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Tidal Blades; Heroes of the Reef
Tidal Blades; Heroes of the Reef
2020 | Fantasy
Tidal Blades: Heroes of the Reef (which I shall just call Tidal Blades from here on) is a very successful Kickstarter that funded in 45 minutes and raised over $780,000 with the campaign. I was lucky enough to be able to back this one when it went live, and the hype was REAL. The box is large and in charge, and setup and tear down takes about 14 years, but did I like this one? Dude. YES. We don’t rate Solo Chronicles, but this is a STRONG 6 from me.

DISCLAIMER: As this game is a giant and many reviewers are starting to tackle it using multiplayer rules, I decided I would talk about the differences between multiplayer and solo rules. This review is using the included Solo Mode rules.

Setup for the Solo Mode uses most of the setup rules for the multiplayer game with a few exceptions. In the Solo Mode the player will have one character to control and one Rival to beat. The Rival will need their player board and standee or mini (I have the Deluxe Edition, so it’s minis in my case). In addition, the player will also choose two other characters to be Allies, utilizing their ability cards and minis. The Allies and Rival will be placed on the Champion board ahead of the player to begin the game. The player wins by having more points than the Rival at the end of the game.
Quickly, here is Tidal Blades in a nutshell. Players are attempting to gather the greatest standing on the Champion board (like a VP track) and VP from Challenge cards gained. The players earn these cards by using Actions to move to islands, gather resources, fight monsters, perform boating maneuvers and tricks, and can increase the potential for each of these by upgrading their central board dials. Shells and Fruit are common resources, and each player starts with two Actions per turn. The game lasts four total Days (or phases with several turns in each), and players earn more Action discs on Day two and four. Every time the dice are rolled to complete Challenges a Danger Die is also rolled and can wound the player by forcing a discard of dice. Each Day players can refresh and upgrade used dice to better their skill and concentrate their abilities. After Day four the game ends and players count up points to declare a victor!

Here is how gameplay is slightly different from the multiplayer experience. The Rival always goes first. They will also have one more Action disc to use on their turn (unfair, right?). When they begin their turn, a Challenge card is drawn. Whichever Island is featured on the card is to where the Rival will travel. Once arrived, the amount of VP awarded on the card is how many spaces from the top of the Island the Rival will be placed. Depending upon which Island the Rival ends the Challenge card will then be placed under the Solo Mode mat and a special action taken. The special actions could be revealing and resolving a Plot card in Droska Ring (special to Solo Mode), removing Monster hits from the Fold in the Chronosseum, or moving the boat in Lamara Stadium. The Judge location also plays a role in special actions should the Rival land on the same Island as they are. Other special goodies await, but I will leave you to discover those.

On the player’s turn, if the player is tied with or ahead of their Allies on the Champion board, the player will be able to use the Allies on their turn. This is handled similar to having an extra Action disc on the player’s turn. Send the Ally to a location and reap the rewards. Otherwise, for the player, turns are the same.
Components. Let me tell you: if you have the extra money to splurge for the Deluxe Edition, DO IT. The minis are amazing, the plastic shells are awesome, and those squishy fruit are so perfect! Obviously the game is perfectly playable and enjoyable with the basic components, but the improved bits are really something special. The cardboard everything is great, the GameTrayz inserts are incredible, and the art and colors are simply magical. I cannot say enough excellent things about what comes in this massive box. Druid City Games and Skybound Tabletop got everything right with this one.

It should be no surprise that I am in love with this game. Yes, it’s a Solo Chronicles, and I played by myself. I get that. Eventually I will be able to play this with others and by then I will be so engrossed in the lore that I will have no problems hyping up my playmates. Tidal Blades is an absolutely gorgeous game with so much going on that I don’t think I will ever tire of it. The game lasts four days but I wish it were a month because I just want to keep playing! The decisions to be made are all wonderfully delicious and there always seems to be too few on your turn. Yes, I know that sounds like all worker placement games, but it is especially true here. Almost every spot on the board gives immediate benefits that can be used, so even when a location is occupied, there will always be another of equal importance to your character. It’s so good.

Like I said before, I love the art and colors used. This is a stunner of a game on the table. It does take up quite a bit of room, especially if you use the arena dice tray (which I didn’t because I play at night when the kids are asleep and a hard plastic dice tray wakes up children). I count myself lucky to have the Deluxe Edition as well because those upgraded bits really make the game feel deluxe and fancy.

