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Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2001)
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2001)
2001 | Action, Drama, International

"And then, one that I can’t get away from is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. First of all, in America, we weren’t all that familiar with Chow Yun-Fat, and we were a little bit more familiar with Michelle Yeoh, but we weren’t all that familiar with Ziyi Zhang, who’s phenomenal in everything that she does. But we’d never seen… I was new to the business — I’d been in show business since 1997, so I was three years in show business, and a lover of movies my whole life. And I remember sitting in the theater going, “This is a turning point. I’ve never seen anything like this in my entire life.” And then it’s been copied now, over and over and over and over. And I would kind of argue that things like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, I’d have to call that an original take on that genre. The story is beautiful, and visually, what Ang Lee was able to do… The fact that he can do that and make beautiful films like Brokeback Mountain, and then come back and do movies like Life of Pi, which is another visually stunning film. For me, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon might be on the list to stay. You and I could sit down and watch that movie right now and still go, “God is that cool! That is just cool.”"

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Teacher’s Threat
Teacher’s Threat
Diane Vallere | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Going Back to School is Murder
Madison Night needs cash to buy inventory to relaunch her decorating business. After the banks keep turning her down, she hopes that getting an MBA will change their minds. The only class she is finding helpful in the program is Radical Business Theory, even after the professor uses her as an example on her first day. However, when the professor is killed in the parking lot, Madison wonders what is going on at her new school. Can she figure out how to relaunch her business while also solving the murder?

This book really is focused on both parts of that question, and new comers to the series will definitely find the mystery slow as a result. As a fan of the series who is invested in Madison’s life, I found the dual focus enjoyable. It certainly helps that we have an ingenious murder method and a surprising yet logical climax. The characters, both new and returning, are great as always. Fans of Doris Day will laugh at the massive Easter Egg in this book, but if you haven’t watched the movies, you’ll be fine since the author uses the scene to advance the plot. If you are a fan of this mystery series, you’ll be happy with this book. If the series sounds fun to you, I recommend you start at the beginning.
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