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Angel: The Series - Season 1
Angel: The Series - Season 1
1999 | Adventure, Comedy, Horror
David boreanaz (1 more)
Charisma carpenter
Loved this show when it uses to be shown sky one hard to believe it's 20 years old now. Such a good moving angel away from Buffy the vampire slayer and into his own show bringing Cordelia along for the ride shame it only lasted five seasons. Plus next week going to a angel reunion convention in the UK reuniting the cast after 20 years except angel not coming shame
Skin Game (The Dresden Files, #15)
Skin Game (The Dresden Files, #15)
Jim Butcher | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
9.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hells Bells!
<2022 update>

I should perhaps mention that Michael Carpenter and his family don't actually turn up until a fair ways into the story ...

<original 2015 review>

"Last year I died, but I got better"

It's probably been over a year since I read the last Harry Dresden book, as I'd been waiting (and waiting, and waiting ...) for this one to come out in paperback. Was it worth the wait?

Absolutely yes.

I know it's still only March (nearly April), but this is a strong contender for my choice for book of the year - definitely the best I've read so far this year, with the bar set VERY high for any others later this year to match.

As this starts, Harry is still on Demonreach island, still recovering from previous events in Cold Days. It's not long, however, before Mab - the Winter Queen - has Harry (as her Winter Knight) paying off on of her debts, forcing him to work with Nicodemus Archleone and the Knights of the Blackened Denarius. Harry has to help Nicodemus to rob a vault belonging to the Lord of the Underworld Hades himself, while somehow staying alive and a step ahead of the inevitable betrayal.

As the Knights of the Denarius are involved, this also means that the Knights of the Cross - or, more specifically, Michael Carpenter - are back in the novel, as counter-points to the fallen angels. So, too, are Waldo Butters, Molly Carpenter, Bob the skull and Karrin Murphy with Thomas, however, conspicuous by his absence.

KyleQ (267 KP) rated Halloween (1978) in Movies

Jul 18, 2020  
Halloween (1978)
Halloween (1978)
1978 | Horror
A Carpenter Masterpiece
With an excellent eerie score, chilling suspenseful tone, realistic grounded acting, unforgettable quotable dialog, and genius inventive camera work. John Carpenter's classic slasher about a boogeyman possessed escaped inmate stalking babysitters on All Hallows Eve has been a huge inspiration for slasher films in generally. Not mention it spawned 7 sequels, a remake with a sequel, and a reboot. But after all these years John Carpenter's original Halloween still stands tall above the rest. A masterpiece!

Bostonian916 (449 KP) rated They Live (1988) in Movies

Aug 17, 2020 (Updated Aug 17, 2020)  
They Live (1988)
They Live (1988)
1988 | Comedy, Drama, Horror
John Carpenter's brilliance shines through in this adaptation that demonstrates (be it, in an over the top, Carpenter-esque manner) what happens when the world blindly follows what is being fed to them.

Roddy Piper (in arguably the role of his career) and Keith David both work tirelessly to do their part in creating an in film world where, through complete happenstance, they are gifted the ability to see the world for what it really is beyond the "truth" that is being shown to them. Both characters work feverishly to expose the wickedness of the world around them while being beat back around every bend.

All in all a very good action flick, especially given the tools available at the time to the film makers.

While John Carpenter is very widely known and revered in the industry, it is my opinion that They Live might be the most important work of his long and illustrious career. A scathing criticism of corporate and political greed and misdeeds the world over, displayed in a way that is oddly relatable over thirty years later.
It Follows (2015)
It Follows (2015)
2015 | Horror
A teen flick wrapped up in a John Carpenter film
There are many elements of 1970's and 80's horror films in this modern movie. From the panning cinematography and quietness of The Shining, to the virgin aspect of Halloween and Friday 13th. In this case, they've used the idea of sex to transmit a curse hence the plot is rather thin. And while the dream like quality is always eerie, the story wasn't strong enough to warrant a good rating.
Quarantine (2008)
Quarantine (2008)
2008 | Horror, Mystery
Jennifer carpenter (1 more)
As ive never seen the orignal rec wasnt sure if i would like the remake its okay movie probably not as good as rec but as a remake its kinda good jennifer cappenter plays a reporter who is filming a fire crew who is called out to a aparment building where the trouble starts as the tennants are soon infected. Plenty of gore on hand in this remake always a rewatch maybe i should watch rec next time

JT (287 KP) rated The Ward (2010) in Movies

Mar 16, 2020  
The Ward (2010)
The Ward (2010)
2010 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Occasional good use of camera angles (0 more)
Poor acting (2 more)
Laughable twist
Not scary
Carpenter must have been having an off day
his is a massive disappointment and there is no place to hide here for John Carpenter who making a return to directing since 2001′s Ghosts of Mars has delivered us a real ‘dog’ of a film.

