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Battle of the Sexes (2016)
Battle of the Sexes (2016)
2016 | Biography, Comedy, Sport
In 1973, gender inequity was a major issue. The patriachy did not see women as equals and refuse to compensate them at the same rate. Billie Jean King had just won the US Open Championship and had registered the same share as the men's champion. The USLTA however wanted her to appear in a tournament at 12.5 cents on the dollar. She rebeled and along with several other popular female players started a rival tennis organization which eventually found a sponsor in Virginia Slims. At the same time, inveterate gambler and Senior Circuit player Bobby Riggs was facing his own crisis. Watching Billie Jean King on TV one night, Bobby gets an idea to stage a battle of male chauvinist pig versus feminist. Billie Jean does not want to take part in the sideshow. When Margaret Court becomes the #1-ranked woman on the Women's Tour, she takes the challenge. However, she does not have the game to match wits with Bobby and is defeated badly. Billie Jean torn between getting the tour solvent and her love life agrees to a rematch. The final event would be seen by 90 million people with a huge spectacle. Billie Jean used her more cerebral-based game to defeat the piggish Riggs and show the world that women could compete with men.
What Is Populism?
What Is Populism?
Jan-Werner Müller | 2017 | History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Müller's analysis is one of the best and most up-to-date monographs on populism out there
In the current climate, this is an essential book, as Jan-Werner Müller defines populism's most salient characteristics - antielitism, antipluralism, exclusivity - explaining Donald Trump, Nigel Farage and other populists through this framework. He goes on to explain that populism is not just antiliberal, it is antidemocratic, and actually fails to be a real representational system for people once in power.

An interesting point made in this book is the fact that while certain grievances are completely credible, populists' assertion that they are the only legitimate voice to represent 'the will of the people', opposes democratic ideals in the first place - after all, that is what the electoral system is supposed to represent. He also makes a clear distinction between those claiming to be anti-establishment and populist - making the comparison between Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, as Sanders never claimed to represent 100 per cent of the population, or pretended not to be part of elite institutions.

Müller is certainly right to challenge, or at least qualify, the popular talk of a populist wave by pointing out that “to this day, no right-wing populist has come to power in Western Europe or North American [sic] without the collaboration of established conservative elites.” It is a quick read, and worth every page.
Sweet St. Louis
Sweet St. Louis
Omar Tyree | 2019
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Everyone, I believe, wants to find that special someone to settle down with and spend the rest of their lives together. Until we reach that point in our lives, we enjoy ourselves with whomever happens to be with us at that time. For Anthony "Ant" Poole and Sharron Francis, that time has finally come. Anthony delivers a line to Sharron as she is walking down the street. A line Anthony has been waiting to use on the right person. A line that Sharron can't seem to forget. But Sharron is very different from any other woman Anthony has ever been with. She challenges him in way he would never imagine. Anthony is also a bit different from men Sharron has known. While he may be a player, he has accepted her challenge head on.

It has been a long time since I have read a book by Omar Tyree. At least ten years or more. But I enjoyed this book. Since it was written in the 90's it took me back to my single days and the person I was at that time in my life. It made me feel a bit nostalgic. I can't wait to read more Omar Tyree and even re-read the books I read before Flyy Girl and A Do Right Man.
Blessed Fury (Angels of Fate, #1)
Blessed Fury (Angels of Fate, #1)
C.S. Wilde | 2018
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Once you face the devils, there’s no going back.
Guardian angel Ava Lightway has spent a century watching over her charges, whispering the words of the gods in their ears. But her peaceful existence ends when she’s assigned to Liam Striker, a supernatural detective with no memory of his past.
Liam might be Ava’s biggest challenge yet. Stubborn and dangerously captivating, he’ll stop at nothing to find the demon who murdered his father. Even if it costs him his life.
Keeping death away from her new partner is an impossible task. And even if their investigation doesn’t destroy Ava, succumbing to Liam’s smoldering touch just may.
Read the sizzling, breath-taking tale of angels gone bad!

Wow; this was an absolute amazing read.
This is an epic adventure of angels, demons, vampires, werewolves, Warriors and Erudites.
I love that it has so many different paranormals in this.
So action packed but at the same time there are so many sweet moments that happen with the forbidden romance that is happening.
Really loved the plot and storyline.
I am in love wiyh the characters and can't wait to see them develop further.
I can't wait to get stuck into the next one now.
Recommend reading.

