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Dead Man Walking (1995)
Dead Man Walking (1995)
1995 | Drama, Mystery

"I think the next one was Dead Man Walking. One, it was a brilliant film with brilliant performances, but I thought the filmmaker put forth the question without giving us the answers. And I thought he did it masterfully. You know, it’s a question of capital punishment. It wasn’t preachy, it wasn’t didactic, it wasn’t sort of a polemic that you kind of go, “Let’s investigate this like an English class.” It was telling you a great story because, you know, all the audience wants to hear is what happened next. So it was telling you a great story, and based on the story telling I found my perspective changing. I had great sympathy for Sean Penn’s character and then suddenly I didn’t. And I thought he deserved exactly what he got. And then in the next fifteen minutes, my point of view would change. That’s why I thought it really involved you on an emotional level on the question of capital punishment. But even more than that I think it showed what film can do and what really great storytelling can do."

Surviving Execution
Surviving Execution
Ian Woods | 2018 | Crime, Law
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
First off thank you to readers first for a copy of this book.

Surviving execution is the true story of Richard Glossip, a man who is on death row for a crime he never committed. Richard Glossip’s story is told by Ian Woods a UK Sky news reporter, Ian wanted to bring this to the UK’s attention of the miscarriage of justice and how capital punishment is not always as straight forward as it’s made out to be.

Richard Glossip was arrested for the murder of his boss and motel owner Barry Von Treese, however Richard was not the person that killed him but was implicated by Justin Sneed and the police who interviewed him. For this the man who actually murdered Barry Von Treese got life without parole whilst Richard gets the death penalty for being the supposed mastermind.

Richards Glossip didn’t start off well with a bad lawyer that was under qualified for this type of case and failure to bringing certain evidence to light was going to cost Richard his life. With multiple trials, appeals and stays you would hope this man would get some sort of break, however that’s not the case and shows how corrupt the police and the law can be.

Also this book tells us a bit about the history of Capital Punishment, the methods, the countries and also the abolitionists. Although this is non fiction it is really easy to digest and very much the page turner. It makes you question so many things and whether this should really still be carried out.

We also get an insight in to what Ian Woods is thinking as he is helping this mans case and whether he would or could witness the death of a man that he has come to know and call a friend. Ian tries to remain unbiased especially when asked if he thinks Richard is guilty which infuriates others helping with the case. This case got some high coverage as Richard Branson, Susan Sarandon, Sister Helen Prejean and even the Pope got involved.

I would really recommend reading this book if you are interested in true crime and capital punishment. Maybe just read this book so you can decide if the state of Oklahoma was correct in giving this man the death penalty.
In cold blood is a true crime story about a family murdered in Kansas. The book shows us through the eyes of both the investigators on the case and their struggle for justice but also the criminals who justify the crime and their actions.

In cold blood opens you up to the reality of human nature. For these criminals to commit the murders of 4 people and not show any remorse is shocking. Towards the end of the book, there is a strong debate about how these criminals should be punished, life imprisonment or capital punishment which in this case was hanging. It brings up the question of morality and responsibility, of whether as humans we can play God and take a life?

Continue reading my review at:
Maggie Hope has returned to the US. She’s come back as part of Prime Minster Churchill’s staff during his historic meeting with President Roosevelt during December 1941. They’ve hardly arrived when Maggie gets pulled into a case involving the First Lady. Mrs. Roosevelt’s personal secretary is dead from an apparent suicide, but something seems off, and there is a clue that points to the First Lady. A scandal could derail this new alliance. Can Maggie find the truth before the lies come out?

I’ve enjoyed the previous books in this series, so I was looking forward to this one. Sadly, it is extremely weak. The mystery took a back seat to watching history unfold and sub-plots that involved supporting characters. All the characters felt weak, and one devolved into someone I didn’t like. But my real problem were the lectures on everything from race to imperialism and capital punishment, which again slowed things down.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Adam Silvera recommended The Young Elites in Books (curated)

