Oscar the Cat - Virtual Pet
Games, Entertainment and Stickers
He's white, he's fluffy and absolutely adorable! Oscar the Cat - Virtual Pet is a new talking cat...

Christmas at the Cat Cafe
Christmas at the Cat Cafe is the wonderfully festive sequel to Melissa Daley's uplifting tale, Molly...

8bit Nyan Cat: Lost In Space
Games and Entertainment
Original retro version of the popular Nyan Cat: Lost In Space! "Awesome!" - prguitarman, author of...
Parisian Cats
Olivia Snaije, Nadia Benchallal and Vanessa Corlay
In Paris, cafes and cats go hand in paw. Far away from the famous runways in the world capital of...

A Street Cat Named Bob (2016)
Movie Watch
A heart warming film following the true story of James Bowen, a homeless man struggling with the...