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ClareR (5784 KP) rated Cat Lady in Books

Aug 14, 2023  
Cat Lady
Cat Lady
Dawn O'Porter | 2022 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved this! We meet Mia at a pet bereavement group - but her cat, Pigeon, is alive and well. She lives with her husband, his son and her beloved house cat. Oh, and the ex-wife comes and goes as she pleases with her own key!

Mia’s life is very regimented, and this is apparent in every aspect. Especially work. She works for a socialite jewellery maker, who seems to have no business sense and asks Daddy for money for the business all the time.

And then everything seems to start going wrong at the same time, and Mia makes a lot of questionable, yet understandable, decisions.

There’s some graphic sex scenes (not a problem for me, but fair warning, as some of my fellow readers on The Pigeonhole didn’t appreciate them), and scenes where Mia struggles with her mental health, culminating in suicidal thoughts.

On the outside, Mia is all business and appears to be emotionally detached. On the inside, it’s clearly a maelstrom of feelings which are mainly caused by a terrible childhood and a stupid husband (I couldn’t think of a more appropriate word, and he is stupid).

I’ve read a couple of Dawn’s books now, and I should stop being so surprised at how thoughtful, emotional and funny they are. I thoroughly enjoyed this, and I’m no cat lady (dogs all the way - but I do like cats too, so perhaps I’m a bit of both).