The Solo Mode is very good, and at least for me, very difficult to win. The combination I used for this review was playing as Axl against my Rival Caiman. Obviously switching out characters and using different Allies will change up the feel a bit, and I really cannot wait to try out all the permutations. When a game begs you to play it as often as you can and you look at it lovingly on your shelf, you know you have a Top 10 game, and a treasure in your collection.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Sniper Elite 4 in Video Games

Oct 10, 2017 (Updated Oct 10, 2017)  
Sniper Elite 4
Sniper Elite 4
2017 | Shooter
Satisfying gameplay. (2 more)
X-Ray camera.
Neat settings.
Generic characters and plot. (1 more)
Sub par graphics.
Hits It's Target
The fourth game in the third person WW2 shooter series, this game expands on the groundwork laid by it's predecessors. If you are coming off of a story driven game and are just looking for something satisfying and fun, then this is perfect for you. The story and characters are paper thin and the voice acting is all over the place in terms of quality, but that's not why you come to Sniper Elite, you come to watch a Nazi's brains explode from the sheer impact of your well placed bullet.

This is definitely the best game in the series in terms of it's gameplay systems. The control given to the player is clear and specific and if you miss a shot, you have no one to blame but yourself. The infamous X-ray cam makes a glorious return and it is even more detailed and brutal than in previous entries. No matter how many times you make a pair of Nazi testicles go pop from across a beautiful Italian town, it never gets old.

The other great thing about this game is it's various settings. There is an array of different maps that you work your way through during the game's campaign and each is unique and well thought out enough to give you a challenge, but also make you feel like a total bad-ass when you land a near impossible shot, in equal measure.

Although the landscapes are nice to run around in and function well in terms of matching with the game's gameplay style, the quality of the graphics itself isn't going to astonish anyone. We are around halfway through the PS4's life-cycle and this looks at best, like a late generation PS3 game. Again though, it doesn't really matter here, no one is buying Sniper Elite 4 for it's graphical quality.

Overall, there is a ton of fun to be had here. Don't think too much about the story and just enjoy systematically working your way through each various map, popping Nazi skulls as you go.
Queens of Geek
Queens of Geek
Jen Wilde | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
THIS BOOK WAS GREAT. It was a fun, quick read, but it involved three BFFs, one of which is autistic with social anxiety, and her friends know this and are incredibly supportive. The second girl is openly bisexual. The third friend, the boy, is Hispanic. The three of them take an epic trip to a big Comicon in LA; the bisexual girl (Charlie) co-starred in a zombie movie, and is a popular Youtuber, so when she's invited to the Con she drags her two BFFs with her. Once there, she meets an idol of hers, another Youtuber, and discovers that her idol has a crush on her! So while dealing with her douchebag ex (her co-star from the movie), the other Youtuber asks Charlie out, and the two girls start a romance.

Meanwhile, the autistic girl (Taylor) and the Hispanic boy (Jamie) have loved each other for ages but been too afraid to admit how they feel. Largely left on their own, because Charlie's manager couldn't get them VIP passes, they explore the Con, geeking out over things and meeting another autistic woman, a comic book artist who gives Taylor some amazing advice about being afraid but doing things anyway.

I really really loved this book. I loved seeing autistic characters treated by their peers as just regular people with quirks, like everyone has. Taylor's friends support her when her brain freaks out, and make allowances for her needs, but don't treat her like she's disabled or fragile. I loved seeing how tight the bonds of friendship were between the three teens, and how excited for each other they were, even when good things happening meant less time to spend with each other.

This was just a really lovely, feel-good book with lots of minority representation, by an autistic author who knows what she's talking about. This is one more book off my Autism Reading List, and my pick for a book about friendship from the Litsy Booked 2018 Challenge.

You can find all my reviews, and the full Autism Reading List, at
We all have struggles and challenges in life. Whether they are of our own making or not, things don’t always work out. Sometimes, we just give up on our dreams and goals. But it doesn’t have to be that way! God is a God of new beginnings, and throughout the entire Bible, we read about people who were stuck, disappointed, and faced impossible situations—people God freed. Rosalinda Torres Rivera challenges us to Dare to Begin Again. Using stories from her own life, other people, and biblical times, Rosalinda offers inspirational, down-to-earth advice on beginning again. Each chapter tackles a different issue where you may be “stuck”—such as an inability to forgive, trust, or hope—and examples of people who overcame similar challenges. Practical tasks at the end of each chapter walk you through a DARE challenge (Decide, Allow, Rise, Enjoy) to help you move closer to a fresh start. Rosalinda is the daughter of Victor Torres, an ex-gang member from Brooklyn, New York, and his wife, Carmen, founders of the New Life For Youth ministry. She has seen more than twenty thousand people get out of tough situations and turn their lives around. “They’re people whose tales of transformation prove God is still at work,” she says. “He’s written and re-written their life’s chapters—and He’s willing to do the same for you.” It takes a commitment, but with the help of God, inspiring, true stories, and practical applications, you can Dare to Begin Again.

