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The Jinx (Rachel Benjamin, #2)
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jan. 16, 2008
I'm close to the middle of the book and am not sure if I want to read on because of these reasons...

(1) I've picked this book up numerous times, in many months I might add, and have only read a few pages at a time. Definitely not a good sign.
(2) It's slow and rather boring
(3) Rachel's been irritating - whiny, pompous, dumb, and she overreacts.. This doesn't sound like the girl from the first book.
(4) I am so sick of hearing about her Diet Coke addiction! WTF?????!!!!!
(5) Ms. Sturman seems to like throwing out words that are hardly used in the English language in attempt to make her look smarter than she might, in fact, be.
(6) I think I already figured out who's the culprit to this mystery (and I use this term loosely since there's hardly any mystery so far). Of course I'm not sure about this, but who's to tell?

I'm still thinking I might read towards the end because I have the next one at the ready. Hopefully it will improve. If not, then it's the end of the line for me. But then again, I might just 'cheat' and read the last chapter or two.

Jan. 17, 2008
I give up! I am not enjoying this book at all and I might as well give it up as a lost cause. I mean there's no sense in finishing it if I'm not liking it. I did read the last few chapters and they were utterly ridiculous - now I'm not even sure if I want to read the next book. I might try though. It's such a disappointment because I really liked The Pact and thought it was a nice change in the Chick Lit scene. *sigh* Oh well. Good luck to future readers.
Thanks for the Memories
Thanks for the Memories
Cecelia Ahern | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Justin Hancock is a guest lecturer at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. He is also a curator for a museum in London which is his new home. Recently divorced and uprooted from Chicago to be closer to his daughter who is studying ballet.

Joyce wakes up in the hospital to discover that she has just lost her baby and she now knows a lot of things she didn't know before. Especially Latin and about European architecture. How could she just know these things?

Then when Joyce leaves the hospital and as Justin is leaving Dublin to return to London, a chance encounter. When they see each other there is an instant connection. One that neither of them can explain, but both of them feel. When they 'run' into each other throughout London and Dublin, but never get the chance to officially meet the connection is stronger. But what is it that is drawing these two closer together?

Thanks for the Memories reminds me a lot of the movie Return to Me with Minnie Driver. Joyce has somehow 'inherited' all of Justin's memories, thoughts, and intelligence, from one simple act of kindness. Can you imagine waking up in the hospital one day and suddenly you are fluent in another language that just a few days earlier you wouldn't even know existed. Seeing people you have never met, but feeling as if you are old friends.

This was a cute story that makes you think about the connections people can have without ever realizing it. This book made me laugh out loud a few times and it definitely made me think about what goes into our bodies at the hospital. This is a great chick-lit book.
This review and more can be found at my blog
A Romance Reader's Reviews

This was a bargain £1 book from my favourite sells-pretty-much-everything store, The Works. I'd been eyeing the book online for a while in the stores 3 for £5 promotion they do but wasn't sure if it was something I'd enjoy as I can be really picky with my chick-lit.

Sunshine & Secrets starts with Amelia (Millie) at the airport, ready to go spend some time with her mum but instead gets a phone call from her sister with a great opportunity in St Lucia where she can help a successful chef open a Paradise Cookery School. The lady wanting to open the school has had an accident and broken her leg and can't fly out yet so Millie is left arranging the inputting of the top notch kitchen and checking the recipes the chef want to do with her clients are as good as they can be.

While on the island she meets some of the locals and people from the UK who stayed there after falling in love with the serene life. The Purple Parrot - a local bar - becomes her favourite place away from the Villa and she makes friends with its clientele, including the Villa's estate manager, Zach.

The secrets part of the title only really comes into play towards the end when it turns out some people have been using the cocoa husks of the Villa's trees for illegal deeds.

