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Rachel (48 KP) rated What Alice Forgot in Books

May 27, 2017  
What Alice Forgot
What Alice Forgot
Liane Moriarty | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
Surprisingly Surprising!
Usually if I see the word's 'romance' 'love' or 'moving' on a book I immediately think "Nope!" and find something else.

I got this book after reading 'A Husband's Secret', which is fantastic, and wanted to read more of Liane Moriarty's novels.
I'm so glad that I did as I enjoyed this story just as much as her latest work.

Yes - this novel does have romance in it and isn't as tense or fast paced as her latest work but it does have a lot of other things in common with it. Really fleshed out character's that act in a believable way, a whiff of mystery, the main narrative accompanied by a few other character's voices and the power to make you try to imagine just how you might cope with the problems that are experienced within the story.

If, like me, you are allergic to so called 'chick lit' then please don't be put off from reading any of Liane Moriarty's work. They really are thought provoking, gripping tales and I look forward to discovering more of her work. Perhaps I won't be so hasty to put a book down if any of those dreaded words are on the cover next time, I could well be missing out on a gem of a book
<b>Au Revoir, Crazy European Chick</b> is a pure adrenaline rush from start to finish, never letting up for a moment. The tagline: "Ferris Bueller Meets La Femme Nikita in this funny, action-packed young adult novel" pretty much describes it to a T (though I'm sure there are other influences involved too), except in this case the main character, Perry, is closer to Alan Ruck's Cameron than Ferris himself. While reading, I couldn't help but visualize this as a movie, as it'd work very well developed for the big screen. This is definitely a plot-driven book, with less characterization than action, though the author gives just enough to get a sense of who both Perry and the pseudo-foreign-exchange-student-but-in-reality-assassin, Gobi, are that goes beyond two-dimensional. If you're looking for a realistic book, this isn't it, but if you're looking for a wild ride filled with death, violence, rock 'n' roll, humor, mystery, and a main character who grows as the night unfolds, give this a shot, it's loads for fun. A very short book (190 pages), ARCEC is a fast, non-stop action read that would be perfect entertainment if your brain is overworked from work, school, or just every day worries and should appeal to both males and females who enjoy light YA novels.
Dirty Dancing  (1987)
Dirty Dancing (1987)
1987 | Drama, Music, Romance
The feel happy theme of the film. (0 more)
Robby. That guys just yuck. (0 more)
Nobody puts baby in the corner
Makes me want to dance and go on holiday at Kellermans even now in 2019.
 The development of both characters mix well despite rumours Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze did not get on off screen.
Baby is vulnerable and naive to start and with Jonny's cocky, bad boy influence she seems to grow up as the films goes, becoming a woman. At the same time Baby becomes the right influence on Jonny Castle, bringing out his good, sensitive side. This is done gradually and it doesn't go from just putting up with each other to boom let's get married without any of the in betweens which some films forget about.
The bit that got me was when he says he had a dream that her dad accepted him. This wouldn't have happened at the beginning and I felt it was the perfect way to show how much Jonny had fallen in love with baby without the need of the whole 'I love You' moment which is a big yawn after the 50th film in a chick flick'athon.
Every female should want a man like Jonny Castle and have this DVD in their collection. Also as someone who was born old, the music is fabulous, they don't make music like that anymore!
Been There, Married That
Been There, Married That
Gigi Levangie Grazer | 2020 | Contemporary
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
‏I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

Agnes Murphy Nash has the perfect Hollywood life...or so she thought until arriving home to find the gates and doors locked and is prevented from entering her own house. What ensues is a humorous look at divorce, the stupid things people do while divorcing, and how badly we can act.

Gigi Levangie Grazer could have written Been There, Married That as a Debbie Downer book especially when discussing Agnes having to still cohabitate with her husband during the divorce. Anyone who had to endure cohabitating knows there is not much to laugh about. Grazier focuses on the negative but writes it with such style you are guaranteed to laugh.

I do not usually read "women's fiction" or "chick lit" but, after reading its description, I figured I would give it a try. I am so glad I chose this novel. I will continue with my norms (mystery, YA, SciFi) but will not shun women's fiction immediately from now on. I will probably still avoid romances but Been There, Married That is not a romance novel.

I also heard part of the audiobook. The narrator, Amy McFadden, did a fabulous job and really brought this novel and its humor to life.

This 200-word review was published on on 5/23/20.
Playing for Keeps (2012)
Playing for Keeps (2012)
2012 | Comedy, Drama, Sport
6.0 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Gerard Butler has stepped out of his 300 uniform and into some soccer
cleats. As a former international soccer star, George (Butler) is down on
his luck. He has no job, and he’s living in Virginia, attempting to
reconnect with his estranged son.

