Suswatibasu (1702 KP) rated A Monster Calls (2016) in Movies
Sep 11, 2017
From being bullied, abandoned and dealing with a mother dying from cancer, one day a monster in the form of a tree visits him to reveal various tales with a moral context. These come in the form of beautiful animations, not too dissimilar from The Three Brothers sequence in one of the final Harry Potter films. What we have to establish is whether the boy is actually encountering this monster or whether it is part of his repressed emotions.
Acting from the entire cast including Felicity Jones and more so the young child actor was fantastic. An interesting watch.

Lindsay (1732 KP) rated The Caregiver (Families of Honor, #1) in Books
Feb 15, 2018
Lucy then travel on a train to take care of her cousin Mattie who is having breast cancer. She meet a young man named Calvin and his sister, Katie and his uncle John. They are travel back home to Jacob Crossing. They get to know each other while traveling. They both have carry past hurts. Their train break down along the way and they have to band together while they face the outside world.

lurkykitty (3 KP) rated The Last Confession of Autumn Casterly in Books
Mar 26, 2020

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Kim Pook (101 KP) rated Kiss and cry (2017) in Movies
Jul 24, 2020
The movie itself was OK, I did feel happy and also sad for her at times. But what was off putting was the constant narration and time jumps, I feel it would have been a better movie without all that and instead focus on the story itself.
I didn't find out until the credits rolled that the person who played carley in the movie, was real life carleys best friend. I found that absolutely amazing that she was able to do that.