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2020 | Card Game, City Building, Farming, Territory Building
Being based on the Iowa/Illinois border, Purple Phoenix Games is definitely headquartered in the good ol’ Midwest. We are not without cities and modern amenities, as some might suspect, but we are certainly accustomed to seeing farm life, rural communities, and rolling fields of crops. Figuring out how exactly to organize your fields and crops is no easy task, and Agropolis is here to put you to the test!

Disclaimer: We were provided a copy of Agropolis for the purposes of this preview. The components are not yet finalized, and will probably change from what you see here to the finished Kickstarter campaign. Agropolis is a stand-alone expansion to the popular ButtonShy title, Sprawlopolis. We have reviewed Sprawlopolis (as both a Solo Chronicles, as well as Multiplayer) in the past, so I do not intend to rehash the entire ruleset in this preview. -L

In Agropolis, players are working cooperatively to create a cohesive and thriving rural community. The overall gameplay is the same as Sprawlopolis, with a few thematic differences. To begin the game, randomly select 3 cards to dictate the scoring conditions for your specific game. Deal 1 card to each player (3 to the starting player), and place one card face-up in the center of the table. On your turn, you will draw a card, play a card into the communal countryside, pass your remaining cards to the next player, and then draw a new card. The goal is to create a countryside that scores enough points to surpass the combined total of the 3 scoring condition cards.

Each card is divided into four zones: cornfields, livestock pens, orchards, and vineyards. The selected scoring condition cards determine how you can earn and lose points for your card/zone placements in the countryside. That’s where strategy comes into play – you can’t just place your cards wherever you want! There has to be a method to the madness, and each placement must be carefully selected for maximum end-game points. When all cards have been played, tally up your points – earning points for each zone, gaining/losing points for scoring conditions, and deducting points for roads. If your final score is higher than the total of the 3 scoring conditions combined, then you have won!
As a big fan of Sprawlopolis, I am happy to report that ButtonShy has done it again with Agropolis. The overall gameplay and atmosphere is the same between both games, which adds a comfort and familiarity to the game, but the thematic differences and scoring conditions make the game feel subtly unique. Aside from a country theme, Agropolis has an optional challenge known as the Feed Fee. Certain cards have a feedbag and livestock symbol underneath the card’s score, and all cards have a combination of livestock symbols at the bottom of the scoring description. To play with the Feed Fee, simply count the number of that specific type of livestock across all 3 scoring condition cards and add that to your scoring total. You might even have multiple Feed Fees in play for a single game! That is a new added challenge unique to Agropolis, and can really up the ante of the gameplay.

Our preview copy of Agropolis also came with a 6-card combo pack expansion that allows you to combine both Agropolis and Sprawlopolis into one big game. To play with the combo pack, randomly select one scoring condition card from the three decks: Agropolis, Sprawlopolis, and the combo pack. Randomly select another combo pack card to be the starting card of your city/country blended community. On your turn, you will draw 1 Agropolis card and 1 Sprawlopolis card. Play only one of those cards to the tableau, and the other is discarded. When both draw decks run out, the game is over and points are tallied. This combo game is uniquely challenging because you have scoring conditions from both games. You can’t focus on the city-side and let the country peter out, because at least one of the scoring condition cards calls for a country-specific goal. This combo pack takes the simplicity of both games and really ups the amount of strategy required for success. Definitely a combo I will be playing a lot!
All in all, how is Agropolis? The gameplay itself is simple, strategic, and satisfying to play. Although nearly identical to Sprawlopolis, the thematic differences and country-specific scoring conditions make the game feel new and refreshing. I absolutely love the 6-card combo pack to combine both games together. It just heightens the gameplay and strategic considerations, and takes it from a smaller game to something with a little more heft. Some people are all about that city life, but I think Agropolis will show you the beauty of the rural community. Be sure to check out the Kickstarter campaign, going live on Tuesday, September 29th!