The Young Elites
The Young Elites
Marie Lu | 2014 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.9 (12 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"A Game of Thrones meets X-Men in this 14th-century fantasy from Marie Lu (the Legend trilogy), in a world where "fear is power." Sixteen-year-old Adelina Amouteru is a malfetto, one whose appearance is "marked" by the blood fever that crippled the country of Kenettra and claimed her mother's life. The blood fever took Adelina's left eye, turned her hair silver, and gave her a power that's remained dormant--until the fateful night her merchant father agrees to trade her to a suitor in exchange for cleared debts. Adelina runs away from home, and once her father catches up with her, she taps into a great hatred within and conjures forth phantoms that quickly cause his death. It was an accident, but the Inquisitors arrest Adelina and sentence her to burn at the stake--a common punishment for malfettos--for the murder of her father. Master Teren Santoro, the 19-year-old Lead Inquisitor of Kenettra, works to cleanse the world of malfettos with ""demon"" abilities. When it comes time to burn Adelina in the central market square, Enzo Valenciano, a malfetto known widely as The Reaper, melts her shackles with his burning touch and releases her. He takes her to Estenzia, the northern port capital, where Enzo introduces Adelina to the world of the Dagger Society--a group of Young Elites with dangerous powers--and their mission to find malfettos like themselves before the Inquisition can. Adelina must pass a series of tests before she can undertake bigger missions with the other six Young Elites who can control their talents, and it's here with the Dagger Society that she discovers her ability to conjure illusions is rooted in darkness. But when Teren Santoro takes her younger sister hostage in exchange for information on the identities, location and plans of the Young Elites, Adelina is compelled to betray them, even if it means leaving the undiscovered malfettos all over the world prey to the Inquisitors, and risking her own death as punishment at the hands of the Elites. In Lu's compelling new novel, the characters are morally complex (the Young Elites are not fully innocent, there are depths to Adelina's darkness and layers to the cross Teren bears)--and no one is safe in the book's final conflict. What at first appears to be romance-lite unfolds in tricky and interesting ways. The many twists, cinematic battles and the overriding epic fantasy will keep readers hooked for book two, which teases to be quite the game-changer. Bring it on."


Awix (3310 KP) rated Survivors in TV

Mar 9, 2018  
1975 | Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi
6.4 (16 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Terry Nation's apocalyptic drama-adventure series came out of the same mid-70s interest in self-sufficiency that produced The Good Life, but also clearly owes a debt to George R Stewart's 1949 novel Earth Abides. A man-made virus devastates civilisation forcing the few who survive to rebuild; over the course of three series the programme deals with individual responses to the catastrophe, the characters coming together to build a community, and then an attempt to reconstruct something like a nation.

Many changes on both sides of the camera mean that Survivors is an inconsistent show, with nearly everyone agreeing the best episodes are all in the first season. This is not to say the first season is perfect or the others are not worth watching (though there are a few dud episodes). The best episodes are ones which mix character-based drama and big ideas - the capital punishment-themed Law and Order, in which the members of the community must decide what to do with one of their number they believe to be a murderer, is a particular highlight. Series anticipates Nation's Blake's 7 in the way a supporting character ends up as the de facto lead, in both cases a ruthless pragmatist becoming a very unconventional hero.

Criticisms that the show is middle class are somewhat justified; members of the working class are either comic relief or shotgun-toting menaces (trade unionists are also depicted as a menace). The low budget of the later episodes (most of which were made on VT rather than film) also shows. The second season can be a bit dull but the others are seldom less than interesting, and occasionally extremely good.
Into The Abyss (2011)
Into The Abyss (2011)
2011 | Crime, Documentary, Drama
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Every now and again I like to leave the fictional world of film and take a trip into reality. I did so with Into the Abyss. A film by Werner Herzog (Rescue Dawn) it looks at the always controversial capital punishment, and focuses on one particular triple murder in the state of Texas.

Using actual footage of the crime scenes which is disturbing enough, Herzog also draws on the real life interviews of those involved and how it has affected their lives. It also explains to us what causes a person to commit murder, and if taking a life for a life really is worth it in the long run.

What is the most shocking with this film is the complete lack of remorse both inmates have. Michael Perry the condemned, man is courteous and polite in his responses as he sits looking through the perspex glass that separates him from Herzog.

As Herzog states at their first meeting he doesn’t particularly like him but he has respect for him, more than likely due in part to the honestly of his answers and how he’s dealing with certain death. The other is Jason Burkett, sentenced to life for his part in the crime, he won’t get out until much past sixty-five, a terrifying prospect when you’re only in your twenties.

Burkett still tries to command a normal life, married to someone on the outside who he rarely gets to touch physically they have a child on the way, although the conception is kept a closely guarded secret, despite advances to find out by Herzog. Both men have always blamed the other and both claimed their innocence.

The film is broken down into chapters, opening with a somber account of life and death from The Reverend Richard Lopez, the man that holds the hand of those sent to death, for their final walk into the unknown. It then quickly moves to an in-depth look at the murders, the how, the why and the where? This all makes for an impactul watch.

ClareR (5589 KP) rated The Sentence in Books

Nov 6, 2023 (Updated Nov 6, 2023)  
The Sentence
The Sentence
Christina Dalcher | 2023 | Contemporary, Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Christina Dalcher really does write a good dystopian thriller! This time, the US government has decided that the way to end capital punishment is to make the prosecutors responsible for any miscarriages of justice pay with their own lives. So if an innocent person goes to the electric chair, the prosecutor will follow them - and all without a trial. That trial already happened when the wrong person was deemed guilty.

