Let Your Kids Go Wild Outside: Creative Ways to Help Children Discover Nature and Enjoy the Great Outdoors
Creative ways for children to spend time outdoors and discover nature. In an era when the iPad is...

My First Book of My Body: Discover How Your Body Works with 35 Fun Projects and Experiments for Children Aged 7-Plus
35 step-by-step activities to inform children about the workings of the human body. This fascinating...

Opening Schools and Closing Prisons: Caring for Destitute and Delinquent Children in Scotland 1812 - 1872
The book covers the period from 1812, when the Tron Riot in Edinburgh dramatically drew attention to...
African American Children in American Political Life: The Literature and Politics of the Impossible
This book explores the ways that figures of Black children and writing for them articulate complex...
Screen Adaptations and the Politics of Childhood: Transforming Children's Literature into Film: 2016
In seeing adaptation as a dialogic process that results in an intricate web of intertextuality, this...

The Essential Guide to Safe Travel-Training for Children with Autism and Intellectual Disabilities
Desiree Gallimore, Mike Steer, Lizzie D'Avigdor and Martha D'Avigdor
For those growing up with an intellectual disability or autism, comfortable, safe and independent...

Educational games for children age 4-6: Learn the numbers 1-20 for kindergarten, preschool or nursery school
Games and Education
* Learning game for kids aged 4-6 * Counting and working with the numbers 1-20 * Motivate kids to...

Cars & Vehicles Puzzle Game for toddlers HD - Children's Smart Educational Transport puzzles for kids 2+
Games and Education
Cars & Vehicles Puzzles – now they are even more eye-catching and educational for 2-4 year-olds. ...