This book focused more on the food and island portion of things, whereas I would have preferred more of the romance aspect between Millie and Zach, although I understand that both characters are going to be in the next book, too. However, I don't think I will bother reading it.
The Hating Game
The Hating Game
Sally Thorne | 2017 | Contemporary, Humor & Comedy, Romance
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I wasn’t sure what to expect of this book as I had seen some reviews where people had loved it and some where people had hated it. I went into it with an open mind and within 18 pages I was laughing at some of the comments Lucy made about Josh.
The typical chick-lit with a touch of humour, it wasn’t hard to guess the outcome of the book, but it was a joyful and funny ride to get there. There were so many moments where I either laughed out loud or snorted because of a comment, making it a good read in my eyes!
I enjoyed the hatred between Lucy and Josh and all of the little “games” that they played in the office to see who could annoy each other first. I did guess where the story was going to end with them quite early on in the book, but I still needed to find out what some of the things meant (like the marks in Josh’s planner) and the journey was fun to undertake with Lucy and Josh.
At first I found Josh extremely unlikeable, but after the paint balling team building day, I grew to like him more and more with his actions. Although I definitely wouldn’t have come to the conclusion that he was shy and that was the reason for his behaviour like Lucy did.
Sally Thorne’s writing was so easy to get lost in, and I found myself having to make myself put the book down to get some sleep but not being able to wait to be able to pick it back up again. I think this might be a go to book to read again and again. I will have to see if Sally Thorne’s other books are just as good!
This Secret We're Keeping
This Secret We're Keeping
Rebecca Done | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

A pupil and a teacher. Is it ever right to break the rules?</i> This is the dilemma which debut author Rebecca Done basis her novel on. <i>This Secret We’re Keeping</i> is set seventeen years after a maths teacher began an inappropriate relationship with a schoolgirl; but did he really deserve what happened to him, after all he loved her and she loved him?

Jess has never got over her love for the teacher she ran away with when she was fifteen. Although she has got her life together: living in Norfolk, freelance catering business, a rich boyfriend; she cannot help but think back to way Mr. Landley, Matthew, made her feel. Suddenly, after a chance encounter, Matthew is back in her life with a new name, Will, and a girlfriend and daughter. Delighted to see each other again, it is not long before they fall back into their illicit affair, however the potential consequences are almost as bad as the previous time.

<i>This Secret We’re Keeping</i> causes the reader to question strong personal beliefs, primarily whether a teacher-student relationship is as wrong as it sounds. If certain events in this novel were to be made public through the media, the majority would instantly hate Matthew, deem him a paedophile, and be satisfied with his punishment. However on reading the situation from his point of view, initial opinions begin to crumble. It appears he genuinely loved Jess, and she him; there were no abusive occurrences, and it was Jess that instigated the relationship in the first place. Did Matthew truly deserve to go to prison for something that would have been legal in a year’s time?

Matthew/Will’s narrative helps to show that it is virtually impossible to pinpoint a single moment that changes a life forever. At which point did he know that he had stepped over the line from right to wrong? In hindsight it is fairly obvious, but at the time the warning signs are not so clear.

Due to the challenging of preset judgments, <i>This Secret We’re Keeping</i> can often be difficult to read. Whilst on the one hand logic will be screaming, “This is wrong!” Done plays with her readers’ sentimentalities to consider the other side of the argument. As the novel progresses it becomes easier to fall in line with Jess and Matthew/Will’s viewpoints, however a brief interaction towards the end forces readers to temporarily reconsider their forgone conclusion. After all, how much can a first person narrative really be trusted?

Having read the blurb I admit I was a bit wary about reading this book. For one, it falls under the genre of Chick Lit, which I am not all that fond of, but secondly the book’s theme appeared rather controversial. On the whole, <i>This Secret We’re Keeping</i> was much better than I was anticipating, however I began to lose interest towards the end as nothing much had changed throughout the present day chapters, and it was already obvious how the past narrative would pan out. The ending is also frustratingly ambiguous, as we never find out whether either of the key characters gets a “happy ever after.”

If you are someone who enjoys Chick Lit, do not let the themes of the book put you off. <i>This Secret We’re Keeping</i> is essentially a romance story, one that is written remarkably well for a first time author. Rebecca Done will be a name to look out for in the world of contemporary literature.
Never Saw You Coming
Never Saw You Coming
Hayley Doyle | 2020 | Contemporary
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
slow beginning (0 more)
So Zara, who's a bit of a go getter, flies halfway across the world from Dubai to London (and then buys a third/fourth hand car so she can drive to Liverpool!) all so she can meet the guy she's been chatting with for months believing he could be "the one". But things don't turn out so well.
Then there's Jim, he's working a dead end job and can't seem to catch a break. Until he wins a car via a radio station giveaway and it changes his life.

The first half of this book was probably only 2 stars for me. It was rather slow and a bit of an info dump of flashbacks and now as we got to know our characters and figure out where their heads were at. I kept putting it down and doing other things because it just wasn't grabbing my attention that much.
The second half got a little more exciting as Jim and Zara travelled the country together, getting to know each other as they spent hours in vehicles. I was willing them on, both to get where they were going and at one point - to possibly get together. It was still a little slow going, though.

