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What Do You Meme?
What Do You Meme?
2018 | Adult, Humor
The concept is very similar to cards against humanity. You have to caption the meme and the best/ funniest wins.

It is super easy to play, one person selects a common meme and the rest have to pick a card in their hand to caption it, whoever selected the meme then picks the winner, the aim is to collect as many of the big meme cards by the end.

It’s a fun party game to play as it is really easy to understand and some of the results are hilarious.

Akward (448 KP) rated Joking Hazard in Tabletop Games

May 26, 2018 (Updated May 29, 2018)  
Joking Hazard
Joking Hazard
2016 | Adult, Card Game, Comic Book / Strip, Humor, Party Game
Just Another Shock-Value Game
I am confident that this game will be forgotten about one year from now, gathering dust at the back of many collections. When you substitute shock for creativity, you are left with a game that loses its appeal very quickly.

I know many people look back at their first game of Cards Against Humanity fondly. But once you have heard your 40th "Hitler's Penis" joke, you realize that there are much better games that you could spend your time with.
Cards Against Humanity
Cards Against Humanity
2009 | Adult, Card Game, Humor, Party Game, Print & Play
Funny (0 more)
Needs expansion packs after a while (0 more)
Great for Parties
I love this game. I play it with my family at Christmas and on holiday (because we are strange and inappropriate). It is always hilarious and often lasting jokes are created by the conversations we have whilst playing. (n.b. I would not recommend this as a "family game" for most families!)
The only drawback is that we play it a lot and thus some combinations of cards get played again and again which makes them less funny. Therefore we have to keep buying expansion packs to save from getting tired of it. However, that does make buying presents easier as Cards Against Humanity regularly bring out new decks and we can all buy them for eachother.
2014 | Card Game, Educational, Humor, Party Game, Word Game
Funny (1 more)
Easy to play
I absolutely love this game! This was brought to our group by one of our volunteers and it was an instant hit.

I like it because it’s played I similar format to Cards Against Humanity but can be adapted to use with a group of friends with a very dark sense of humour but will also work with a group where the humour is very light. Basically you could play it with your friends or your nan and it would work.

I have recommend this game to all of my friends, it really is that good!
Cards Against Humanity
Cards Against Humanity
2009 | Adult, Card Game, Humor, Party Game, Print & Play
Always good for laughs with friends (0 more)
Requires the right crowd (not a universally playable game) (0 more)
The original edgy humor game.
Cards Against Humanity is the original game of edgy humor. You need to be with the right group of friends for this one though, as it can get pretty offensive. If you have ever been asked to remove yourself from a game of Apples to Apples, this is your kind of game. CAH is definitely NOT kid friendly, but it is a great game to enjoy someone laughs with a group of like minded (read depraved) friends.

DreadpirateSmoo (95 KP) rated Joking Hazard in Tabletop Games

Oct 27, 2021 (Updated Oct 27, 2021)  
Joking Hazard
Joking Hazard
2016 | Adult, Card Game, Comic Book / Strip, Humor, Party Game
Easy to play, can be quick or long. (0 more)
It just isn't as funny as it could be. (0 more)
I found myself finding this game super easy to play and have played it a fair bit.
I don't ever pick to play this game myself and I think that is because I just don't find it funny.
Where games like what do you meme and cards against humanity are laugh out loud silly or blurt out a laugh offensively funny I just found this one lacking, and for me that really puts me off playing a game like this.
Per My Last Email
Per My Last Email
2019 | Party Game
Do you ever wish you could reply to your boss’s emails using the language that first pops into your head? Many people do, so don’t feel bad. What if there was a game that would put you into this scenario and have your boss choosing the worst reply from the group? Enter Per My Last Email – on Kickstarter until November 26, 2019.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a prototype copy of this game for the purposes of this review. As this is a preview copy of the game, I do not know if the final rules or components will be similar or different to what we were provided. -T

Per My Last Email is a party card game for groups of four or more players with more fun to be had with more than four players. To setup, shuffle the stack of Boss email cards (the red ones) and place them on the table. Next take the gargantuan stack of Reply and HR cards (the blue and green ones respectively) and shuffle them together. Good luck because there are a TON of these included. Deal each player 10 Reply cards, determine the starting Boss player and you are ready to play!

A game of Per My Last Email will play almost identically to Apples to Apples or Cards Against Humanity – or whichever flavor of this style of game you may prefer. Here’s how it runs down.

The Boss draws a red card and reads the email prompt to the other players. The other players then choose a Reply or HR card from their hand as their response to the Boss’s email. The Boss player then collects the cards, shuffles them, and reads each one aloud to the group. From there the Boss will choose their favorite response and the player who played that card will receive the Boss email card as a reward. Play continues in this fashion until one player holds four Boss cards – or whatever limit you set prior to playing. That player is the winner of Per My Last Email!

Components. To reiterate, we were provided a prototype copy of this game and we do not know if or how these components may change over the course of a successful Kickstarter campaign. This game is a box with about a zillion cards. The cards are good quality, and I appreciate that for a game like this there is no linen finish. Linen finishes can sometimes hinder printing on the cards. Not the case here. I also enjoyed seeing each card laid out like an actual company email. This attention to detail is refreshing. Where some designers and publishers may just throw some text on the cards, we get a real-feel email card and it’s lovely. I have no qualms with the components here except I wish I was better at shuffling 8,000 cards.

If you or your game group are fans of the party card games based on Apples to Apples, you might want to give this one a go. The Boss email cards and the hilarious Reply cards (especially the NSFW ones) will bring out tons of chuckles and discussion about how the players only WISH they could send emails like this to their bosses! Per My Last Email is definitely a step up from both Apples to Apples and Cards Against Humanity. Check out the game’s Kickstarter campaign that is active until November 26, 2019.
2015 | Card Game, Deduction, Party Game, Spies / Espionage, Word Game
Codenames is one of my top party games as it's one of the few that doesn't lose its lustre over multiple plays. Unlike games like Cards against humanity, there's actual skill involved with its clue choices. Two teams face off with one member from each team acting as a clue giver. The cluegiver aka spy master tried to come up with a word that can relate to selected phrases in a 5x5 grid. First team to guess all of its card wins. There definitely can be a skill difference between cluegivers, but the mind games of tryung to guess what your team will associate with your clue can result in hilarious moments.