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House Beneath the Bridge
House Beneath the Bridge
Iain Rob Wright | 2017 | Horror
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
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The burning of the wrong person leads to a village being cursed. Years later a car crash leaves three groups of people stranded in a dried up river bed that should be easy to get out of, but isn't. Some take haven in a strange church whilst others find a strange house. Terrorised by a strange monk and a giant toad god they need to find a way out, but who can they trust.

This is the first book by Iain Rob Wright that I have read and I have to say I enjoyed it. There are a number of characters who could be the villain or who could be helping the main cast and the reader is misled through out a lot of the book. The landscape the cast are trapped in is just strange enough to add a bit of unease but not so strange that it takes away form the characters interaction.
It was also nice to find a stand alone novel as there are a lot of series' around.

Sassy Brit (97 KP) rated Blame in Books

Jun 5, 2019  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Imagine, several years of your life just vanish as a result of an accident, but all you know is that the person you were with was killed and everyone blames you. This is situation Jeff Abbott tackles in Blame, an engaging thriller with an ending I didn’t expect.

Jane Norton is hiding something, and although we vaguely know pretty early on what has happened to her, she is an amnesiac and not portrayed in the best light. Why was she in the car with David, the boy who died? Who wrote the note they found at the scene of the car crash, which appeared to be written in Jane’s handwriting stating “I wish we were dead together”?

The slow start of the story reflects her altered perception of things in a way which explores how she came to be in the state she is, piecing together what happened, in her own disorientated way. I felt sorry for her, yet slightly annoyed at her behaviour. Yes, she is flawed, but she is also scared and frustrated. Does she deserve the treatment some throw at her? Would you be able to forgive her if you knew the truth? As the story progressed I found I was beginning to revel in Jane’s take no sh^t attitude and she grew on me even more.

I took a while to get into this, but glad I stuck it out. That’s never a good expression to put into a review, but it is how I felt. Despite this, the plot did indeed gather speed and there were twists and turns galore, which raced to a final conclusion that made reading this book all worthwhile.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Waves (2019) in Movies

Jan 22, 2020  
Waves (2019)
Waves (2019)
2019 | Drama
Powerful, visually dazzling contemporary drama. The lives of an African-American family in Florida begin to unravel when their son, perhaps pushed too hard by a driven father, develops a painkiller addiction and discovers his girlfriend is pregnant. Very much in the same kind of vein as Moonlight, but I found this to be much more powerful in addition to being incredibly creative visually - the screen is filled with a bravura mixture of colour and movement.

For the first hour and half or so, this is like watching a car crash in slow motion: it's almost unbearable to watch the main character go off the rails, but you can't look away either. It concludes with the kind of incident you hear about as a brief item on the news, but here the film puts flesh on those bones and the scale of the tragedy is made clear. The third act is a definite change of pace: no less artfully made or moving, but less focused, and the outcome of the film remains in doubt until the very end. I'm hugely surprised this hasn't featured on the Academy Awards shortlist: a tremendous film in so many ways.