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A Song for Issy Bradley
A Song for Issy Bradley
Carys Bray | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Heart Wrenching
I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

A Song for Issy Bradley is the captivating debut novel of talented author Carys Bray. Set in modern day Britain this heart-breaking story shows a family’s struggle to overcome the loss of their youngest child whilst also adhering to the strict rules of their Mormon religion.

It begins with seven-year-old Jacob’s birthday and Mum, Claire, is rushing around with last minute party preparations, whilst her husband, Bishop Ian, is off attending to his religious duties. Although Claire is aware that Issy is feeling poorly she does not realize how serious it is until much later - too much later. After being rushed to hospital with meningitis Issy’s prognosis is not good. Despite Ian’s blessings and prayers no miracle occurs and Issy passes away the following day.

The main storyline is about how the characters cope with this shockingly sudden loss. Claire hides herself away from everyone by remaining in bed for weeks and ignoring her duties and her family’s pleas. Ian, worried that Claire is not grieving in the proper Mormon way, throws himself even deeper into religion by focusing on what is expected of him as a Bishop rather than concentrating on his children’s needs.

Zipporah, the eldest, is expected to become the woman of the house until Claire returns to “normal”. As well as studying for her exams and doing the housework, Ian insists she attend all church events for people her age. Alone she worries about love, marriage and falling into sin; she would really like to be able to talk to her Mum. Alma, on the other hand, is becoming more and more rebellious. Not only does he have a stupid name (Alma was named after a prophet in the book of Mormon) his ambition to become a professional footballer is not conducive to living the gospel. Although he makes jokes and rude remarks about religious ideas there is still a part of him that believes, and despite his attitude it is clear he is deeply affected by Issy’s death.

Jacob’s reaction is the most heart wrenching of all. Being so young he believes everything he is told especially the bible stories he hears at church. If Jesus can bring people back to life, perhaps Issy can live again? He puts his faith in God and waits in vain for his sister’s miraculous return.

The story is shown through each of these five character’s point of views, which is interesting as the reader gets a chance to see how each person’s actions affect the others and gives a greater insight into character developments. It is gratifying to witness, albeit slowly, the family pick themselves up and begin to work together and carry on.

As to be expected with a story about Mormons there is a large amount of bible quotation. Many are from the Book of Mormon but there are numerous biblical references that Christians of all denominations will appreciate. The author was raised as a Mormon so it can only be assumed that all the details are accurate. Non-believers, however, should not be put off from reading this beautiful book: it is the way in which people deal with loss that is important and there is no preaching at the reader or attempts to convert.

This novel is highly recommended for female and male readers alike, particularly those who enjoy emotionally charged stories; and, of course, those interested in religion will love this book too.
A Song for Issy Bradley
A Song for Issy Bradley
Carys Bray | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

<i>A Song for Issy Bradley</i> is the captivating debut novel of talented author Carys Bray. Set in modern day Britain this heart-breaking story shows a family’s struggle to overcome the loss of their youngest child whilst also adhering to the strict rules of their Mormon religion.

It begins with seven-year-old Jacob’s birthday and Mum, Claire, is rushing around with last minute party preparations, whilst her husband, Bishop Ian, is off attending to his religious duties. Although Claire is aware that Issy is feeling poorly she does not realize how serious it is until much later - too much later. After being rushed to hospital with meningitis Issy’s prognosis is not good. Despite Ian’s blessings and prayers no miracle occurs and Issy passes away the following day.

The main storyline is about how the characters cope with this shockingly sudden loss. Claire hides herself away from everyone by remaining in bed for weeks and ignoring her duties and her family’s pleas. Ian, worried that Claire is not grieving in the proper Mormon way, throws himself even deeper into religion by focusing on what is expected of him as a Bishop rather than concentrating on his children’s needs.

Zipporah, the eldest, is expected to become the woman of the house until Claire returns to “normal”. As well as studying for her exams and doing the housework, Ian insists she attend all church events for people her age. Alone she worries about love, marriage and falling into sin; she would really like to be able to talk to her Mum. Alma, on the other hand, is becoming more and more rebellious. Not only does he have a stupid name (Alma was named after a prophet in the book of Mormon) his ambition to become a professional footballer is not conducive to living the gospel. Although he makes jokes and rude remarks about religious ideas there is still a part of him that believes, and despite his attitude it is clear he is deeply affected by Issy’s death.

Jacob’s reaction is the most heart wrenching of all. Being so young he believes everything he is told especially the bible stories he hears at church. If Jesus can bring people back to life, perhaps Issy can live again? He puts his faith in God and waits in vain for his sister’s miraculous return.

