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Halloween (2018)
Halloween (2018)
2018 | Horror
The atmosphere is ramped up to 10 in this new rendition of Micheal Myers. (0 more)
The off place comedy in some places. (0 more)
The best horror sequel ever?
How could anything truly top the great Halloween? Though the franchise has been riddled with cheese and just insane plot holes. This sequel of the original 1978 horror classic maybe one of the best horror sequels of all time let alone probably the best Halloween sequel ever? The film has a freaky atmosphere that seems to be directly copied from the original. Is that a bad thing? No not necessarily. The original sequels to the Halloween franchise have little to no atmosphere. Feels like more of the focus is promantly towards the "not so" mysterious Micheal Myers and less about setting the scene up for a good erie feeling. Which isn't to say that its easy to do. Much of a sequels scares come from the shocking and overrated "jump scare" aspect. Once you're shown the big bad on camera, it's hard to gain that same fear and mystery back. However in the 2019 film, it ramps it to 11. Maybe it's because we haven't seen Myers on the big screen for quite some time? There is something about seeing an older Myers that is so freaky to me. The cat and mouse plot twist is a wonderful change that makes this film a 9/10 for me. As a horror buff, I was so excited for this film so much that I didn't watch anything else for 2 months. I loved the film that much. Definitely a great watch.
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Andy K (10821 KP) Jun 30, 2019

I went a little overboard I guess sorry.


Eilidh G Clark (177 KP) Jun 30, 2019

I remember watching the original as a wee girl and finding it terrifying . I wanted to got to the cinema to see the newest one but never got a chance. Can't wait to see it

Disney Inspired Recipes
Disney Inspired Recipes
Thomas Beard | 2019 | Food & Drink
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Try the grey stuff, it’s delicious!

Well now you can!

Have you ever fancied making Tiana’s beignets or Linguini’s soup? Then this is the book for you.

Thomas Beard’s recipe book contains 30 recipes inspired by…you guessed it…Disney!

If I’m honest it was the gorgeous cover that initially attracted me to this book but there are definitely so many recipes I want to try. Keep an eye on my instagram for any attempts – hopefully they won’t be a Pinterest fail!

The first recipe i am desperate to try is the iconic grey stuff from Beauty and the Beast. It’s actually an oreo vanilla mix which sounds like heaven!

I also want to try the honey cake (a la the silly old bear) and the cursed cake from Brave. Not that I have a sweet tooth or anything!

There are some recipes that are undoubtedly “padding”. I’m looking at you Lady and the Tramp Spaghetti and Meatballs and Tangled Hazlenut Soup. Nevertheless there are some others that I wouldn’t have thought of and it was these surprises that I really appreciated because it would be so easy to be lazy and fill a book of Mulan’s Chinese curry, Little John’s stew or similar.

Once you get past the disappointment of the Harry Potter style text on a Disney cover, this book is definitely worth a look. Like all recipe books there are some that I will probably skip past (corn dogs, cheese souffle) but the addition of recipes inspired by Big Hero 6 and The Emperor’s New Groove more than makes up for them.
    Heidi: Alpine Adventure

    Heidi: Alpine Adventure

    Games and Education

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    Heidi is absolutely beside herself with excitement: there are so many wonderful things to discover...

    KFC - Order On The Go

    KFC - Order On The Go

    Food & Drink and Shopping

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    Score exclusive offers, customise your meals, skip the queue, and more with the KFC app! The entire...