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The Berenstain Bears and the Easter Story
The Berenstain Bears and the Easter Story
Mike Berenstain, Jan Berenstain | 2012 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you a Berenstain Bears fan? There is a book that is for your children to read if they have not read it yet. If you are looking for a book about the meaning of Easter? The Berenstain Bears and the Easter Story is worth it.

It will tell the story of Easter and Jesus' resurrection so that young children can learn and understand the story. It is easy for children to learn about the bible story of what happens to Jesus and why we celebrate Easter.

The pictures are colorful and bright. The story happens told through a play to the bear cubs and students at the Sunday school. Easter candy is not everything for why Easter is so important. These acts remain shown throughout the book.

Parents would add this book to their collection of books for their children. Your child or children should have this book added to your child's bookshelves or collection of The Berenstain Bears. The book can be carried out and read to young children before Easter. Children can then bring up the topic or ask questions about how Jesus has risen and why we celebrate Easter. Why is it such a Holy day for Christians?
The Berenstain Bears Give Thanks
The Berenstain Bears Give Thanks
Mike Berenstain, Jan Berenstain | 2009 | Children
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Berenstain Bears Give Thanks is another excellent book to have for your child or children's bookshelves during the holiday season. Suppose you are looking for another good Thanksgiving book. This one is good.

This one somewhat brings in the fact of Sister's feelings about Thanksgiving dinner and a turkey. Have you had to distract a child from worrying and giving them something else to do? Well, this book shows that with Sister Bear and her worry about a turkey named Plymouth. Mama seems to come up with a suggestion that Sister can write a play about Thanksgiving or the Pilgrims Bears and their journey over to the new land. How we have our Thanksgiving feast and how it came about.

This book teaches several different life lessons and some meaningful things we should be thankful for. Children should be able to describe what Thanksgiving is at your house by their feelings or senses. What could they all be?

Some things children can do as they wait for the dinner on Thanksgiving occur act out or write a Thanksgiving story or what they think the Thanksgiving story is. You may be surprised what Thanksgiving means for them or your family.

Parents and grandparents might want to add this to your child's bookshelves, for they will want to read and reread it. It is terrific to read before the holiday.
Child's Play (2019)
Child's Play (2019)
2019 | Horror
Acting, humour, gore (0 more)
It's not Brad douriff (0 more)
Very good remake
Contains spoilers, click to show
If you watch the movie with the intention to compare it to the original, chances are you won't like it. This is exactly what I did upon first putting the movie on, when it first showed the ibuddy doll I almost immediately turned it off, I mean come on that is NOT how a good guy doll should look. Instead I stopped trying to compare, took it for what it was and ended up enjoying it. The storyline is completely different to original child's play. instead of a murderers soul trapped in a doll trying to find another human to transfer into, it is essentially a smart doll which goes haywire trying to keep Andy for himself. However, for a doll I found it funny that Andy could have conversations with him like he really was human and he thought nothing of it. I don't know about you but if a toy started understanding and communicating with me I would freak out! Anyway, this aside I really enjoyed the movie, the humour was spot on (I laughed way too hard when chucky presented Andy with his mums boyfriends face as a present, including a bow 😂😂), the death scenes were good and gory and acting was great. OK so it wasn't Brad douriff but tear yourself away from the original and you've got a pretty decent slasher.
Cult Of Chucky (2017)
Cult Of Chucky (2017)
2017 | Horror
It was a fun time (2 more)
Original cast members reunite
Surprisingly good Going
Good Guy, bad guy, you still don't Fuck with the Chuck!!
Going into the seventh installment of a film franchise I usually don't get impressed as much as I did with this movie.
To say a killer doll has had me chomping at the bit for the next installment of a movie is an understatement. I seen Child's Play the day it came out in 88. I was 12 at the time and begged my parents to take me to see it.
I became enthralled with Chucky. I wanted the doll and I wanted him to be real.
30 years later. Chucky is still going strong. Still killing with some creativity and fever. And still cracking one liners like Hannibal Burress.
When and if Brad DOURIF passes away, I hope they saved his amazing voice on some kind of hard drive, because no one will ever be able to voice Chucky like he can.
I can definitely recommend this movie to fans of the franchise. Much like the movie before is, Curse of Chucky, Cult brings him back to what he was in the 80's. A deeply disturbing psychopath who kills without regret. And while I loved the Bride and Seed of Chucky films. I am happy to see and hear him not trying to be a stand up comedian anymore. What New Nightmare did to bring the fear back to the Freddy character, the past two movies have done for Chucky.
Child's Play (2019)
Child's Play (2019)
2019 | Horror
Good Kills (1 more)
Good Doll Design
Slasher Cliches (1 more)
A.I. Chucky reborn in a tech savvy world.
As Chucky embarks into a new century, the filmmakers realize that it was time to make Chucky into artificial intelligence. In previous films, there was always a sense of witchcraft going on where it made Chucky come to life. This makes more sense of making Chucky as a Amazon Alexa type of technology. A Buddi of sorts.