My Thoughts: Everyone struggles with life. It doesn't matter if you're coming out of addiction, a bad marriage, or just coping with change. Maybe you are having difficulty making a dream come alive; stuck in a rut. This book is full of encouragement! The author Rosalinda Torres Rivera, takes a real-life example and then examines a similar situation through the Bible, on topics such as hope, forgiveness, sacrifice to name a few. The reader learns to let go and to rely on God to help them through the struggle.

Such a well written and useful book, that I think every reader could use at some point in their lives or know someone who does.
Husbands and Other Sharp Objects
Husbands and Other Sharp Objects
Marilyn Simon Rothstein | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
so funny - LOL funny (0 more)
This book is HILARIOUS! 9 LOL STARS!!

Some favorites....
••• "Is bread still considered white once toasted?"

••• "I hate the term “baby lettuce.” Worse is “Boston baby lettuce.” It’s not bad enough you’re eating the baby. You have to know where it comes from."

••• "People I knew hardly ever called on the landline anymore, which was good because I liked to keep that phone open for insurance types who mispronounced my name and financial advisors hawking upside-down mortgages."

And those are literally from just the first 10% of the book!

I LOL'd from beginning to end. If you need some humor in your life, please do yourself a favor and get this book! You won't regret it.. I chuckled, I guffawed, I made all the silly noises that describe laughter. But get this - there is divorce, infidelity, cancer, family issues, heart attacks... and I still made all those silly noises!! Never have I laughed out loud so much from a book.

Marcy Hammer is done with her marriage. Despite a lifetime of memories, three adult kids and a pretty comfortable life, it's inexcusable what Harvey has done. She's got a new man in her life, but Harvey will not let her go. She's determined to get him to file, and move forward with the divorce. But while her own marriage is ending, her daughter Amanda gets engaged, and her marriage is just beginning.

The wedding planning is the bulk of the story - and it is hysterically insane. From beginning to end between thieving in-laws, silly traditions, and just having her kids meet Jon her new boyfriend, nothing is simple, everything involves some sort of challenge or confrontation - but Marcy takes it all in stride - doing her best as a mom, a friend, a partner - and her sense of humor truly shines in this book!

I loved Marcy, she is witty and feisty, and her family is just as dysfunctional as you'd want in a great book. The writing is sharp and quick, and I was thoroughly entertained from start to finish.
Wild: A Journey from Lost to Found
Wild: A Journey from Lost to Found
Cheryl Strayed | 2013 | Biography
8.2 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I won this book through Goodreads First Reads</i>

Recently brought to the big screen starring Academy Award Winner Reese Witherspoon, <i>Wild</i> is a true account of Cheryl Strayed's epic hike along the Pacific Crest Trail. Over the course of three months Cheryl treks from Mojave, California, through Oregon before finishing at the Bridge of the Gods.

<i>Wild</i> is a compelling story that reveals a young woman's determination and bravery to complete her impulsive walk of eleven hundred miles. Ill-prepared and still struggling with the death of her mother a few years earlier, Cherly sets off unknowing of the strength she would need to complete her challenge.

As Cheryl writes the reader learns how she survey the severe changes in weather conditions, her lack of food and money as well as her damaged feet and missing toenails.

Cheryl Strayed's story is an inspiration to readers as she proves that a human being can go above and beyond expectation in extraordinary circumstances. Despite having the truth laid out on paper, it is impossible to imagine the emotions and physical exertion Cheryl must have gone through.

A good thing about this biographical tale is that Cheryl's narrative does not solely focus on the PCT but refers back to events of the past that have made Cheryl who she is today and influenced her decision to begin the trail. The reader begins to know the real Cheryl and understand what she is feeling and thinking at different points in the book.

Split into five parts, Cheryl has used famous quotes to reflect the content of the following chapters. This takes the book to a higher intellectual level than just having the narrative.

Even if reading about someone going for a long walk sounds unappealing, it is so beautifully written, full of raw emotion that it will be enjoyed by many different readers whether male or female, old or young.

Having not yet seen the film it is impossible to pass comment on it, however the book is definitely worth making the time to read.

Dean (6925 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Forza Horizon 3 in Video Games

Aug 21, 2018  
Forza Horizon 3
Forza Horizon 3
2016 | Racing
Amazing Graphics, from the cars, scenery and weather effects (2 more)
Good soundtrack
Sooo many options: Freeroam, events, championship, bucket list challenges... Almost endless
Auction system could use tweaking (1 more)
Another mode so xbox live races focus more on where you finish
Groundbreaking Driving game
I've been playing video games for a long time, since the spectrum before moving on to the Megadrive. I love driving games and can honestly say this is probably the best and most fun I've played to date! Not since PGR2 has a driving game been this groundbreaking.