This is such a tense read! Justine Boucher had always campaigned against the death sentence, but when her husband is brutally murdered, she is given a case where the person on trial appears to be guilty without question. But as time goes on, and Justine asks more questions, it begins to look as though there is more to the ‘guilty’ mans case. The parts from Jake Milford’s (the prisoner waiting on death row) diary entries are heartbreaking.

This throws up the question of just who is this State Remedies Act for? It still satiates the need for blood, for someone to pay with their life for the life that’s been taken. Ok, in my opinion, this is why a death penalty will never work. How can we always be 100 percent sure that someone is guilty? Is it worth killing the majority if one innocent person slips through the safety net?

It was interesting to read how Justine had gone from being a member of Vita with her husband, campaigning for the abolishment of the death penalty, to making sure that the man she was prosecuting was killed. I think this proved that once you put a human with all of their emotions and opinions in to the equation, it will always be nigh-on impossible to have an impartial verdict.

This is a really tense read, and the fact that we never really know how it ends was the icing on the cake for me - frustrating, but oh so good. It certainly leaves the reader with a lot to think about.

Louise (64 KP) rated Moonrise in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
Sarah Crossan | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest opinion*

I have read the majority of Sarah Crossan’s work so picking this up was a ‘no brainer’.

Edward Moon was forced to sign a confession to a crime he never committed. Moonrise is told from Joseph Moon’s perspective some 10 years later as his brother has had his date set for his execution.

Edward, Angela and Joseph didn’t have the best upbringing when they were kids, their mother was an alcoholic and neglected them. It was down to their aunt Karen to take the up the role of the parent but as a christian had very strict rules. When Edward was seventeen he left home, unable to tolerate the his aunts strict demands. His moment of freedom was short-lived as he gets incarcerated for the murder of a local policeman. 10 years on and Joseph is to make the journey to Texas to find out what really happened and to say his goodbyes as Edwards execution has been scheduled. Joseph moves in to a decrepit motel room and gets by doing chores for the local diner. His month-long stay in Texas is to get to know his brother again only to say goodbye.

This book was just OK, it deals with a topic that is not widely written about in YA books but I did prefer ‘One’ and ‘The weight of water’. In true Sarah Crossan fashion this book is written entirely in verse, it can be read as individual poems or as a story whatever your preference. This book was not as thought-provoking as her other books and whilst the topic is something that intrigues me, I felt it could have been more emotional and had more character development, the emotional side of things just wasn’t captured well in the writing and I think that’s what let it down for me. It’s probably my own fault, as I tend to go into these book with high expectations. I feel like capital punishment could have been addressed more and given the audience more awareness of executions.

Even though I thought this was only OK, I would still recommend trying it for several reasons, 1. the topic, 2. it’s written in verse. 3. Everyone else seemed to love it.

I rated this 3 out of 5 stars.
From Blood and Ash (Blood and Ash #1)
From Blood and Ash (Blood and Ash #1)
Jennifer L. Armentrout | 2020 | Dystopia, Erotica, Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wonderful story with twists that I did not expect. (0 more)
There really isn't anything I can complain about. (0 more)
Surprisingly Good *Not The Teen Novel It Is Made Out To Be....Adult Content*
To start out with potential readers need to be aware that this book and in fact the entire series is apparently considered to be teen novels. In fact, I pulled it from the front shelf in the teen section of my local library. While as a teen reading explicit materials was not a problem for me and my parents were ok with it as well I do recognize the fact that there are many parents who would not appreciate their teens reading the kind of content this book contains. The fact that nowhere on the book's cover or on its GoodReads or Amazon profile does it state that this should be for mature readers only is concerning. When I say that this book is explicit I mean that there are quite a few "adult situations" that are described in detail in which that detail is not necessary to carry the plotline along even if the occurrence of the situation does. You have been warned...

Moving on
So the only reason why I read this book is that the third book in the series "The Crown of Guilded Bones" was ranked very high on GoodReads. In fact, I believe it actually ranked in the 2021 books of the year. Anyway, the third book sounded great so I went back and started the series from the beginning.

This book follows the life of Poppy AKA The Maden. Being named the Maiden is supposed to be a huge honor but it comes with a lot of strict rules that make it feel more like a punishment than anything else. Unsurprisingly Poppy comes to find that the world she lives in is not at all what she thinks it to be and must face hard truths as she races to the capital of her land to be protected from the Atlantians but is that really what is happening?

This book offers a surprisingly unique look at some classic fantasy themes, characters, and creatures. There is very little that is as it seems and there are so many twists that it will make the reader pause to process the new direction the story moves in every few chapters. While it isn't exactly a short book this is almost guaranteed to be a quick read because you are not going to want to put it down.