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Give A Glimpse Of What Yer Not by Dinosaur Jr
Give A Glimpse Of What Yer Not by Dinosaur Jr
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Once the Seattle scene exploded and the band names became living-room buzzwords, Dinosaur Jr. got a modicum of recognition. They deserve a little more. If there is such a thing left as the avant-garde – as you know, all of the foreboding walls of the forbidden zone have been removed – it seems to me that Dinosaur Jr. have a bit of an edge. Nirvana was everywhere you went at that time. I was living in Laguna Beach. Some friends stopped in for a visit and we wound up on Balboa Island. To get to the other side there were two routes: the roundabout way, or a small five-car ferry that makes the short hop across. I remember waiting in line to board the ferry and some cute young barefooted hippie chick walked up to the car window and, out of the clear blue, gazed in with a smile and said, ""It smells like teen spirit in here."" I was going, wow. Okay.


Erika (17788 KP) rated The Snowman (2017) in Movies

Oct 20, 2017 (Updated Oct 23, 2017)  
The Snowman (2017)
The Snowman (2017)
2017 | Crime, Drama, Horror
Contains spoilers, click to show
Well, to start, there were two very basic things that they could have gotten right. Harry drinks Jim Beam and his last name is not pronounced like the orifice, as has been specified in multiple books in the series. Also, they could at least have included Beate Lonn (or, was she supposed to be the chick at the computer at one point?).. Katrine Bratt was as annoying as I expected her to be, and I completely didn't mind that she was killed off. The plot was convoluted, thank god I read the book and knew the relevance of Stop in the whole story, whereas it wasn't clear why he was featured in the movie. It could have been so much better! The source material is great, and they completely dropped the ball. The scenery was beautiful, but, Norway is beautiful in general. Don't even get me started about Rakel, I have nothing nice to say about what they did to her character. Overall, I didn't mind Michael Fassbender as Harry, he probably did the best he could with that script.
Before I Fall (2017)
Before I Fall (2017)
2017 | Drama
6.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
It kept to the premise of book (0 more)
The mystery of character's was given away to early (0 more)
Mystery fail due to film media
Sometimes book to film adaptations work sometimes there a disaster this fell in the in-between. Whilst the film followed the story premise it wasn't that captivating and I think the reasons because it it doesn't work as well in the film medium. In the book the first accident is heightened and where all left guessing the events but are that much more involved because we know what she shouts before the accident we wonder why she shouts it int he film they cant do that because you would see what responsible. I dont think it was the film makers fault just that the suspense that made the book just doesn't transfer over. I mean as a teenager chick flick its okay but the books is deep powerful and meaningful and enraptures you in this mystery of teenage life and leaves you wondering the meaning why she yell what she does. The film doesn't
Truly, Madly (Lucy Valentine, #1)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
TRULY, MADLY is mystery, romance, chick-lit and a bit of paranormal all wrapped up in one delightful little package. Lucy Valentine is a nice, normal, and a little bit quirky protagonist who never got on my nerves. It's nice to have a main character who isn't totally self-absorbed, ditzy, neurotic, clumsy and just plain irritating, basically just about every female you run across in lighter fiction books these days. All the other characters added to the story seamlessly and there wasn't one who was unnecessary. I enjoyed the psychic angle and thought that it was used in a fresh and interesting way. The plot was engaging and moved swiftly, and everything was well-written in an easy and smooth manner. I don't really have any major complaints and look forward to the next in the series.

The best word to use in describing this book is cute. So if you like cute, check it out, it's a nice piece of brain candy that won't offend your intelligence.
Transformers (2007)
Transformers (2007)
2007 | Action, Sci-Fi
It came as a complete shock to me that I LOVED this movie! Granted, I would consider myself to be a Michael Bay fan, but certainly not a Transformers fan. Yes, I played with toys as a kid and the concept is good, but I never really bought into the TV shoes etc… But there’s very little wrong with this film.

Great script, dialogue, action, music and pacing. I now some may scoff at my great dialogue line, but the core to this films’ success is the fact that it knows exactly what it is. It’s an action blockbuster about living alien robots that transform in to various vehicles … How seriously can you take this concept??? But it manages to take it seriously enough to draw in the audience and keep our attention for almost 2 and half hours.

My only two quibbles with this movie are Jon Voight, always a problem in my opinion, and that Australian chick and the fat black guy. The most irritating comic relief ever…? Possibly…
Howard the Duck (1986)
Howard the Duck (1986)
1986 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Not as bad as all that.
Before he was an upcoming maybe movie, maybe TV series and part of the Disney/Marvel juggernaut, he was a cheesy 80s movie with one of my serious 80s crushes, Lea Thompson (from Back to the Future).

When Howard is pulled through a "wormhole" from his duck planet to Earth, he has to try and not only figure out what is going on and how he came to know this extremely hot chick (and nerd Tim Robbins) but he also has to save the world from the "Dark Overlord of the universe" (Ferris Bueller and Beetlejuice alum, Jeffrey Jones).

