Nadiya's Bake Me a Story: Fifteen Stories and Recipes for Children
Nadiya Hussain and Clair Rossiter
Join Great British Bake Off sensation Nadiya Hussain for scrumptious stories and delicious bakes...

Growing Each Other Up: When Our Children Become Our Teachers
From growing their children, parents grow themselves, learning the lessons their children teach....

When Play Isn't Fun: Helping Children Resolve Play Conflicts
Sandra Heidemann and Deborah Hewitt
Uncover strategies to address and overcome common challenges in group play Play is essential for...

Writing Children's Fiction: A Writers' and Artists' Companion
Linda Newbery and Yvonne Coppard
Full of both inspirational and practical advice, Writing Children's Fiction: A Writers' and Artists'...

Sacred Parenting: How Raising Children Shapes Our Souls
Parenting is a school for spiritual formation, says author Gary Thomas, and our children are our...

200 Fairy Tales for Kids - The Most Beautiful Stories for Children
——————————————— 200 Fairy Tales for Kids...

Spare the Kids: Why Whupping Children Won't Save Black America
A challenge to the cultural tradition of corporal punishment in Black homes and its connections to...
Psychology social sciences parenting

A Study in Scarlet (The Sherlock Holmes Children's Collection #1)
Arthur Conan Doyle and Stephanie Baudet
Body thought to be that of E.J. Drebber discovered last night in empty London house. No obvious...