Dear Millie: Diary of a Seven Year Old with Cancer
"Dear Millie, I am writing you this letter in the hope that life has afforded you the opportunity to...

Cancer Made Me a Shallower Person: A Memoir in Comics
Miriam Engelberg was forty-three when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Like anyone faced with a...

moleMonitor - Skin Cancer Mole Checker
Medical and Health & Fitness
The ONLY mole checker app to have been approved by the NHS, the UK government's National Health...
Rectal Cancer: Modern Approaches to Treatment: 2017
Rectal Cancer: Modern Approaches to Treatment provides a useful overview of the multidisciplinary...

Flying Free: Choosing to Thrive Through Cancer
'Flying Free' Powerful journeys of those who DARE to LIVE! 'Choosing to thrive through cancer'...

The Light in the Darkness: Musings on Living With Cancer
The Light in the Darkness is a must-have companion for anyone living with a serious illness, or...
Inspirational Personal Growth
Renegade: Henry Miller and the Making of Tropic of Cancer
Though branded as pornography for its graphic language and explicit sexuality, Henry Miller's...

Yoga for Cancer: A Guide to Managing Side Effects, Boosting Immunity, and Improving Recovery for Cancer Survivors
For those faced with a cancer diagnosis and the journey of doctor-led surgery and treatments, yoga...

Firstcheck Skin - Melanoma skin cancer app
Medical and Health & Fitness
The Firstcheck Skin app is now available in Australia and New Zealand putting your local skin...