I think the biggest problem with the film was filmmakers (George Lucas among them) didn't get the tone right. It was too racy to be for kids which was probably their target audience. The "duck out of water" element was my favorite part the ways his world was different than ours and how he tried to fit in.

It's a charming 80s romp I've probably seen too often.

The Undomestic Goddess
The Undomestic Goddess
Sophie Kinsella | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
Would you like some cheese with that?
Hello all you beautiful people!

Let's all rejoice for regular posting on the blog and Youtube!!! I am officially back and all my attention is now on all you followers, readers and commenters! There are going to be a mix of food and book focused content which I am really excited to get out to all of you and content I have had so much fun creating so here's hoping you will have as much fun reading and watching it!

Now back to business. Today I am going to be reviewing a book by a very famous author that I picked up while doing my weekly shop in Tesco (2 for £7, can't go wrong!). Honestly, I have never read any Sophie Kinsella before but I mostly associate her works with chick lit, contemporary feel-good reads so I was looking forward to getting back into reading with a nice easy read.

Continue reading my review at:

Lou Grande (148 KP) rated the PC version of Emily Is Away Too in Video Games

Jul 9, 2018  
Emily Is Away Too
Emily Is Away Too
2017 | Role-Playing, Simulation
For people of a certain age, Emily Is Away Too will remind them of being a teenager in the early aughts and late nineties. You play as yourself (more or less) as you attempt to woo either of two girls at your high school: Emily, the alternative hipster chick, or Evelyn, the punk rocker. In that way, it's much like many dating sims. You discover their likes and dislikes and play into them.

What makes Emily Is Away unique is the gameplay. It all takes place, so to speak, in a chat client called "EOL," which functions like AIM or Yahoo! Messenger. You can customize your font, profile, and avatar (the angstier the lyrics in your bio the better, of course). And don't forget to make your text as obnoxious as possible.

To compliment the retro look, the soundtrack consists of the sound of your hard drive working and really authentic chat notifications. It was a trip back in time for me, and it actually made me a little sad in a bittersweet way.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Dirty Dancing (1987) in Movies

Sep 14, 2020 (Updated Sep 14, 2020)  
Dirty Dancing  (1987)
Dirty Dancing (1987)
1987 | Drama, Music, Romance
(My partner made me watch it after I forced her to sit through one Hammer horror too many.) Cheese-tastic dance movie. Innocent young girl experiences dance-oriented sexual awakening at a grim holiday camp in 1963. This mostly takes the form of her just standing there looking bemused while Patrick Swayze performs whole-body pelvic thrusts in her direction.

'The ultimate chick flick' (according to her indoors anyway) but looks just like a rather corny terpsichorean melodrama to me, not especially well-acted or directed - very reminiscent of films from the period in which it is set, although with a bit of slightly grittier content. That said, the soundtrack ping-pongs back and forth between the early 60s and the late 80s. In the end I did enjoy it a lot, although probably not for the reasons the makers intended (I particularly liked the moment where a bit of suspect editing makes it look like one guy is playing a sax solo on a trumpet). Silly, harmless fun.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Sisterland in Books

Dec 14, 2018  
Curtis Sittenfeld | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed this book much more than I expected to - I had been slightly wary of reading Curtis Sittenfeld’s <i>Sisterland</i> after seeing that it has been listed as Chick Lit on <i>Goodreads</i>. It is a story about two sisters (the title sort of gives that away) – twins in fact: Violet and Daisy. Although for the majority of the novel the narrator, Daisy, is known as Kate.

The chapters alternate between past and present, which helps the reader to understand the characters and their developments whilst the main story line is being played out. I say present but you later discover that Kate is actually narrating these events a couple of years after although this was not clear and the beginning.

Vi and Kate both have ESP or “senses” meaning that they occasionally experience visions, thoughts, or feelings about certain people or events that are yet to occur. When Vi receives a message about an earthquake due to occur in their hometown, the media ends up getting involved, speculating how much truth there is behind this prediction.

As the supposed “doomsday” date approaches, Vi and Kate’s relationship has its ups and down – something which seems to have been the case throughout most of their lives. But the main question is will there be an earthquake or is it, perhaps, a metaphor for events taking place in Kate’s own home and family?

While reading I felt as though I was - I am not really sure how to word it – perhaps growing close to the narrator as she recounted her tale. Learning about Kate as a person and understand and relating to how she felt and acted. This meant, however, that I became disappointed in Kate for making a certain bad decision – or more like giving in to an impulse. I will not reveal what that is as I do not want to spoil the book for anyone who has not yet read it.

As I have already said, I did enjoy this book. Personally I would not label it as Chick Lit, although I will not deny that it is intended for women to read. It is a contemporary, fictional novel with a hint of fantasy or the paranormal about it. I would recommend it to readers who appreciate other novels of a similar genre.