The story is shown through each of these five character’s point of views, which is interesting as the reader gets a chance to see how each person’s actions affect the others and gives a greater insight into character developments. It is gratifying to witness, albeit slowly, the family pick themselves up and begin to work together and carry on.

As to be expected with a story about Mormons there is a large amount of bible quotation. Many are from the Book of Mormon but there are numerous biblical references that Christians of all denominations will appreciate. The author was raised as a Mormon so it can only be assumed that all the details are accurate. Non-believers, however, should not be put off from reading this beautiful book: it is the way in which people deal with loss that is important and there is no preaching at the reader or attempts to convert.

This novel is highly recommended for female and male readers alike, particularly those who enjoy emotionally charged stories; and, of course, those interested in religion will love this book too.
The Wonder
The Wonder
Emma Donoghue | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Also read my review here:

<b><i>It came to Lib then that the question to ask was not how a child might commit such a fraud, but why?</b></i>

<i>The Wonder</i> is an absolutely beautiful and thought-provoking novel and by far one of the best books I’ve read this year.

Set in towards the end of the 19th century, we meet one of Ms Nightingale’s own nurses, shipped out to Ireland to investigate a so-called miracle. Young Anna O’Donnell hasn’t eaten since her 11th birthday, which passed four months ago. Lib begins a frustrating journey into learning whether Anna is truly a modern day Saint.
She is determined to prove the miracle a hoax, but being faced with old Irish superstitions she doesn’t understand, sexism and strong Catholic faith, she has a hard time getting to the truth.

It’s a bit of a slow ride, but it’s interesting enough to keep you wanting to know more. Donoghue creates a beautifully vivid story for you to really lose yourself in, you’ll find yourself reading this book within a couple of days (or hours, depending on when you’re reading it). Not what I’d classify at a mystery novel - the story is so much more than just working out the story behind Anna’s apparent loss of appetite. It’s a story of faith, believing in yourself and following your heart.

A really enjoyable book, with a wide array of likable and dislikable characters, beautiful scenery and heart warming lessons to take away, this is a must read for any historical fiction lover.
Mickey On The Move
Mickey On The Move
Michelle Wagner | 2021 | Children
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I found an excellent inspiring children's book about a little boy who deaf but not wholly. You wouldn't even know he seems to be like most children his age. The book is called "Mickey on the Move." I thought it was about him moving a lot. I was surprised why he had been to five different schools.

The book talks about his hard of hearing and how to go about his new school. His mom seems to help him through planning this first day of school, how his teachers support him, and his friends helping out if they can. They all seem to work for a way to help Mickey.

The book also talks about how Mickey wants to be growing up. There is a phrase that mentions throughout the book Mickey on the Move. Will one problem that his teacher brings up to his mom. Will they find a solution for the problem. Mickey can get what he needs while in school.

The pictures were done well by the author. It is about special needs kids and how to help and support them in their environment that they will need. This book is suitable for children to read and understand some deaf and hard of hearing children's needs. I would even support having this on library shelves and even school library shelves for children.

Parents can learn as well as children about hearing loss. However, that might be hard of hearing. Maybe get the child or children what they need to help them and support them. I know it is a hard thing. This author does it well.
Because of you
Because of you
Dawn French | 2020 | Contemporary, Humor & Comedy, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel has multiple protagonists, and I think they all are equally important in this story. The most influential characters would be Julius and Anna, Hope and Minnie. My heart truly fell for Anna, her husband Julius is a self-centred psychopath and she was left on her own to deal with all the events that were happening to her. I simply do not justify Hope’s actions in this book in any way or format. She had no right to behave the way she did, it does not matter how she felt, jut there is no justification to her actions! Minnie is a true personality, as well as a teenager with all her moods and behaviour. I think this novel is very character-driven, allowing the reader to see the events from different perspectives.

The narrative was an absolute emotional roller-coaster for me. I was angry most of the times, because of Hope and Julius, I was sad, pity but proud of Anna and I was kind of excited for Minnie. This novel discusses a lot of important topics such as stillbirth, toxic marriages, teenage pregnancy, motherly love, loss, mental health issues, sacrifice, self esteem, and many many more. The plot is so full of events, that it is quite difficult not to spoil it. 🙂 One thing I understand, that this is Hate it or Love it kind of book, and I can see why it might happen. 🙂

The writing style of this novel is absolutely magnificent! It was my first novel by Dawn French, and I am impressed to the core. Her ability to develop the character is excellent. I have to warn the readers, that this novel is a very emotionally challenging read, it might trigger PTSD to people who had bad luck with pregnancies or any kind of loss of a child (death, kidnappings, murders, anything…), please proceed with caution. The chapters have a decent length, and this book had me gripped from the first chapter. Even though I was angry most of the time throughout this book, the ending left me weeping like a baby. It is beautifully and heartbreakingly concluded.

