Breakthrough: How One Teen Innovator is Changing the World
Jack Andraka and Matthew Lysiak
An inspiring teenage memoir from globally renowned young scientist Jack Andraka. Have you ever had a...

Napkin Notes: Make Lunch Meaningful, Life Will Follow
Garth Callaghan doesn't know how long he has to live. But he can be certain of one simple thing: No...

In Gratitude
The future flashed before my eyes in all its pre-ordained banality. Embarrassment, at first, to the...

The Sober Diaries: How one woman stopped drinking and started living
A bravely honest and brilliantly comic account of how one mother gave up drinking and started living...

Chromatin Signaling and Diseases
Olivier Binda and Martin Ernesto Fernandez-Zapico
Chromatin Signaling and Diseases covers the molecular mechanisms that regulate gene expression,...
Fracking the Neighborhood: Reluctant Activists and Natural Gas Drilling
When natural gas drilling moves into an urban or a suburban neighborhood, a two-hundred-foot-high...

Tropic of Capricorn
A cult modern classic, Tropic of Capricorn is as daring, frank and influential as Henry Miller first...

The 2-Day Diet Cookbook
Michelle Harvie and Tony Howell
The 2-Day Diet is the clinically proven 5:2 diet developed by acclaimed scientists Dr Michelle...

10% Human: How Your Body's Microbes Hold the Key to Health and Happiness
'A manual for the new, healthy way of being dirty ...Read it, and you will learn to love your...

Quit Now - stop smoking today
Health & Fitness
Quit Now is for smokers who are ready to quit. The course will take approximately 5 days to...