Eve Epstein
This entertaining and whimsically illustrated journey into the world of weed not only charms the...
Sherlock: The Puzzle Book
Steve Tribe, Cavan Scott and Christopher Maslanka
'Dear God, what is it like in your funny little brains? It must be so boring.' Can you pit your wits...