Catalytic Governance: Leading Change in the Information Age
Patricia Meredith, Steven A. Rosell and Ged R. Davis
Although the information age offers individuals from all walks of life the power to make their...

Catholic Moral Philosophy in Practice and Theory: An Introduction
Written for readers both in school and out of school, this book serves as an introduction to the...

Hollywood Cats: Photographs from the John Kobal Foundation
Gareth Abbott and Simon Crocker
Hollywood Cats showcases an incredible selection of photographs, taken during the golden age of...

Unspeakable Histories: Film and the Experience of Catastrophe
In Unspeakable Histories, William Guynn focuses on the sensation of encountering past events through...

The Apology for Catholicism in Selected Writings by G. K. Chesterton
This book focuses on G. K. Chesterton's apology for Catholicism in the context of his epoch. It...

The Catholic Mom's Prayer Companion: A Book of Daily Reflections
Lisa M. Hendey and Sarah A. Reinhard
Are you a Catholic mom who prays for the wisdom and patience to get through each day? Do you pray...