The story opens with some backstory about George’s past before quickly
tumbling into his present situation. George’s ex-wife (Jessica Biel) is
getting remarried, and his son Lewis (Noah Lomax) is having a hard time
learning to trust his real father after being separated for so long.

The plot quickly unfolds into a predictable “chick-flick” scenario, where
the main character is floundering and wants to get back what he once had.
His path to redemption comes in the form of coaching his son’s youth
soccer team, while fending off hordes of attractive soccer *moms* who want
to place hands on the well-sculpted Coach Dryer!

This film is incredibly formulaic, and it’s predictable every step of the
way. That said, Butler, Biel, and the rest of t*he cast* do an exceptional
job given what they had to work with. I even have to give some props to
the young actor, Noah Lomax, for giving a noteworthy performance as the

While there were some great chuckles and all-out laughs mixed with a few
touching moments, it’s hard to look past the poor production values of this
film. Many of the scenes were filmed in a free-hand format. The shaking is
not just noticeable, but rampant throughout the film. It’s very
distracting, and downright shoddy film-making.

The directing wasn’t bad, in general, but I think a more seasoned director
would have at least chosen better angles. Case-in-point: many of the
scenes involving the red Ferrari were obviously lit with bright, white
lights reflecting off the surface of the car, giving us a view of grips and
other personnel behind the camera.

Dennis Quaid starts the film with a great role, and delivers a fantastic
performance. Unfortunately, after the jail scene, he’s oddly absent until
the end of the film. His absence was so awkward that it distracted me from
the people who were on the screen. I even asked myself: where did Dennis
Quaid’s character go?

Uma Thurman, playing Quaid’s character’s wife, and Catherine-Zeta Jones,
playing a soccer mom, did a marvelous job (again, despite not having much
to work with).

The Hollywood stars saved this film from rating lower, due to their vast
acting experience and talent, but I can’t recommend the movie as a whole.
Even their performances weren’t enough to keep Playing For Keeps in the
same ballpark as a well-produced film. It’s shoddy movie-making at best.

I recommend you wait to watch this one at home and save your movie theater
budget for another flick, *but if you are into chick-flicks, Playing for
Keeps will not disappoint.*
The Theory of Happily Ever After
The Theory of Happily Ever After
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
What’s better for a book than an awesome comedy filled with inspiring messages and sparks of romance? That’s what Mrs. Billerbeck’s new novel has! But, it’s so much more than it! It’s captivating, and on more than one occasion , it had me laughing out loud and people looking funny at me! Each turn of the page brought me a little closer to Maggie and Sam and their quirky, Austenesque story.

What is the meaning of your happiness? Did you have to search it out or did it seek you out? That’s what Maggie Maguire encounters in this fun chick lit novel. I felt myself turning into Maggie, wondering what will happen next, what’s in store, is there a happily ever after. And, when Sam entered the picture, being a fan of Jane Austen, I was instantly pulled to him and his grump like self! The interaction between Maggie and Sam was fun and I was rooting for them the whole way through the story.

This is definitely a 4 star novel and one you shouldn’t miss! You’ll laugh out loud more times than not and you’ll find yourself instantly a part of this well written, inspiring novel of happy ever afters and true love. Well done, Ms. Billerbeck! Definitely a keeper on my shelf for sure!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
A Girl's Guide to Landing a Greek God
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

I usually don’t read novels like this, but as someone who loves mythology, particularly Greek, I was hungry for a good mythology read. Unfortunately, I didn’t enjoy this as a modern interpretation. Honestly, if the mythology wasn’t involved, I probably would have enjoyed it more. I think I am just a mythology snob…

Overall, I thought the story was humorous and engaging. That being said, it was obvious that the author was a male instead of a female. I can’t explain it, but males just have a certain voice when it comes to trying to write chick lit/romance. While I liked his characters, sometimes I felt that his female lead was a bit of a caricature. I have to remember, however, that people like that actually do exist. With that in mind, she can be a strong yet quirky woman able to hold her own in the world even if she doesn’t always make the best decisions.

As a whole, the story is pretty entertaining. As a woman, I feel a bit put out that a man wrote a novel titled “A Girl’s Guide…” I don’t think I will read the rest of the series but that is more for the fact that it wasn’t my tastes, not because it isn’t an good book.
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

“Life, as any chancer knows, is 10% planning, 10% design and 80% totally winging it …” and Catherine Bennetto’s debut novel <i>How Not to Fall in Love, Actually</i> provides a perfect example. The protagonist, Emma George, does not have the most stable of lives: a job she is not that great at, a disappointing boyfriend, and not much hope for the future. Clinging on to dreams of working in the film industry in New York, Emma plods on in her frustrating London job, however, things are due to get a lot worse.

