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Fire and Heist
Fire and Heist
Sarah Beth Durst | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wyvern society (0 more)
I picked this up off the library shelf for the title; I took it home for the description. Were-dragon thieves? Awesome. It turns out it's not that simple. For one, the were-dragons have lost the ability to transform over the years - the last dragon to transform was Sir Francis Drake, and the book is set in modern times, so, at least a couple hundred years have passed. And humans know the were-dragons exist! I suppose without the ability to transform, they're little more than rich celebrities with parlor tricks. (Immune to fire to certain temperatures, ability to breathe fire.) What humans don't know is how much the wyverns tend to steal to enrich their hoards. And that some of them can do limited magic.

We open on Sky, sixteen, rattling around her mansion, dealing with her now dysfunctional family of three brothers and their father. Her mother went missing not very long ago, during a heist. The kids have been told she's gone, she's alive, she's not coming back, and to drop the matter. Were-dragon society almost exiled all of them for whatever their mother got into, so they're all on thin ice. Sky, of course, is having none of this. When she stumbles on a lead for where her mother went, she pursues it, and learns all kinds of secrets.

The book was okay, I suppose. I was a little appalled at were-dragon society, and that the dragons just - bow to the authority of the Council. Dragons should have more spine. The heist part was pretty cool, with Sky and her friends figuring out how to take apart every layer of security piece by piece.

I don't know. It was a fluffy book, but not a feel-good book, and I just wasn't that enthused.

You can read all my reviews at
Extract (2009)
Extract (2009)
2009 | Comedy
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
While some might argue potty mouth humor is a constant from Mike Judge, the man behind “Office Space” and “King of the Hill”, I always seem to be curious when he takes on a new project. Judge’s latest film “Extract” combines his classic comedy style with a slightly more mature kind of humor.

A small company, Reynold’s Extract, is about to be bought out much to the joy of the depressed and sexually frustrated owner, Joel Reynold (Jason Bateman). Joel, tired of working long days with disgruntled employees, would love nothing more than returning to a simpler life at home with his wife, Suzie (Kristen Wiig). When the factories irresponsible employees accidently injure long time worker, Step, the deal begins to go south.

The sudden appearance of attractive new employee, Cindy (Mila Kunis) who has the eye of both frustrated Joel and recently damaged employee, Step, further complicates the situation. As does Reynold’s best friend, Dean (Ben Affleck), the local bartender filled with creative ideas on “bettering” Joel’s situation.

As the film progressed I keep wondering is the movie really funny or is Jason Bateman just so entertaining that it doesn’t matter. The honest truth is probably a little of both. With that said I did laugh, mostly at the blatant delivery by the aforementioned Bateman and at the scattered comedic moments derived from the unexpected nature of the film, it is not everyday you encounter a movie about an flavor extract company.

The eclectic cast of actors, from various avenues of fame, works seamlessly together. The most unexpected acting choice is Ben Affleck as Dean a role that could have filled by any number of lesser celebrities, possibly Rob Schneider.

Still the plot is unique and the story varies greatly from Judge’s traditional support of the working class. In “Extract” the protagonist is the boss man, not an underpaid employee.

A delightful little flick about working, neighbors, and other relationships, “Extract” is a creative yet diluted tale

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2084 KP) rated Poison Pen in Books

Jul 15, 2022 (Updated Jul 15, 2022)  
Poison Pen
Poison Pen
Sheila Lowe | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Was That a Suicide Note?
Back in college, Claudia Rose became friends with Lindsey Alexander. While the two had a falling out several years ago, Claudia is still upset to learn that Lindsey has died. Thanks to the note she left behind, the police have ruled it a suicide, but Ivan, Lindsey’s business partner, thinks that something happened to Lindsey. He hires Claudia, a forensic handwriting expert, to look at the note and determine if Lindsey really wrote it or not. Claudia does agree that it looks suspicious, but as she digs to find a hand writing sample she can use to make a definitive decision, she starts to uncover secrets that Lindsey and those around her were hiding. Break ins and attacks lead her to think something else is going on. Can she figure it out?