They cleverly weave that into the depth of where Chucky's madness is taking over him. In how it started was a little far fetched. A guy decided to break the rules at his job because of poor working conditions and a over the top douche of a boss. It was mishandled how it happened.

I think that Aubrey Plaza, Gabriel Bateman, and Brian Tyree Howard are amazing in this movie. They really sell the world that was created for them, especially Bateman who is tortured by Chucky's antics.

As for the doll design, I think it looked really good. There are moments where rendering in the CGI was needed, but overall, it looked amazing in some scenes. I specifically remember the moment where Bateman is walking Chucky into his room and the way his facial expressions are used makes him weirdly human, and that increases the creepy factor within Chucky.

As for the negatives, it follows the typical ground plan of every slasher, especially Child's Play movies. Mom's boyfriend is a douche. Mom doesn't believe her son. Friends believe Andy. Nice cop who lives with mother may be the knight in shining armor. We can see where this is going, and it also takes a while for Chucky to actually kill something. It panders too much and I think they could've had more potential with the horror.
Toy Story 4 (2019)
Toy Story 4 (2019)
2019 | Animation, Comedy, Sci-Fi
For a movie aimed at children, Toy Story 4 deals with many themes. First, there is the multi-generational lines of playthings. You have 1940s era ragdolls, 1950s era porcelain dolls, 1960s era plastic resin movable action figures, 1970s era pullback and action toys, plus Plushies, Mr Potato Head, and new-age DIY toys of this millennium. Like Pixar and its films, it serves to connect the generations of humans and demonstrate the similarities we share no matter how old we are. Also, the older generations are always looking out for the younger generation as demonstrated by the grandmother in this film and Woody.
A second theme is the whole concept of what makes a toy. Does a child's love bring it to life? Can a lonely creative child make her own friends? What happens to the toys we no longer play with or forget about? Another thing I noticed is that in the previous installments the toys remain inanimate among the humans, but this time they meddle in the human world.
Along the way, Woody learns about the outside world. Early in the film, Woody is given a chance to escape with the toy he obviously loves and get "lost." He however cannot give up the job he was given as a favorite toy. Now, years later, he has a new owner and becoming obsolete. He still has a responsibility to protect the new toy Bonnie makes. He reconnects with a lost love. Everywhere he goes, he meets various toys who yearn for the love of a child, something they either have never had or lost long ago. Like Toy Story 3, Toy Story 4 becomes a movie about growing up and moving on when you are no longer dependent on the love of your "parent."
Curse of Chucky (2013)
Curse of Chucky (2013)
2013 | Horror
A horror franchise this many movies in should be on its arse at this point, but the Child's Play series still manages to be entertaining with it's sixth entry.
After the silliness if Bride and Seed, Curse of Chucky steps back in to horror territory a bit more.

The majority of the film takes place in a creepy old house, as Chucky stalks an entirely new set of victims.

The characters this time around aren't hugely likable, except for Nica (played by Fiona Dourif, Brad Dourif's daughter). Not only is she likable and realistic final girl type, but she pretty badass as well. She is also wheelchair bound, which is a refreshing direction to take in this kind of film, and her disability adds a whole new dynamic to the Chucky series and just makes her more badass.
The plot itself is straightforward slasher material, but the last 20 minutes or so, really hammer home the movies connections to the original film, and the rest of the series. The ret con of Charles Lee Ray's origins and work a treat, and learning about more about him is an unexpected highlight.

The Chucky doll this time around looks weird. Really unsettling actually. There's a semi twist halfway through that actually has something to do with the way Chucky looks, and he's still pretty horrible looking.
The effects are mostly passable - there's a kill quite early on involving a car, that boasts some genuinely impressive practical effects, but it does mean towards CGI after that. Not always a bad thing mind, but there's one shit in particular of Chucky walking down a staircase... It's could have been so so good, but the obvious CGI is horrible...bleughh.

Other than that though, Don Mancini throws some decent camera work at us (the title card is an early highlight) and he successfully makes Curse of Chucky into a decent little horror movie.
This Is Where It Ends
This Is Where It Ends
Marieke Nijkamp | 2016 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.9 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's every parents worse nightmare. A shooting at their child's school and there is nothing you can do about it. This Is Where It Ends is told from the perspective of four senior students in the thick of the chaos during the 54 minutes Opportunity High School is under attack. Opportunity, Alabama could be any small town in American and we have seen stories like this too many times.

Most of the school is in the auditorium for a new semester assembly they have each year. As the principal finishes the assembly and is about to dismiss everyone, a shot rings out and everyone soon finds out that they are trapped. Why is this happening and who will make it out alive?

Story told by:
- Autumn is a dancer who is destined to follow in her mother's footsteps and go to Julliard and dance all around the world.