A quick succession of events leaves Emma boyfriend-less, homeless, penniless, grandmother-less, and, to top it off, pregnant. Although letting off a woe-is-me aura, Emma does not realise how fortunate she is. A series of serendipitous incidents, a fashion-obsessed mother, and a sister on the other side of the world make Emma’s life more bearable. Moving into her late grandmother’s Wimbledon cottage and acquiring a handsome lodger, with a loving family just around the corner, Emma’s life has the potential to be happier than it has ever been before – if only she could see that.

<i>How Not to Fall in Love, Actually</i> (a title presumably inspired by the film Love Actually) is a typical British romantic comedy that provides light-hearted relief with its jovial narrative. Full of eccentric characters – a foul-mouthed four-year-old, a felony-obsessed octogenarian, and a harried mother of four – this novel is certain to entertain, although whether it deserves the “laugh-out-loud” status it promises is questionable (but then I am more of a laugh-inside type of reader).

One of the best things about this book – and many British chick-lit – is the authenticity of the characters and settings. Although a few of the scenarios may be toward the extreme end of the scale, none of the occurrences are too far-fetched, and all the characters are relatable in some way, despite their idiosyncrasies.

Personally, I tend to avoid chick-lit, finding them rather lowbrow and written for the sake of writing. Books that have love or sexual encounters as their key theme are not something I enjoy. Therefore, I was pleasantly surprised when <i>How Not to Fall in Love, Actually</i> exceeded these rather low expectations. Admittedly, there are one too many sexual references and far too much swearing, particularly from a four-year-old character – although that does add to the overall humour - but the general storyline was enjoyable. Despite the title hinting at a love-focused story, there were so many other elements to the plot, resulting in a much more interesting novel.

<i>How Not to Fall in Love, Actually</i> is obviously targeted at women, but can be enjoyed by adults of all ages. Those in their twenties and thirties may be able to relate to the struggles Emma is dealing with, whereas older generations may be able to reminisce about their past dilemmas. Whatever the reader’s situation, this book brings laughter, relaxation and the realisation that life is not so bad.
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not totally romance, not exactly chick-lit, not altogether a mystery, so what is it? A bit of all of the above really. ALL ABOUT EVIE is a fluffy read that's fairly quick and utterly harmless. Evie, at 41, is a nice change from the 23-year-olds that run rampant in lighter fiction. Yes, her age does come into play since she's an old geezer in the world of show business, but it never became overbearing or unnecessary and added another dimension to her character. Evie narrates in first person, while when it cuts to another character it is written in third person, a bit jarring at first, but I didn't have any problems with it. The plot was fine, as was the pace, there's not much to rave or quibble about, the book was just nice. I think the most irritating thing about the book was the excessive mentioning of Evie's TMJ (temporomandibular joint, which should actually really be called TMD - temporomandibular joint disorder/dysfunction), I really got sick of her bringing it up and then confusing it with lockjaw. We got it, you have a problem with your jaw, move on. But on the whole, I wouldn't say there was anything earth-shattering about the book but it's a perfectly good beach read. One thing, this is the first of three books (not sure if they'll be more), so it's not a standalone, which was unfortunate for me. At this time I'm not sure if I'll be on the look-out for the other two.

Tom Jones recommended Greatest Songs by Little Richard in Music (curated)

Greatest Songs by Little Richard
Greatest Songs by Little Richard
1995 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It's got all the classics on it: 'Good Golly Miss Molly', 'Rip It Up'. It's tremendous, when you put that thing on: from start to finish, it's boom all the way! First of all, I thought he was a girl, because I heard him do 'Rip It Up' and I'd heard Bill Haley & The Comets - they covered a lot of things where we didn't know what the originals were at first, but then you'd hear them - sometimes in movie houses funnily enough, like in Pontypridd, between films, they would play records. Sometimes they'd play the original American ones, but that's when I heard 'Rip It Up' by Little Richard. I thought, 'Some chick has covered Billy Haley & The Comets', but it was the original record. And then the same thing with 'Ain't That A Shame' - I heard the Pat Boon version before I heard Fats Domino. We never got to them that early - there was always somebody covering them first, getting the jump on it. It definitely made me appreciate the songs more when I first heard it, no doubt about it. Americans - they're paranoid about the lyrics that might be a little risque. With Big Joe Turner, on his version of 'Shake Rattle and Roll', there's some - 'you're wearing those dresses, the sun comes shining through / I can't believe my eyes, all that mess belongs to you' - [laughs] well, they cut that back out straightaway! Bill Haley & The Comets: 'Wearin' those dresses, your hair done up so nice / you look so warm, but your heart is cold as ice' - they changed it"
