Letters of the Catholic Poor: Poverty in Independent Ireland, 1920-1940
This innovative study of poverty in Independent Ireland between 1920 and 1940 is the first to place...

Principles and Practice of Impact Investing: A Catalytic Revolution
Veronica Vecchi, Luciano Balbo, Manuela Brusoni and Stefano Caselli
Impact investing is gaining global attention from society, governments and businesses. Increasingly,...
Sacred Architecture in a Secular Age: Anamnesis of Durham Cathedral
Having won more than one recent poll as Britain's best-loved building, the appeal of Durham...

The Fathers of the Church: Catecheses - St. Clement of Rome to St. Augustine of Hippo
Benedict and Joseph T. Lienhard
At his Wednesday audiences during 2007 and 2008 Pope Benedict XVI gave a series of short talks on...