I’ve had this book in one form or another since it first came out, but I recently bought the 2021 reissue and read that. This is definitely darker than the cozies I mostly read, and it has the content to go with the darker themes. The plot was strong, with plenty to keep us engaged. There was one aspect I didn’t like, but it’s probably just me. I’ll still definitely give the series another read. That’s partially because of the characters. I really liked Claudia and her friends, plus some of the people she met along the way. I did find a few references in the version I read that dated when the book originally came out. Hard to believe how much things have changed in only 15 years. There are more than a handful of missing words – enough to be jarring but not enough to make the reading experience bad. I loved the LA setting and the celebrities who were name dropped. Hopefully, I can visit Claudia again sooner rather than later.

Kaz (232 KP) rated Oh Dear Silvia in Books

May 15, 2019  
Oh Dear Silvia
Oh Dear Silvia
Dawn French | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
5.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's funny and beautifully written (0 more)
The ending was resolved too quickly (0 more)
What the 'blurb' says:

'Silvia Shute lies in a hospital bed. Family and friends are at her side, each thinking they know the real Silvia. But do they? For Silvia hides a secret. And as her visitors gather, so the truth about Silvia is slowly revealed...'

My Thoughts:

I had never read anything by Dawn French (for anyone who doesn't know who she is, she is a famous British comedian, best known as one half of comedy duo French and Saunders) before reading 'Oh Dear Silvia' and to be honest, I had low expectations of it.

 It's not that I didn't like Dawn French, I think she is a very funny woman. However with there being a current trend of celebrities writing cheesy, badly written chick-lit and selling copies because of their names alone, I thought this was going to be the same. Thankfully, I was wrong.

The writing is this book is very good. The descriptions are, at times, beautiful and each of the characters are believable and diverse. Even though the main character doesn't utter a single word throughout the book, I still felt that I knew her because of the other characters and their complex relationships with each other. One of the characters, Silvia's sister Jo, for me felt like a bit of cartoon character at the beginning. There is a scene involving her in the book, which I felt didn't fit in with the tone of the story, but I still laughed at it though. As the book progressed though, I did warm to her.

The pace of the book was slow, but I felt that this was effective, because it allowed the story to unfold at a natural pace. Towards the end, however, one of the more sinister elements of the plot, was concluded slightly quicker and in more lighthearted way, than it should have been. In my opinion, this could have been dealt with better and with more impact.

Overall, I'm glad that I read this book because on the whole, it's written with sensitivity and subtle wit. I look forward to reading more of Dawn French's novels in the future.

My Rating ****
Gotta Get Theroux This
Gotta Get Theroux This
Louis Theroux | 2020 | Film & TV
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
52 of 250
Gotta get Theroux This
By Louis Theroux

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

In 1994 fledgling journalist Louis Theroux was given a one-off gig on Michael Moore’s TV Nation, presenting a segment on apocalyptic religious sects. Gawky, socially awkward and totally unqualified, his first reaction to this exciting opportunity was panic. But he’d always been drawn to off-beat characters, so maybe his enthusiasm would carry the day. Or, you know, maybe it wouldn’t . . .

In Gotta Get Theroux This, Louis takes the reader on a joyous journey from his anxiety-prone childhood to his unexpectedly successful career. Nervously accepting the BBC’s offer of his own series, he went on to create an award-winning documentary style that has seen him immersed in the weird worlds of paranoid US militias and secretive pro-wrestlers, get under the skin of celebrities like Max Clifford and Chris Eubank and tackle gang culture in San Quentin prison, all the time wondering whether the same qualities that make him good at documentaries might also make him bad at life.

As Louis woos his beautiful wife Nancy and learns how to be a father, he also dares to take on the powerful Church of Scientology. Just as challenging is the revelation that one of his old subjects, Jimmy Savile, was a secret sexual predator, prompting him to question our understanding of how evil takes place. Filled with wry observation and self-deprecating humour, this is Louis at his most insightful and honest best.

I’m a huge fan of Louis Theroux I love his documentaries so when he released this book I was so looking forward to reading it. It did not disappoint as you read you read with his voice in your head! His life and adventures are just so fascinating I laughed and also felt a little sad in places! He’s open and candid about his work and relationships. I love hearing how he got his true love and it’s like every marriage with its twists and turns. I learnt so much about him.
Well worth the read!!

