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Sean Astin recommended Patton (1970) in Movies (curated)

Patton (1970)
Patton (1970)
1970 | Classics, Drama, War

"With Patton, understanding the second World War is required spiritual learning for anyone born in the later 20th century going forward. You know, I could list 50 films, but that one… There’s something about the mantle of celebrity, mixed with a really good rendering of military tactics, and finally, George C. Scott’s performance… I mean, really, if you look at them, it’s Ben Kingsley and George C. Scott that have me put them on the list, because they make those portraits feel so authentic. This idea that, “I’ve been here in countless guises before,” this hint at reincarnation, if you will, and destiny. This questing for destiny is something I feel in my life. I’m put here at this moment, in this time, when social media is doing what it’s doing, and filmmaking has reached this kind of new zenith, and I feel like everything I’ve been born and raised and taught and experienced has put me here for a particular reason, and I just know it’s gotta be something. The fact that Patton feels that, this quest for destiny, that he’s supposed to be doing something… You know, the actual morality of war… Karl Malden’s character, who’s nowhere near the forceful personality and couldn’t probably whip a battalion into shape in the way that Patton does — you need both guys. But ultimately when it goes on, Patton doesn’t know when to stop, and I love that they dramatize that. He’s being interviewed and he talks about the Russians, that he should just keep going and fight the Russians — “We’re going to have to fight that war sooner or later” — and oh, guess what? In the news today is this Crimea issue, and you sort of go, “Boy, what does that mean? How are we going to relearn that lesson?” So there’s just so much stuff wrapped around it that’s relevant and interesting, and it’s a story well-told. Just the way they set up the conflict and everything, I love it, love it, love it."

Something New - Single by Ollie Gabriel
Something New - Single by Ollie Gabriel
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Ollie Gabriel is a talented soul singer and songwriter based in Los Angeles, California. Not too long ago, he released an adorable music video for his “Something New (From “Songland”)” single.

“We’re living in a world so fast. Not a lot of things that last. But there’s one thing that’s gon stay. I still got that old kind of loving. The kind that don’t leave, that don’t bend, that don’t break. I still got that old kinda loving.” – lyrics

‘Something New’ tells an evergreen tale of a young guy who cherishes an idealistic moment shared between him and his significant other.

While looking into her beautiful eyes, he reveals that his love for her will remain until they are old and grey. Therefore, they should close their eyes, take their time, and hang on to every second like it’s their last.
Later, he admits that a love like theirs doesn’t come around every day, so that’s why they should try something new and bring back that old thing again.

‘Something New’ contains a timeless love story and ear-welcoming vocals. Also, the lovable tune possesses lush instrumentation flavored with R&B and classic soul ingredients.

Ollie Gabriel, a Louisiana native, was introduced to the American public by way of NBC’s new groundbreaking series, entitled, Songland.

During the show, five songwriters competed and performed their original song for the chance to have it recorded by a celebrity artist.

Long-story-short, Gabriel performed and pitched his original song to John Legend, and the rest is history.

Ollie Gabriel’s inspirational debut single, “Running Man”, has over 22M streams online via Spotify.

He has performed around the world, televised to millions and to concert audiences of 40,000+ fans. Also, he’s a talented producer with over 500 sync placements in film and tv since 2009.

His music has been featured on Grey’s Anatomy, Ray Donovan, Shameless, and Deadliest Catch to name a few.

“In 2017, Ollie Gabriel married his longtime girlfriend who inspired the song he performed on NBC’s Songland.”