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Augustine's Manichaean Dilemma: Making a Catholic Self, 388-401 C.E.: Volume 2
By 388 C.E., Augustine had broken with the Manichaeism of his early adulthood and wholeheartedly...

Your First Leadership Job: How Catalyst Leaders Bring Out the Best in Others
Tacy M. Byham, Richard S. Wellins and Brad Thomas
Becoming the Very Best First-Time Leader Congratulations! You re now in charge. Perhaps it s your...

It's raining cats and dogs et autres expressions idiomatiques anglaises
Includes more than 1000 idiomatic expressions in English, arranged by 20 everyday subjects such as...

Arming Mother Nature: The Birth of Catastrophic Environmentalism
When most Americans think of environmentalism, they think of the political left, of vegans dressed...