BookInspector (124 KP) rated Deity in Books

Jul 1, 2021  
Matt Wesolowski | 2021 | Crime
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The host of this book is Scott King, an online journalist that loves raking up old graves. 😀 He chooses a case and interviews six people, that tell the reader different perspectives of the same case. This time he investigates a very controversial celebrity, that died in the fire and was accused of many things, such as abuse against young girls. I love Scott King’s style, he does not judge, he shares the stories, allowing the reader to decide what they want to believe in. All the characters are pretty unexpected and very intriguing, I just love to see the story unravelling.

The narrative of this book is extremely addictive. Every perspective brings something different and new to the overall view of the case, that is why I simply could not put down this book. There are plenty of twists and turns and the whole story is shrouded in mystery and ghosts. For me, the story had some similarities to real celebrities and some of the allegations I have read in the past. The whole story sounds so realistic, that I actually wanted to google Zach Crystal in case he was real. 😀 The topics discussed in this book are child abuse, mental illness, wish to control, mystical creatures, fanaticism, religion, the life of rich and famous, family relations, and many more.

I loved the atmosphere of this novel, it is creepy and very intriguing. The writing style is impeccable as always. The chapters are pretty long, but they are so absorbing, that the pages just fly by. The ending of this novel was phenomenal, but I still have unanswered questions about the whole story… Even though this book is fifth in the series, it can easily be read as a stand-alone. I can not wait for the next book, because this case was a really sensitive one, and I am very excited to see what Scott King will investigate next.

So, to conclude, this book has brilliant characters and a plot that always kept me guessing. I think this book was amazing, and I would recommend it to anyone. I hope you will like it as well. 🙂

TacoDave (3532 KP) rated Funhouse (2019) in Movies

Feb 15, 2022 (Updated Feb 15, 2022)  
Funhouse (2019)
Funhouse (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Editing (2 more)
Acting (mostly)
It is better than most bad horror movies, but it is still cheesy and bad (0 more)
This movie is better than it has any right to be...
Contains spoilers, click to show
I like to watch bad horror movies. I'm not sure why. I'm not a big fan of many modern horror movies (often referred to as "torture porn") like Hostel and Saw, but rather I like small, independent horror movies that focus on a single central conceit.

I go into these movies with rock-bottom expectations, hoping against hope that they will be slightly better than expected. "Funhouse" was suprisingly entertaining, when compared to similar genre films.

The premise is simple: eight wannabe famous people (think: influencers, normal people who married celebrities, low-level MMA fighters, etc.) sign up for a reality TV show in the vein of Big Brother where they will be locked in a house together and voted out by the public.

There's one catch, of course: the guy running the show - who uses a digital avatar of a panda to speak to the "contestants" - is a nutjob and the loser of the public vote gets killed in a gruesome way.

Is it real? Is it fake entertainment for the online era? Will reacters on Youtube believe it is real? How does society treat the death of someone who really, really wants to be famous, but is only barely-known?

These questions are good ones and the movie doesn't shy away from them. In fact, after each "kill" there is a cut to people in the real world reacting to it that gives the movie a lot more nuance than a typical horror film.

The kills are very graphic and gruesome and I actually looked away for a couple of them because (as I said before) I'm not a fan of torture porn. And there is some female nudity in the movie, specifically when one character decides to strip to earn viewer votes to stay alive.

Still, all in all I was entertained. And that's all I wanted for those 90 minutes - to shut off my logical brain and just watch something different. This movie fit the bill.
Lone Star Legend
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lone Star Legend by Gwendolyn Zepeda
Genre: YA Fiction
Rating: 2.5, DNF

Sandy S. has a second identity online—she blogs at a personal blog as Miss TragiComic Texas, and works for a website called Nacho Papi. Sandy is good at living her dual-identities and keeping them separate. But when people start connecting the the personal blog and the new website, and then recognizing her on the streets from the videos…

(From back of the book:) No matter how many passwords and aliases we use, there really is no such thing as privacy when you live your life online. Celebrities expect this, but what about the average person? Gwendolyn Zepeda’s novel plays with this idea of public vs. private and what happens when those lines get crossed.

I found Lone Star Legend to be very slow. It was hard to get into, and even halfway through the book I wasn’t sure what the actual plot line was.

There is a lot of drama. She breaks up with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend’s students find her personal blog and her rants about him and it embarrasses him. People recognize her in the coffee shop from TV. The man she interviews on a whim becomes the new biggest internet phenomenon, but he doesn’t want his photo on the t-shirts that she has already started to sell. These are just a few things that happen in the story, and none of it really leads anywhere.
And if a story doesn’t lead anywhere, and I have no desire to finish it, I’m not going to. Because I could be reading other things.