Ross (3284 KP) rated Valour in Books

Dec 18, 2017  
John Gwynne | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second book in the Faithful and the Fallen series continues straight on from Malice, and follows several different groups as they re-group from the events at the end of Malice (the siege of Ardan and the assault on the giant stronghold to capture one of the 7 treasures).
From there on each group goes on its own journey, but at times I found it hard to remember where they were going or why. Most of the original PoV characters return with some extras.
Maquin was a good addition as he tries to cope with losing his lord in the depths of the giant stronghold and battles on without a purpose, and ends up going on a really exciting journey.
Having Veradis no longer following Nathair, acting both as his first-sword and also as his conscience, was a bit of a challenge for me. I love the character of Veradis, and the shield wall method of battle he has developed, but struggle to see the point in him away from Nathair. At times it felt like there were events happening elsewhere in the world and one of the PoV characters had to witness them so he drew the short straw.
The focus of this book shifts away from Corban quite a bit: where Malice devoted almost every other chapter to his development and growth, here he becomes part of the richer story.
At times the events felt a little unbelievable - groups arriving at the same place at the right time, people just chancing upon others in a random clearing in the forest etc - and I found it a little jarring.
I found the characters a bit more well-defined than in the first book, but that could just be because some of the ones which were similar to others have now died. A number of the less pleasant characters though are still hard to distinguish - Jael, Rafe, Quinn, Morcant - all seem pretty interchangeable.
The story has moved along a bit but I feel the overall storyline is a little undefined as yet - it isn't clear what the end game is - there will be a battle between good and evil but there doesn't seem to be anything to do until then, other than try to stop it happening (but as the book itself says "it is prophesied so it will happen"), so the purpose seems to be damage limitation.
A good read and an improvement over Malice, but I still struggle to remember what each group is doing for the first page or so of their chapters.

Janeeny (200 KP) rated Persuasion in Books

Jun 10, 2019  
Jane Austen | 1817 | Essays, Romance
8.3 (29 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’m always a little dubious about certain ‘Classics’. Give me a Charles Dickens or an HG Wells any day of the week and I’m happy. I become a little more dubious around what I call ‘society’ classics, like George Elliot and Jane Austen. It all stems from the time I read Middlemarch and found it to be a 900 page soap opera where NOTHING ACTUALLY HAPPENS!! Although so far I have never been disappointed by a Jane Austen novel, when I have to read a book that essentially revolves around social customs and classes I break out in a cold sweat! .
So I was a little apprehensive when my recommended book for the month from my Penguin Reading challenge was 'Persuasion', but at 249 pages I thought I’d just crack on and get it over with.
I was pleasantly surprised.

Persuasion is about a young woman named Anne Elliot who, previous to the beginning of the story, was betrothed to Naval Officer Frederick Wentworth, but broke it off after being 'persuaded' (see what they did there!) by her family and a close friend that the match was beneath her. It is seven years later and Anne discovers that Wentworth has returned and is, lamentably, involved in her social circle. What follows is a deep exploration of Anne's feelings, thoughts and regrets on the decision she made 7 years ago, and the circumstances that may allow her to make amends.

As I said before I haven’t been disappointed by a Jane Austen novel yet, and this one was no exception. It is essentially a ‘will they wont they’ story that does keep you guessing until the end. Whilst it is a basic storyline it is laced with little dramas that keep you engaged but do not overshadow the main story.

In the introduction in my book it says that Jane Austen once described Anne Elliot as “almost too good for me” I can understand what she means as Anne is a very self-effacing heroin. She puts others thoughts and needs before her own and has an equitable view of the world. Unfortunately in my eyes this does make her far too pliant, and whilst this aspect of her does lend to the back story of why she never married Wentworth seven years ago, when she is insulted and exploited by her family I did find myself wishing she had a little more gumption.
Aside from that I found it a very pleasant societal love story.
The Biggest Poutine in the World
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Biggest Poutine in the World by Andrée Poulin is a cute, enjoyable, surprisingly emotional book about poutine and a world record attempt. I wish that the book had not ended so abruptly but it has a fantastic message and sympathetic and well-developed characters.

Our hero is twelve year old Thomas. His Mom disappeared on his fifth birthday. Dad has become withdrawn. Thomas feels abandoned. He develops a plan to put together the biggest poutine in the world in the hope that the attention that will draw will somehow lure his Mom back into his life. Three things gave me pause.

The book is loaded with sympathetic, supportive, decent real people who help and guide Thomas in the right direction. Thomas has a best friend, Sam, who is a real kid but is in fact a best friend. Thomas is extorted into taking on lonely Elie as a poutine project partner, and she turns out to be a lively, no-nonsense breath of fresh air. Sam's Mom, the city's mayor, Elie's Mom, and even the French Fry Guy are all adults who can see what's going on and provide gentle guidance and support. Finally, even Dad shows some spine. The effect of all of this is never sappy; it's upbeat and kind.