I received an ARC from the very talented author and this is my honest voluntary review.
The Ploughmen
The Ploughmen
Kim Zupan | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Also read my review here:

<b><i>Darling - come alone to the shed.</b></i>

I’ve found it so hard to write a review for this book because it was such a moving, descriptive novel. It was sort of one of those reads that I loved for no particular reason, it was just a gorgeous book at the right time.

This book was by no means an “easy read”, it has some very dark and upsetting subjects running throughout it but it was one of those reads that I fell into so easily and smoothly every time I picked it back up. It was a complete pleasure to read. I gave it only 4 stars because various things in my day-to-day life made my reading of this very choppy, so I think I’d like to read this again in the future in a more relaxed time and maybe this would even get a 5 star rating.

I think this book and its characters are definitely going to stay with me for a while. Valentine was a precious soul, and in his own way, John was too.

Thanks to my quarterly challenge for forcing me into reading this because I don’t think I would have picked it up for years and years otherwise!
Ready Player One (2018)
Ready Player One (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi
Good, but doesn't live up to the book
I've read (and loved) the book, but I really tried to go into this with an open mind and I think for the most part, I succeeded.

Visually, this film is spectacular. But considering its Spielberg, that isn't a surprise. The pop culture references are a lot of fun, and the soundtrack is fantastic. The cast are great, Tye Sheridan plays Wade very well and he's a likeable character. Mark Rylance as usual is very good, but I feel like we could've seen a bit more of him. The only one who didn't come across well was Ben Mendelsohn - his Nolan just doesn't come across as evil enough. He just isn't that threatening.

The main problem is that this is very different from the book. Some things have been changed for the better (the 2nd challenge in the film was a huge surprise and very enjoyable), but for the main I feel like too much of the detail from the book has been left out, leaving just a hollow shell of the story. It's a shame really as i think this could have been fantastic, if it had just stuck a little closer to the book. Instead of coming out of this feeling in awe, I came out feeling a little underwhelmed with the sense that something was missing.
Goodreads: Book Reviews
Goodreads: Book Reviews
Book, Social Networking
8.8 (453 Ratings)
App Rating
Goodreads allows for socializing specifically for us bibliophiles, tells you what your friends are reading and allows access to scores of books and reviews posted about them. (0 more)
Sometimes is a pain in the a** when adding books read in their normal none tech form. (0 more)
Goodreads. Because how else will I know what I’ve read?!?
Secret romance novel readers beware.. no just kidding, or am I? Goodreads is where you go to access scores of novels and reviews for them. You are able to socialize with fellow book readers and follow what your friends are currently reading or have read. ( hence the secrete romance readers beware) I even had an author dm me for giving a review of a novel they had written and let me tell you I was ecstatic for many days.

You can challenge yourself each year to read more books than the last while they keep track for you as long as it is read in a device linked with the account.
The only thing I find frustrating is sometimes you have to go through a million steps (exaggeration) just to add a book read in it natural papery scented goodness.
Overall the app is good, a great place to start if you’re seeking an idea of how great or sucky a book is, depending on the personal taste of course.
The Belles: The Belles Book 1
The Belles: The Belles Book 1
Dhonielle Clayton | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well it sounds like there are some others who felt the same way as I did about this book.

It was hard to rate it and chose 3 because of the mixed feelings. It was very slow going - I made it halfway through and then stopped for a day or two and debated whether I wanted to or could finish it or not.

There’s a lot of heavy subject matter in here underneath the pretty stuff and in between the fun and interesting things. I don’t usually like or read this dark of a book much and it was a bit of a challenge for me in parts because I don’t handle reading about deaths or harming animals that well all the time - it can be hard to stomach depending on the details and who dies etc. There were also a lot of other things that bothered me or like some others mentioned maybe should have had a bit more warning before reading it. I also was not happy with the part where Alfred tried to attack and get some action during his beauty treatment.

As some others mentioned in their reviews, some of us readers perhaps more than others need to tread lightly when considering and/or reading this. I don’t know that I’ll be reading the next in this series. This book wasn’t really a good fit for me.