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The Death of an Ambitious Woman
The Death of an Ambitious Woman
Barbara Ross | 2010 | Mystery
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
It Definitely Wasn’t an Accident
The car crash that killed Tracey Kendall was looking suspicious from the start. She was driving way too fast and didn’t break at all for example. Then the mechanic who serviced her car vanishes, which definitely makes acting police chief Ruth Murphy suspect there is more going on than a simple accident. Unfortunately, this comes at the worst possible time with her permanent promotion to police chief about to go through. Can she navigate internal politics and still uncover the truth?

I was thrilled to finally make it back to Barbara Ross’s debut mystery. The mystery is strong, and the internal politics adds a nice layer to an already complex mystery. Ruth and her fellow police officers are strong characters, and I also felt the main suspects were well developed. Some of the supporting players got a little lost, but that is my only complaint about the book. This is a step away from the author’s normal cozy mysteries, with a few four letter words and a touch more description of the aftermath of violence. Still, most of her readers will do just fine with this soft-boiled or traditional tale. Anyone who enjoys a good mystery should pick up this book.
Awake (2021)
Awake (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Drama
1.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This movie stars Gina Rodriguez aka Jane the virgin as Jill, a young mum who also seems to be a prescription drug dealer!?! Anyway, one day after work Jill gets into a car crash with her kids in the car, at the same time as a power cut. When she goes to the hospital, patients who were in a coma start waking up and staff are busy wondering what's happening. It is soon evident that the world is unable to sleep except for Jill's daughter matilda. They need to find a way to be able to sleep before everyone turns crazy and matilda is the key.
This film really confused me, I thought the whole being awake thing had happened during the power cut, but the way people were behaving it was like they'd been that way for a while. Jill mentions she had only been awake for 4 days, so was everyone effected at different times? How long has it been going on? Nothing made sense and I lost interest quickly. I watched to the end to see if all these answers became clear, but they didn't. That's an hour and thirty five minutes of my life I never getting back.

Hazel (2934 KP) rated One Eye Open in Books

Jul 12, 2020  
One Eye Open
One Eye Open
Paul Finch | 2020 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have made it no secret that I am a fan of Paul Finch ... how could you not be with characters from his previous books like DS Mark "Heck" Heckenburg and PC Lucy Clayborn? Well here we have another memorable character ... DS Lynda Hagan.

This is a stand-alone book which follows the investigation into a seemingly straight forward car crash involving an ex-Formula 1 driver (Wade) and his wife Harriet (Harri) but it is anything but and we are soon taken on a non-stop ride full of action, suspense and intrigue involving gangs, grasses/snitches and one relentless and determined copper.

Told from Lynda's perspective in the present and Wade's timeline from the weeks leading up to the crash, with a great plot and a break-neck pace with twists and breath-holding moments, this is a great crime thriller. I wonder if there are going to more books featuring DS Hagan, I would quite like to get to know her a bit more because I think we only scratched the surface in this and I think there is more to her than meets the eye! If so, I will be the first in the queue.

Thank you to Orion Publishing Group via NetGalley for my advance copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.