- Sylvia is one of the smartest students at Opportunity. She will get into any college that she applies to, but with her mother as sick as she is, will she actually be able to go.

-Claire is a star on the track team and known as "Sarge" to her fellow JROTC classmates. She is fortunate enough not to be in the auditorium during the shooting, but her little brother, Matt is.

-Tomàs is Sylvia's twin brother. He is supposed to be in detention during the assembly, but instead he is in the Principal's office with his best friend Fareed, doing something he shouldn't be doing when he hears the first shot.

Each one of these students have a different view of the terrible incident that is taking place in their school. They all have a different relationship with the shooter. They each play a significant role in helping get students to safety, risking their own lives the entire time.

This is another really good book that I have read this year. I could see myself among those students, feel their fear, and hope for their survival. I thoroughly enjoyed this Big Library Read more than others I have gotten.

I look forward to more books by this author.
Fright Night (1985)
Fright Night (1985)
1985 | Comedy, Horror
Fright Night absolutely epitomizes everything that is great about its era and genre. Its just flat out top tier 80s horror.

It has great pacing for a start, wasting no time getting to business, as teenager Charley (William Ragsdale) is immediately sus of his new next door neighbour Jerry Dandrige (Chris Sarandon) before quickly (and correctly) accusing him of being a vampire.
Ragsdale is a good lead, even if his character is frustratingly written at times, but it's his teammates who shine here. Amanda Bearse is a scene stealer as Charley's girlfriend Amy, and is equally great when she's adorably likable for the most part, and when she is suitably creepy-as-fuck near the climax. Same goes for Stephen Geoffreys as Charley's friend Ed - typical bone headed teenager one minute, before gleefully relishing in being a creature of the night the next minute. Roddy McDowall plays Peter Vincent, a soon to be washed up horror TV personality who's services are enlisted to help defeat the vampire next door. The three of them together are a damn fine set of support characters.
Chris Sarandon is one smooth S.O.B as the vampyric villain. He manages to be both charming, and a truly evil shit at the same time, and commands attention in all of his scenes.

The narrative is fun, and manages to encapsulate the feeling of teenage adventure. The humour and horror are perfectly balanced throughout. The first half is witty as hell, especially the way that Jerry and his housemate Billy (Jonathan Stark) just fuck with Charley (before things get a little nastier) is low key hilarious. I would have enjoyed a whole movie of that kind of stuff easily. When things get a little messier, the practical effects on display are superb, and although Fright Night is more a light hearted experience, it still manages to pack in some great gory moments. The scene with Vincent and Ed in wolf mode is a perfect example of how practical horror will always be superior.

Fright Night is a truly fantastic horror gem, where everything just fell into place, from the great cast, to the wonderful screenplay. First time director Tom Holland (who would of course go on to direct Child's Play) hit the ground running with this one, and it's definitely a favourite of mine.
The Banana Splits Movie (2019)
The Banana Splits Movie (2019)
2019 | Horror
6.0 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Poppy’s storyline (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
The Banana Splits Movie
Isn’t it nice when a network tries to reboot an old children’s favourite? It seems to be happening a lot these days with Netflix reviving Voltron, She-Ra and the Dark Crystal. They have taken a different approach with the Banana Splits though. The starting premise is that the Banana Splits show was never cancelled and, for his ninth birthday Harley is taken to a live filming of the show. Drooper, Fleegle, Snorky and Bingo are all there but the actors have been replaced with animatronics and they have three human friends they interact with (Paige, Stevie and Thadd). The show is still the same as when it first started way back in the 1960s with silly sketches, fun catchphrases and an assault course for the kids although the show has gathered a cult following (as it would in real life) and half the audience are adults.
As the live filming gets under way the actors are informed that this will be the final show as the network has cancelled it, this news is met with mixed reactions from the crew. The Banana splits however only have one reaction, they are programmed that ‘The Show Must Go On’ so, during the back stage tour they begin to make sure that it will never stop. They kidnap all the children, after all the show will always need an audience, and they start to kill or torture all the adults.
Yes, that’s right, someone took a beloved children’s show and added a splash of the ‘Child's Play’ remake and a whole ton of ‘Five Nights At Freddy’s’. To be clear this is a horror/slasher that’s rated 18 (R rated in the USA) that features a group of 60’s children’s characters going on a killing spree because their show got cancelled. It’s campy, it’s dark, it actually builds up to the kills and it has some really good characters and scenes, I especially like Poppy’s story line.
So, we have a film based on a 60’s children’s series that’s been turned into a horror whilst still sticking to its roots that is defiantly not for kids and isn’t a total pile of rubbish.
As a side note I did read that the Banana Splits movie came about because Warner Bros wanted to make a ‘Five Nights At Freddie’s’ movie but they couldn’t get the rights so they made this. not sure how true it is but there are similarities.