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Hercules and Owen (the magical cats the series is named for), the charming characters, the interesting premise, and the cinnamon rolls (0 more)
Sometimes it's difficult to keep track of all the different characters. Also the ending was kind of anti-climactic. (0 more)
Curiosity thrilled this reader too
This is a great start to a fun cozy series. Kathleen, our heroine, is fairly believable, for the most part. Her quirks are unusual, but so are her cats, Hercules and Owen. As an almost-new-to-the-area librarian, in a library needing many renovations, she meets many interesting people, including Gregor Easton, our victim. There are incidents, near misses, and several Fred the Funky Chickens involved before justice is served.

I've read this series through three times so far, and I'm working on a fourth run-through because of the new book Paws and Effect. I'd definitely recommend it to others.