I’m a big fan of his work, but that is his early work with the likes of Halloween and The Thing as my personal favourites, but here Carpenter’s trademark suspense is all but lost in a story that is as predictable as it is stupid.

After setting fire to a barn Kristen (Amber Heard) is sent to a mental hospital, where she is terrorised by a ghost, a hidden past his reflected upon but never fully delved into. There is of course more to it than that, and Heard spends a vast majority of the time either locked in her room or trying to escape while at the same time piecing the puzzle together with the help of some of her fellow inmates.

Carpenter’s use of the wide camera angle is effective in places, and the long cold corridors of the ward are enough to give anyone the chills. However, it is not built on in any way and all the suspense is somewhat lost by the poor acting and monotonous build-up to the next potential terrifying scene. When the ghost is revealed it is, to be honest laughable and not in the least bit frightening which is probably one of the main downfalls of the film.

The twist ending is anything but predictable and you could have spotted it a mile off, it’s a poor effort this perhaps not helped in the writing department, but Carpenter is one of the masters of horror but here he hasn’t even bothered to turn up.
The Ward (2010)
The Ward (2010)
2010 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Very poor
I've considered this film every time I've looked through horror films on Sky, mainly because it's John Carpenter, and I finally decided to give it a go this evening. Sadly I wish I hadn't bothered.

This film might have been made in 2010, but it looks a lot more like it was filmed when the film is actually set in the 60s. And I don't mean from a realism point of view either. It looks and feels that bad, the effects are awful - admittedly this is kind of explained during the ending but for me it was still no excuse for shoddy physical effects. Amber Heard is actually okay in this but sadly the rest of the cast are rather unremarkable. The wonderful Jared Harris is definitely underused. The whole film relies on poor effects and predictable and rather pathetic jump scares that aren't even scary. The horror aspect of this film is sadly lacking.

I didn't see the ending coming, but even when it did this sort of storyline has been done in much bigger and better films. And the final scene was rather pathetic and obvious.
Overall a very poor return for John Carpenter.
Village of the Damned (1995)
Village of the Damned (1995)
1995 | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
6.2 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Thumpingly unsubtle SF remake turns up the horror dial but doesn't seem aware that sometimes less is more. After a strange town-wide blackout, the citizens of Midwich (do they really have 'villages' in Northern California, anyway?) discover ten women have simultaneously become pregnant. They give birth to eerily similar children who seem to have psychic powers.

Released in 1995, this is very much The Midwich Cuckoos for the X Files generation, but ends up just another signpost marking the decline of John Carpenter as a film-maker worth paying attention to. The sad thing is that he really does seem familiar with both the original British film and the source novel (elements of the book missing from the 1960 film reappear here) and is obviously trying to do his best to honour them, but where John Wyndham is chillingly subtle and understated, John Carpenter is just walloping the audience with a succession of predictable set-piece 'shocks'. Reasonable CGI but overall it looks cheap and unconvincing; some reasonable performances from an interesting cast, but there's a limit to what they can do with such a duff script.
Diary Of A Mad Band: Europe In The Year Of VI CD by Down
Diary Of A Mad Band: Europe In The Year Of VI CD by Down
2010 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Stone the Crows by Down

(0 Ratings)


"When we first started touring in ’96 we were in a van, four guys, a tech and a tour manager. There were no iPhones back then so whatever CD somebody put on was what you were all listening to. So Stephen [Carpenter, guitar] put this record on. He played this CD so much that we threw the CD out the window. There’s a song on that album, ‘Stone the Crow’, I heard it the other day and it took me straight back to being in the van, on tour."