So, to conclude, the book that brought so much emotion and left me scarred can be nothing but BRILLIANT. The whole story has absorbed me with its injustice, character’s feelings and all the nuances of the plot. If you have a chance to listen to the audiobook, please do, the author is a brilliant storyteller, and her personality shines through in her narration of this novel.
The Last Unicorn (The Last Unicorn, #1)
Peter S. Beagle | 1968 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
harpy scene (2 more)
the characters
The timelessness and that it grows with you
harpy scene (0 more)
As a child l loved this movie. And I cannot write a review with out chiming in with the movie. Both the book and screenplay was written by Peter S. Beagle. So they are very similar the book expands most of the scenes. And the only thing that is omitted is basically chapter 10(?). I had watched the movie the first time when I was around 5 or 6 and first read the book while I was a college student 17 or 18 and loved it too. The book and movie is for all ages (although that harpy scene...) and it does and doesn’t change as you grow older. It’s about love and duty, innocence and aging, loss and sorrow and many many things in between. Smendrick is still my favorite character although know I’m older I realize the importance of Molly Grue. A very well written story. Good on a lazy day when you don’t want to rush through a book.
I will leave with this one quote:
“It’s a rare man who is taken for what he truly is,...there is much misjudgment in the world. Now, I knew you for a unicorn when I first saw you, and I know I am your friend. Yet you take me for a clown, or a clod, or a betrayer, and so must I be if you see me so. The magic on you is only magic and will vanish as soon as you are free, but the enchantment of error that you put on me I must wear forever in your eyes. We are not always what we seem, and hardly what we dream.”
 The Curse of La Llorona (2019)
The Curse of La Llorona (2019)
2019 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Umbrella (0 more)
Verdict: Jump Scare 101
Characters – Anna is the widowed social worker and mother who while doing her job, checking up on children that might be suffering abuse, trying to keep them with their parents, get involved in a curse, which puts her own children in danger. Baring in mind, she is a social work and was married to a cop, she doesn’t make the best decisions, we see how she struggles to communicate with her children, often leaves them alone and when they get injuries, she doesn’t demand answers, which remaining unanswered would mean she could be considered abusive. Chris and Samantha are the children, they are both dealing with the loss of their father, which would be difficult for any child, they become cursed by La Llorona who wants to take them, meaning they must first learn to communicate with their own mother, when the events start to happen. Rafael Olvera is one man that turned his back on the church in order to fight the evil in the world, he is the last resort for Anna, where he knows how to stop La Llorona from causing more pain in the lives of family.
Performances – Linda Cardellini in the leading role does well through the film without doing anything you wouldn’t expect for a horror film. The child actors both do a solid job through the film too.
Story – The story here follows a widowed mother that ends up getting a cursed by an evil spirit that wants to take her children and she must figure out how to stop her before it is too late. This is a horror story that does do everything it needs to, to put a character in a position where everything they do know, can be turned on its head, when it comes to child protection. The story does however fall into the position of the start of the La Llorona appearance seeming quite random to the first victim, with not enough investigation into that side of the story, while the battle to protect is pretty much every sort of possession based film we have seen before.
Horror/Mystery – The horror in the film does work if you want jump scares, it does build some up very well, with an umbrella sequences which is the standout for me. The mystery behind the film comes from just why La Llorona has appeared in the first place, which never seems to get answered, only how to beat her.
Settings – The film keeps most of the scares in and around the family home, it does make a point that it is the family that is haunted not the house, which is key to how the ghostly figure appears. Being haunted in your own home is always going to be a scary idea.
Special Effects – The effects are used to make the figure of La Llorona look frightening, it will give the scary figure a look which would get a scream too.

Scene of the Movie – Umbrella.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – It is pretty routine for a horror film.
Final Thoughts – This is a routine horror that does have a couple of good scares without hitting the heights of the rest of the universe it has come from.

Overall: Easy to watch horror.
Pig (2021)
Pig (2021)
2021 | Drama, Thriller
7.8 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A new Nicolas Cage film that's not below three stars on IMDb?! Who had "Earth sliding into the Twilight Zone" on their 2021 bingo card?

Rob must delve into his past when his only companion, a truffle-hunting pig, is pignapped in the dead of night.

I'm genuinely at a loss as to what I can say about the plot of Pig... I mean, it's basically Taken with a pig. I'm not sure I want to say much more about it at the moment because A] it mostly defies explanation, and B] bits of the detail will unfold as we go.