Thomas is insightful and the tale is told with great humor. As to Thomas, who narrates, we get a kid who may not be "real", but he feels real. I would suspect almost any middle grade reader would like and identify with this kid, which is most of the battle right there. Thomas has been dealt a bad hand, (his sense of abandonment, misplaced guilt, and anger is palpable, but he soldiers on pretty gamely and you root for him to get it together when his resolve wavers.

And, there is some very funny stuff that keeps us out of grim and depressing territory. The whole poutine project is a goof. Thomas and Sam have some great exchanges. Elie has a dry and deadpan style that keeps Thomas honest. A subplot involving the mayor's parrot, (don't ask), adds some slapstick. And behind it all you sense an author with a great command of the light and the dark and a good sense of how to ration them both out.

The upshot is that this is an honest, entertaining and very engaging story that I think would challenge, amuse and possibly touch a young reader. That's a nice combination.

I received this book from Annick Press via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review
Inner Demons (Peachville High Demons, #2)
Inner Demons (Peachville High Demons, #2)
Sarra Cannon | 2010 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Inner Demons (The Shadow Demons Saga #2) - Sarra Cannon [BOOK REVIEW]
The review of the first book and this one can also be found on my blog -
I greatly enjoyed Inner Demons - the second book from the Shadow Demons series. My sister seems to have a good taste in books - I am very glad I started the Tea's Wishlist Challenge.

Inner Demons continues right where Beautiful Demons end. Harper has been chosen to join the cheerleading team, which means instant popularity and people noticing here. But that’s not all - when you are a member of the cheerleading squad, you not only learn routines, dances and cheers. You also learn how to do magic!

The cheerleading team is the training squad for the magic learners that belong to the group of witches who are called the Order of Shadows. All these witches are powerful, and Harper has a special place in this team.

We get to see Harper discover a whole new world - a world that she didn’t really ask for. We are following her adventure in discovering how powerful she can be, but also how much pressure this role brings. Harper is awesome, by the way! And sometimes stupid.

The battle between the What-Is-Expected-Of-Me and Who-I-Really-Am is constantly there, and even though Harper is initially a brave girl - sometimes she loses herself into this whole new world. She is such a real character, because she is brave and wants justice, she wants to find out all the secrets, but then she becomes a coward for little things and the next thing we know - she goes into a very dangerous adventure.

I loved all the characters, especially Harper and Jackson ( I am #TeamJackson). In this book, you will also get to know Jackson better and find out a little bit about his spooky past. The flow of the story is so well written and even though it didn’t have major plot twists like the first book - it managed to answer a lot of questions I had, while still managing to bring up even more unanswered questions.

In this book Harper will witness a ceremony of her friend that will change the track of the whole book. When she realises that there are so many secrets that everyone is hiding from her - she will decide it’s time for her to seek them herself.

A lovely paranormal fantasy - filled in with a lot of magic, a wonderful plot behind it, and a fearless female character, I would definitely recommend this book and series. And don’t thank me - thank my sister!
Empire of Ruins
Empire of Ruins
Arthur Slade | 2018 | Children
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Keeps Getting Better
Contains spoilers, click to show
***Possible spoilers you’ve been warned***

This series is so consistent and does not disappoint. So we covered the city, we covered the sea in the second book. Now it’s time to go into the deep jungles and go on an exciting adventure that involves natives, flying ships, an Egyptian temple placed in Australia (I know right?), which results in an Indiana Jones type of adventure but involves secret agents, spies, and horrible clockwork falcons that can kill.

You can’t get more exciting than this. It starts off at a good pace and it’s steady. I enjoyed how during the ‘down times’ there is focus on Modo and Octavia’s character development. Modo still has some childish characteristics in him but as the novel progresses he slowly gets over that and the change stands out. You really do feel for him as his appearance starts to affect him, especially with his relationship with Octavia. His encounter with the natives help him to be comfortable in his own skin and I think because of this he starts acting more headstrong and does the talk back to Mr Socrates (which was a great scene to read. Wowwweee Modo, you do that clap back because Mr Socrates sure can’t take it haha)

I felt for Modo when he reveals his true likeness to Octavia. I get where she’s coming from though. She had this mental picture of Modo and it was nothing like the real thing so of course she wouldn’t know how to react. It hurt to read though. I couldn’t even imagine how crush Modo would have felt considering how much he feels for Octavia.