You can sense the PGR2 influence in the realism of the environments and cars and some game modes. Along with a similar skill system. The weather effects are amazing from Fog, rain, clouds along with the times of day including dawn, sunset, night time create so many looks and experiences. You'll pull over to stop and watch a sunset. Every car looks and sounds as it should right down to the interior drivers view. It's a beautiful looking game.
The game itself has tons of variety. You can just cruise around, challenge a rival to a set route, random 1 on 1 races in Free roam. There are exhibitions and championships, you can create your own as well and fully customise the weather and time of day, car class and types of cars. There are bucket list challenges that can be done for times, skills, drifts, jumps, speed etc. Again fully customisable to create your own. There is something for everyone here and it's just so much fun.
The only minor points are the auction system for selling, buying could be better but you don't really need to use it. The other issue when racing others online your place is overall is decided partly on your skills during the race. This does include being quick and clean racing... but you might find slower drivers who drift a lot get more xp and end up ahead of you on the leaderboard even if you beat them in the race.
Overall though the best driving game to date. Roll on Horizon 4 in October.
Idle Heroes - Idle Games
Idle Heroes - Idle Games
7.0 (1 Ratings)
App Rating
Challenging battles (0 more)
Lack of active players (0 more)
Ideal for time wasting
I originally trialled this game in order to get free credits for another game, but rather than delete it after achieving the desired goal, I have kept pursuing it.

The game itself involves the development of heroes, you start by building up 3 star and 4 star heroes, progressing towards 10 stars. Initially I found it quite fast to develop 5 star heroes, collecting my daily bonuses from activities to speed up the process. Progressing to six star +, brings a whole new level of challenge, as you need to merge specific heroes together - I have found that this takes a lot more time in order to collect the correct amount of resources.

The creators of the game provide a large number of diamonds on a daily basis, which is beneficial to players, as it means you do not have to spend money in order to progress through the game. There are paid options if desired, where you can purchase VIP, which gives you access to additional aspects to help speed the game.

Heroes can be used in battle against the computer in the tower of oblivion and various other forums within the game, but you do find you become stuck at a level, sometimes for many days whilst trying to up grade.

To support the social aspect of the game, there is the option to join a guild. If the guild is active and works together, then this supports the development of your own team. One thing I have found on this game, is that there is a lack of audience of the game at the moment, and a large number of inactive players. This has meant that guilds do struggle to start up. The game also operates across several servers which cannot interact with each other, meaning friends need to be directed to join specific servers (and will have to carry out the introduction activities twice).

All in all the game is enjoyable and addictive, however it does have a few flaws, which I am hoping will be ironed out with time.
Just a Phone Call Away - Single by Lui Peng
Just a Phone Call Away - Single by Lui Peng
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Lui Peng is a Chinese-British singer-songwriter based in London. Not too long ago, he released a groovy neo-soul tune, entitled, “Just a Phone Call Away”.

“As soon as Ali showed me the instrumental, I was in love. It was very different from what I was used to but I was up for the challenge. All in all, the song probably took around an hour and a half to write, which if you knew me, is very unusual. Normally I like to take my time. Being the last track, I wanted it to be more introspective and serve as a resolution to the EP. I think my intentions with this song was to carry on the story where ‘Disappointed’ left off and tell the listener how I feel now. I have come to terms with everything and I am over my distractions. But if you were to call me, I would still be at the ‘Same Place’.” – Lui Peng

‘Just a Phone Call Away’ is the first single from Lui Peng’s upcoming summer EP, entitled, “Unavailable”.

The likable tune tells an interesting tale of a young guy who wants to chill, smoke, and have a romantic moment with a female who he desires to be with.

Later, he explains that if she misses him as much as he wants her; he’s not very far, just a phone call away.

‘Just a Phone Call Away’ contains a relatable storyline, pleasing vocals, and groovy instrumentation scented with a neo-soul fragrance.

“‘Unavailable’ is all about the space just on the outskirts of love. When things don’t work out, we often tell ourselves another version of the same story where we didn’t come second place. My aim with this body of work is to create a small collection of happy sad love songs that fall somewhere between being in love and heartbreak. I think with online dating being the main way people meet each other these days, the way we view love and sex has been completely flipped. Suddenly everyone has a plethora of choice at the swipe of their fingertips, and as a result, the value we place on romance has become disposable.” – Lui Peng