Nicolas Cage does some actual serious acting, and not the slightly ridiculous serious acting that happens in most of his other recent releases. Robin is basically a recluse out in the woods selling truffles and living off the land. I initially thought that we were going to get another non-speaking role with Pig, but his character evolves throughout in such a wonderful way.

Alex Wolff plays Amir, Robin's "food mover", it took me a moment to realise it was him. In my head he's still a "child", as I only really know him from the Jumanjis and Old. Seeing him playing an adult threw me. That did colour my opinion a little early on, but he started to grow on me as we got deeper into the film.

Their partnership starts off as one of necessity, but once the pignapping happens their bond transforms and you get to see how loss has affected both of them. They balance out the gaps in each other's lives, and the journey they take together works as a great way to further the background information and keep everything moving along.

The beginning did feel a little sparse, it wasn't quite a bored feeling, but I was fidgety and waiting for things to happen. That feeling carried on, and though that worried me a bit, I actually found it to be a rather calming tone that carried through the whole film. Robin's laid back attitude even flowed through the more actiony bits.

Robin's deep and insightful nature seeps into everyone around him and leaves them changes, it left me changed, and I enjoyed watching it all unfold throughout the story. There were some wonderful moments in the script and they left me thinking about the film on several different levels after I finished it.

There's something about this film, it hits you in so many ways. It's all stunning earthly tones that contrast well with the urban landscapes. My senses were going wild, I could smell the damp earth, and Robin, I could smell the food from all the sounds of cooking and the pouring of wine. It all led to some incredibly powerful moments.

I don't know how Pig managed to create such a feast for the senses, but it left me contented and oddly zen.

Originally posted on:
The Memory Keeper&#039;s Daughter
The Memory Keeper's Daughter
Kim Edwards | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry
6.6 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emotive storyline. Hauntingly beautiful language. (0 more)
Hauntingly Beautiful
This came into the charity shop I work in and as soon as I read the blurb on the back of the book I knew I had to read it.
A Doctor in a snow storm delivers his twins but one is born with Down Syndrome and he decides there and then to tell his wife that she died. He hands over his daughter to the nurse and asks her to take her to a home. She decides upon seeing the home she cannot possibly leave her here and raises her herself.
The book follows through time the lives of everyone the Doctor and his wife raising there son Paul, and the Nurse Caroline fighting for Phoebe to be accepted and have access to an education and equal opportunities.
It starts of in the 60s and we really get a glimpse into the attitudes of the time towards those with Down Syndrome and at times it is awkward to read at times as you cannot believe that it was like this.
With such a explosive secret being kept and the grief that Norah feels after thinking she has lost a child the family is poisoned and relationships turn toxic and the family dynamic is ripped apart.
We see Phoebe thrive throughout her life with Caroline and also the limitations she faces in her day to day life.
The emotive language the author uses means you do feel Norah's loss, you resent David for his betrayal, you can understand Paul's rebellion and Caroline's guilt.
It is an achingly beautiful book which is dealing with an explosively emotive storyline. I really enjoyed it and it is really hauntingly staying with me even after I've finished as I began to imagine how I would feel and what I would do if I was put in that situation. A really good read, possibly to emotionally charged for a sleep deprived and hormonal mother of two boys, one of which does have medical issues do I could relate somewhat too.
The Silent Governess
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Olivia Keene has been forced into silence to protect the secrets of the past and the security of the future.

  Being in the wrong place at the wrong time causes events to spin out of control for Olivia. Her life takes a completely different direction than she anticipated. So many secrets, so many mysteries of the past. Edward Bradley is fearful of what the truth will mean for his future. His father, Lord Brightwell, must answer for his past actions. We get to see this story through the eyes of Edward and Olivia. They both struggle with their identity when everything they thought they knew about themselves starts to crumble. Through their journey we discover what it means to find your identity in Christ and how being a child of The King, our future is always certain.

  One of the things that I enjoy the most about Mrs. Klassen’s work is that she is so talented at bringing scripture and truth into her books. Our leading lady, Olivia Keene, does not have much, if any faith, in the beginning of our story. She suffers loss and heartache, but in the end discovers the truth about the Father, his love and tenderness, and that “All things work together for good”. I love witnessing the journey of faith and redemption in a very believable way. At first I was slightly taken aback by the fact that the lines between classes become blurred in her books. But the more I read the more I enjoy it. It allows for more imagination. The depth of character in Julie Klassen’s books is astounding. I feel like I know Olivia and Edward on a personal level. That it would not be odd if I were to receive a phone call from Olivia and chat for hours. Julie Klassen has won 3 Christy Awards to date and I sincerely hope that more awards are in the very near future for her.