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Strength Check (Dungeons and Dating #1)
Strength Check (Dungeons and Dating #1)
Katherine McIntyre | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book, right? This book has a little bit of everything, and then some!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Melody moves clear across the country, to share with Roxie, for a new job. Both women are hurting from bad break ups and jumping into something new isn't on either of their agendas, but sometimes, the heart wins out. Can they leave their baggage behind?

This book, right? This book has a little bit of everything, and then some!

It's got a whole lotta love between the group of friends that Roxie introduces Mel to, and I loved the way they fully pulled her into their fold, very quickly. Very quickly, those friends pegged that Rox has feeling for Mel, and not in a roommate kind of way! That she continues to deny it, at least out loud, is amusing, especially as Mel is doing the exact same thing!

It's got drama, from both Mel and Rox. Mel's is her job and her ex. Rox' is her mum and the way her ex left her feeling about herself.

It's got steam! Mel and Rox do get there, yes they do, but it takes them time, and I wasn't sure if this book would come out clean, at first. It doesn't, but it takes til waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay past halfway for them to get there. BUT! They needed that time, I think, to get their heads round how they felt about each other and getting over their past heartbreaks.

Loved the business these guys have, the Tabletop Tavern, a board game cafe. Some of the game references I didn't get, but it didn't detract from my enjoyment of this book. Fully fledged gamers will get them all, I'm sure!

There are stories for the friends to be told, and I can't wait to read them! The next book is laid out here, but I've no idea what might happen there, and in future books.

A wonderful read, it really was.

5 full and shiny stars.

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Fire & Ice (Faerie Song Trilogy #1)
Fire & Ice (Faerie Song Trilogy #1)
Michele Barrow-Belisle | 2013 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When we first meet Lorelei she is quiet and unassuming, trying hard to remain that way as she works in her (deceased) Gran's cafe. However, things quickly start moving along as she invokes the wrath of a cheerleader who is dating her best friend, a boy appears out of nowhere and insinuates himself into her life (and she's completely okay with that) and we won't even get to the fact that when she was younger she thinks she did a deal with some sort of angel, except he had black raven's feathers on his wings, and he now controls her singing voice.

There is such a lot going on in this book and that is just the beginning. It all changes when she falls into Adrius' world and discovers that nothing is what it seems. I have to say that for someone who gives the impression of being unassuming in the 'normal' world, she certainly has a lot to say in a world she knows nothing about. I liked Lorelei but I did find her annoying at times with her 'quick wit' and complete disregard for anyone's opinion other than her own. And don't even get me started on how she can't do as she's told! Like I said, quiet and unassuming?!

The relationship between Lorelei and Adrius is complicated, to say the least, and certainly lives up to the title of the book. There is intensity and passion, along with a frisson of the forbidden. There is also, however, a strong hint of a love triangle which I'm really hoping doesn't come to anything. There is enough going on, and they have enough against them, without the need for a triangle. This would just add something completely unnecessary in my opinion but then I'm not a big fan of them anyway.

On the whole, this is a fast-paced, action-packed fantasy novel that starts off a new series with oomph. Definitely recommended to all YA Fantasy fans out there.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
August 27, 2016
Beautiful Shining People
Beautiful Shining People
Michael Grothaus | 2023 | Dystopia, Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
“”Beautiful, shining kami in the sky. All different. All unique. Just like us”…After that, whenever we went camping, I would always tell my parents I couldn’t wait until nightfall so I could see the beautiful shining people in the sky.”
I honestly didn’t know what to expect when I started reading this, but I quickly realised that I was loving what I was reading. I do like both speculative and science fiction, so I knew we’d be off to a good start.

This is so much more though. It’s about relationships, both with others and oneself. It’s about loneliness, feeling cut off from others and trying to make a connection.

Both John, a young American tech genius, and Neotnia, are loners. Neither of them want to be alone. John is trying to escape his past and his past self, and Neotnia wants to find her past. They’re both very caring, likeable characters, Neotnia in particular, especially in her interactions with the elderly residents of a home she volunteers at.

My particular favourite was the cafe owner and Neotnia’s guardian - Goeido. He has an interesting and sad past as a Sumo, and this is probably the reason why he is so protective towards Neotnia.

Some of the themes have their place in our society too. The rise of AI, tense relationships between superpowers, terrorist attacks, deep fakes, cyber attacks, fake news - all of these affect us today.

Tokyo as a setting was inspired. All of the AI and robots didn’t seem out of place. I mean, we expect them there, don’t we? Robots taking your order in a fast food restaurant and helping you with directions in the street seem not too far a reach of the imagination in Japan (you can probably tell I’ve never been there!).

The last chapter or so, was so powerful. It was sad and explained all of what had gone before. It was emotional, and the ending was perfect.

Many, many thanks to Orenda for sending me a copy as a part of their book club. I’m really glad I read it!
Me Before You
Me Before You
Jojo Moyes | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (59 Ratings)
Book Rating
<u>Me Before You</u> is an intense story about Will Traynor, a quadriplegic who is not happy about the current status of his life; and Louisa "Lou" Clark, his caregiver, hired by Will's parents for a term of six months.

Louisa Clark had never had any caregiver experience before working with Will Traynor. She had spent the past six years of her life working in a cafe called The Buttered Bun. When the owner decides to retire to a happier place, Lou is without a job and prospects for find one are very low in the town she lives in.

Will Traynor lived his life almost opposite of Louisa. Grabbing life by the horns and trying a new adventure all the time. When Will is involved in a terrible accident that changes his life forever, nothing will stop him from making the one and only decision he is capable of handling on his own.

<u>Me Before You</u> is a story about love and the lengths we will go through to support the ones that we love. Before Will met Louisa, he spent his days inside his home or never venturing far from it for anything more than a doctor's appointment or a trip to the hospital. When Louisa entered his life, she showed him that being in a wheelchair didn't have to be the only thing that defined his life. He could still live the adventurous life he used to, just under different circumstances. Before Louisa met Will, she had never traveled far from their small town. Will showed her all that the world had to offer and that she was worthy enough and deserved to enjoy all that was out there.

This book has been the subject of controversy because of the act of assisted suicide. No one can ever understand another person's turmoil. We all know that is wrong to kill, including killing yourself. In my opinion, Will's life was immensely enriched when Louisa came into it and he had so much to live for. But I could never imagine what he went through mentally and I could never imagine wanting to kill myself.

Overall, I enjoyed the book and I look forward to finding out what happens next for Louisa Clark.