Kitty Kitten Jigsaw Puzzle Games for Girls with Baby Pet Cat who Loves Educational Animal Puzzles for Kids
Games and Education
◊ Educational musical puzzles for Kids with cute kittens! The game has No Ads and is very easy to...

Catching Up and Leapfrogging: The New Latecomers in the Integrated Circuits Industry
Rajah Rasiah and Xiao Shan Yap
Ever since Schumpeter's ground breaking work there has been a plethora of new research seeking to...
Communion of Churches and Petrine Ministry: Lutheran-Catholic Convergences
Group of Farfa Sabina, Peder Norgaard-Hojen, James F. Puglisi and Paul Misner
The Roman Catholic papacy has long been a thorny issue dividing the ecumenical church. In this book...

Living with(Out) Borders: Catholic Theological Ethics on the Migrations of Peoples
Agnes M. Brazal and Maria Teresa Davila
A collection of commissioned essays that seeks to deepen contemporary understandings of, and...