The plot in itself was super good and filled with action during the last half of the novel. The bad guys run with their tail between their legs in this one (enjoyable to read no doubt) but they come back with a vengeance towards the end. I rather expected the temple to be a little more of a challenge to go through (more traps please) but then perhaps that would prolong the adventure just a little too much.

I’m wanting to know what’s going to happen between Modo and Mr Socrates considering they had a falling out in the novel. This is going to get good and I hope the fourth and final novel will close this on a good note. Greatly recommend this series so far, pick it up and enjoy! It’s a great adventure!
Catwoman: Soulstealer - DC Icons Book 3
Catwoman: Soulstealer - DC Icons Book 3
Sarah J. Maas | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
So I needed a "book about a heist" for the PopSugar 2018 Reading Challenge, and naturally, Catwoman fits the bill. It wouldn't be a Catwoman novel/cartoon/graphic novel without a heist! Several, in fact, in this instance. And she teams up with Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn to pull them off, even though she doesn't seem to actually need the girls in this book. I love that Maas chose to include them, because Ivy/Harley/Catwoman is one of my all-time favorite team-ups. The book also delves into the relationship between Ivy and Harley, and Harley's dysfunctional dependence on the Joker (who's in Arkham for this book). I loved seeing that.

Interestingly, Batman doesn't show, other than a few phone calls with Luke Fox, Lucius Fox's son. Luke takes the traditional role of Batman-as-Catwoman's-love-interest, but as Batwing, a sort-of Robin. (Maybe I read too many comics? Nah.) The switch was surprising; it's always Catwoman and Batman, Selina and Bruce. Except when it's Talia and Bruce, I suppose.

I do wonder if they're going to do an ensemble cast novel after these first four books. (Wonder Woman: Warbringer, Batman: Nightwalker, and Superman: Dawnbreaker being the other three.) Superman doesn't come out until January, but the first three have been very disconnected from one another. Wonder Woman wasn't even mentioned in Batman or Catwoman. It seems odd to have them as a series, but never mention one another in each book? That, or the Superman book is going to tie the other three together, which seems like a disservice to Superman.

Anyway. I really liked Luke Fox as Batwing - the book touched, just a little bit, on racial issues, and how even as an obscenely rich black man he's not entirely exempt from those. In one scene he worries about the color of his skin being seen through damage to his batsuit, and cops realizing he's black. It's a sober reminder that even in a city beset by evil clowns, it's still set in the United States and we still have those racist systems in place.

The banter between Luke and Selina, and Selina and Harley and Ivy, is fantastic. I haven't actually read any of Sarah J. Maas' books - I know, I know - but if they're like Catwoman, I should probably give in and do so. So far, Wonder Woman is still my favorite of the DC Icons series (which is no surprise, as I love Leigh Bardugo) but Catwoman is really good.

You can find all my reviews at
The Old Hellfire Club
The Old Hellfire Club
2019 | Card Game
UK Games Expo 2018 was every boardgame fan’s dream. From party games and family favourites to elaborate miniatures and fantasy RPGs. The credit card certainly took a bashing that weekend, but there was one game which we weren’t able to purchase (due to it not actually being out), yet it left a rather lasting impression.

In The Old Hellfire Club two to six players take on the roles of the destitute final members of an ancient aristocratic secret society as they recount­ the tales of their greatest adventures to the patrons of the shadiest public houses of Old London Town. Drawing on the cards in their hands for inspiration, players weave an ever more elaborate (although far from honest) tale of daring and adventure in the hope that the drinking den’s patrons will offer them a penny for their woes. As competition for the pennies on offer increases, so too do the exaggerations and outright lies players tell about their role in the story in the hope of making themselves seem more deserving. At any time, a player can challenge anothers versions of the story by playing a less impressive card from their own hand, thereby revealing the exaggeration and taking the rewards for the story. When the tale reaches its climax, whoever has been given the most pennies wins the game.

You can win pennies by getting away with telling extravagant lies about the adventures you had (by playing
high value Boast Cards without being successfully challenged by other players), through the charity of
strangers (by meeting the conditions set out on certain Patron Cards), and by satisfying the predilections of
the mysterious benefactors lurking in the audience (by successfully playing the most cards from a particular
suit over the course of the game).