With that in mind, my positive comments include these: Zepeda is a pretty good writer. The writing and the dialogue is witty and fresh and alive and pretty funny at times. There were some great lines, great scenarios, and great laugh-out-loud sections… there just weren’t enough to keep me reading. The characters are well developed and defined and likeable, and it’s a pretty enjoyable read… little bits at a time.
But Lone Star Legend just wasn’t my thing, I guess. It kind of stinks, too, because I love the idea. As a blogger, people I know personally always tell me about stuff they read on my blog… but however much I wanted to enjoy it, I just couldn’t get into it.
Most women that I know seem to deal with feelings of insecurity and inadequacy. In today’s world of advertising, social media we are in a culture that is fueled by makeover shows, celebrities, and advertising that tells us how to dress, how to look and how to live. Most of the average day to day women have been hurt by the lasting memories of mean girls, or by other events much more wounding to the soul, we can become accustomed by self-doubt that it becomes ingrained to our self-image and thinking.

The focus of this book is to retrain our thoughts and to take another look at who God has created and how much He loves us and because He loves us we can love ourselves.
Kayla Aimee has written a book that many women can relate to. As you read the book you feel like she has reached into your own life and pulled out hidden feelings that you may not even realize are there, until you think yes, I’ve been there and felt that too.
Kayla Aimee has written this book using her own transformation from the self-doubt and inadequacy using examples from her own day to day life. In this book, she opens the way for women to:
• Identify the deep-seated sources of our assumed inadequacy and replace them with steadfast truths of scriptural affirmation.
• Replace our need for approval with the enduring promise of acceptance.

• Uncover our purpose, unlock our potential, and celebrate the God-given gifts in our unique personality.
This book is for every woman who longs for belonging, they will journey through Kayla’s writing and the biblical promises.
What I enjoyed about this book is the fact that the writer is so easy to identify with. I found myself in many of the examples of her own life that she wrote about and that made it so much easier to understand that I am not the only one dealing with accepting myself and who I am.

Any woman dealing with insecurities of any type would really appreciate this book. It is written by a woman who has been there, written in a warm, friendly way that invites the reader in and makes them feel welcomed.
At the back of the book is a study guide, so that this book can be read and discussed as a group or individually.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Yes Please in Books

Feb 1, 2018  
Yes Please
Yes Please
Amy Poehler | 2015 | Biography
7.5 (24 Ratings)
Book Rating
I wasn't sure how to feel about this book. In some ways, I appreciated that it was more serious than some of the other "funny people" memoirs going around. I am not a huge fan of books written by silly people full of silly things that pretend to tell the story of their life. What's the point? At least Amy makes an attempt to write a memoir, chronicling bits and pieces of her life and actually detailing true thoughts and feelings about things, rather than just jokey things that have no meaning. I found myself sort of rushing through some of the silly lists and spending more time on the actual writing, though some of the funny bits were good - fake acceptance speeches and the like.

The problem is that the book jumps around a lot and never really delves too much into anything. Not wanting to cover her divorce - okay, I get that. There is a really sweet chapter on her sons, which was lovely. You get a rough chronicle of how she became a kid from New England who wound up in New York by way of Chicago. But there's not a lot of detail. I also, selfishly, wish there had been more Tina Fey.

I enjoy that you get the impression that Amy is a deep person with deep thoughts - and isn't even perhaps always nice. She's not afraid to tell stories that don't necessarily flatter her. You get an idea of her as multifaceted person - actress, writer, mom, etc., and not just someone who tells funny stories. There are also some good stories that feature celebrities, which you are always looking for in a celebrity memoir. Finally, there's a fun bit annotated with notes by Parcs & Rec creator Mike Schur. He and Amy talk about a holiday gift Mike gave all his family and friends containing every email, text, and phone message he received during the Red Sox's successful World Series run in 2004. I was left thinking I want to read *that* book.

Anyway, the book just felt a little flat to me, as if it was missing something. It was a little disjointed in its presentation and content. Because it jumps the line between serious and funny, you're left without a full idea of who Amy is, but yet it's not funny enough to just make you laugh and forget all the other flaws.