I did like Jim's cast of friends. They were resourceful and quite a good laugh.

I like how this is set in the UK. Most of the books I usually read tend to be set in the USA so this was a nice change. The way it was written was exactly how some of us talk here. It was a nice change.

I do like a good bit of chick-lit but I prefer them more along the lines of Paige Toon and Jo Watson where the characters are more obviously into each other and the romance blossoms quickly but this is still a good read if you really like the genre.
Playing for Keeps (2012)
Playing for Keeps (2012)
2012 | Comedy, Drama, Sport
5.6 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Gerard Butler has stepped out of his 300 uniform and into some soccer
cleats. As a former international soccer star, George (Butler) is down on
his luck. He has no job, and he’s living in Virginia, attempting to
reconnect with his estranged son.

The story opens with some backstory about George’s past before quickly
tumbling into his present situation. George’s ex-wife (Jessica Biel) is
getting remarried, and his son Lewis (Noah Lomax) is having a hard time
learning to trust his real father after being separated for so long.

The plot quickly unfolds into a predictable “chick-flick” scenario, where
the main character is floundering and wants to get back what he once had.
His path to redemption comes in the form of coaching his son’s youth
soccer team, while fending off hordes of attractive soccer *moms* who want
to place hands on the well-sculpted Coach Dryer!

This film is incredibly formulaic, and it’s predictable every step of the
way. That said, Butler, Biel, and the rest of t*he cast* do an exceptional
job given what they had to work with. I even have to give some props to
the young actor, Noah Lomax, for giving a noteworthy performance as the

While there were some great chuckles and all-out laughs mixed with a few
touching moments, it’s hard to look past the poor production values of this
film. Many of the scenes were filmed in a free-hand format. The shaking is
not just noticeable, but rampant throughout the film. It’s very
distracting, and downright shoddy film-making.

The directing wasn’t bad, in general, but I think a more seasoned director
would have at least chosen better angles. Case-in-point: many of the
scenes involving the red Ferrari were obviously lit with bright, white
lights reflecting off the surface of the car, giving us a view of grips and
other personnel behind the camera.

Dennis Quaid starts the film with a great role, and delivers a fantastic
performance. Unfortunately, after the jail scene, he’s oddly absent until
the end of the film. His absence was so awkward that it distracted me from
the people who were on the screen. I even asked myself: where did Dennis
Quaid’s character go?

Uma Thurman, playing Quaid’s character’s wife, and Catherine-Zeta Jones,
playing a soccer mom, did a marvelous job (again, despite not having much
to work with).

The Hollywood stars saved this film from rating lower, due to their vast
acting experience and talent, but I can’t recommend the movie as a whole.
Even their performances weren’t enough to keep Playing For Keeps in the
same ballpark as a well-produced film. It’s shoddy movie-making at best.

I recommend you wait to watch this one at home and save your movie theater
budget for another flick, *but if you are into chick-flicks, Playing for
Keeps will not disappoint.*
As soon as this book became available, I made sure to pick it up from the library. Since I'm a big Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan, of course Amber Benson was a big draw and I was curious about her writing ability. Not to mention this is the type of book I like to read regardless of who wrote it.

Ms. Benson is a capable writer, but she tends to over describe when it's really not necessary. The story matter and the whole world she created was very interesting, but throughout the book, I felt there was something missing. The main character, Callie, is okay - I didn't hate her, but I didn't love her either. I guess I'm just tiring of the same old twenty- and thirty-somethings in chick-lit-esque books that seem to pop up ad nauseum these days. I just don't understand or relate to "women" who are very ditzy, but still manage to save the day and/or end up with the guy, complain all the time, and lust after every cute guy that comes within a 50-foot radius of them. Not to mention, why are these protagonists always surrounded by pretty, perfect people that make them look even more inferior? That's not totally relatable. Maybe I'm getting older or more mature, or maybe it was just how I felt when I read it. Who knows for sure? Of all the characters, Kali was my favorite, she was pretty cool and brought some spice to the story.

Overall, the book was a fairly easy read and I do think I'll check out the second in the series to see how it progresses (and hope it shakes some of the first entry's jitters off and is more solid). I would recommend that if you're interested in reading this to get it at the library first, or else find it used.

Minor quibble: I don't know who picked the cover, but it's not how I picture Callie at all and it's rather sucky. Hopefully, the second book will improve not just in content. ;P