While there’s still some time until you can physically purchase The Old Hellfire Club, which launches on Kickstarter on 9 April 2019, the developers have launched a free….yes free….print and play version of the game, meaning you can print your own copies of the cards and play with friends.

You can download a copy of the file by visiting The Old Hellfire Club’s profile on Boardgame Geek. I cannot rate this game highly enough. While I was sceptical at first because, in all honesty, I’m not that great at creating stories on the spot, especially those set in Victorian England, The Old Hellfire Club was incredibly quick to pick up. During the preview at UK Games Expo there were quite a few laughs, particularly when I joined Karl Marx for a gin or two. Who knows where future tales may lead.
Borderlands 2: VR
Borderlands 2: VR
2K games has taken the popular Borderlands franchise into the Virtual-Reality realm with the release of Borderlands 2: VR. The game allows fans with a PSVR system to experience the game form an entirely new perspective. Playing out much as the standard game does this VR experience allows players to either teleport to various spots or allows players to move around using the directional controller of the Dualshock 4.

Players will have to adjust to the new visuals as one of the early game tutorials does suggest taking a break if you should feel any dizziness or strain from the VR experience. It can be a little more pronounced than usual in this game due to the intense action of dodging numerous enemies during combat and moving over large areas of the map.

Players will also need to get used to going solo as there is not an option to have a group experience. The maps and missions lay out exactly as you would expect although it will take some players a little bit of adjustment to get used to the movement system. I was able to do fairly well first time out but did find looking behind me to the a challenge which forced me to adopt this style of backing off and keeping most of my visuals limited to left, right, up, and down.

Graphically the game looks exactly as you remembered it save for the VR environment which gives gamers a new level of immersion. There were times when characters and enemies appeared almost translucent depending on my distance and angle from them, but it was in no way a distraction as I dispatch enemies, upgraded weapons, and raided boxes.

The game also plays out pretty much as you remember so players who have completed the original game will have a good idea of what to expect.

While many of us are eager for the announcement of the next chapter in the series; Borderlands 2 VR is a welcome addition that allows players to experience the vast gaming environments in a virtual-reality setting. It would be interesting to see if 2K plans to adapt any of their other games for VR as I certainly would not mind seeing Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel or even EVOLVE in this environment.

For now this is a very enjoyable; albeit nostalgic look back which is certainly a must own for fans of the game and PSVR owners.

Gareth von Kallenbach (977 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens in Video Games

Jun 19, 2019 (Updated Jun 19, 2019)  
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Lego and Star Wars have followed up their previous successful collaborations with Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens and it is a delight to play.

The game combines, humor, action and creativity as it allows gamers to play as several characters from the hit film and also explore adventures set before the events of the film.

Of course being a Lego game this is not a strict rehash of the plot for the film as while many of the locales and events from the film are present, the trademark Lego humor is evident throughout and allows for a fun spin on the story.

With a new Multi-Builds system, players can decide if they want a more challenging build option in game or simply have fun and explore the game at their leisure. This is great for younger gamers as well as older ones looking for more of a challenge.

While locales such as Starkiller Base and Jakku are featured, there are other locales that arise and allow players to fill in some of the plot aspects in the years between “Return of the Jedi” and “The Force Awakens”. One such mission details how Han and Chewbacca were able to secure the deadly Rathtars as well as missions involving Poe Damron, Crimson Corsair, Lor San Tekka and more.

What really makes the game shine aside from the diversity and fun of playing it is hearing several of the stars from the film voicing their Lego characters. Adam Driver, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega and several more all contribute to give the game a new level of realism and enjoy ability.

Boasting an impressive lineup of over 200 characters many of whom can be customized and over 80 vehicles would be impressive enough but for $9.99 a DLC program is available that will offer several new characters, vehicles, missions and more.

Graphically the game is very impressive as the detail level of the characters and sets is great fun to behold as is the great sound quality of the game.

This is key as combat modes ranging from Arena battles and space flight are one of the best parts of the game and really look and sound amazing as well as being great fun to play.

The game is ideal for Star Wars or Lego fans and has plenty of stuff to keep gamers of all ages hooked. I cannot wait to see what they developers come up with next as Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens is not to be missed.