The PMLD Ambiguity: Articulating the Life-worlds of Children with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities
This book challenges the ways we experience, think about, and interact with children described as...
Children with Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties and Communication Problems: There is Always a Reason
Children and young people with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBD) are far more...
Supporting Children's Creativity Through Music, Dance, Drama and Art: Creative Conversations in the Early Years
An essential part of children's development in the Early Years involves creative engagement through...

English for Kids – Mingoville School Edition includes fun language learning games and activities for children aged 6 -12
Education and Games
Mingoville School Edition - the world's most famous English program for kids is finally available on...

Brain Burps About Books: How to Create Your Author Platform, Adult and Children's Book Publishing, Book Marketing Podcast
Go to http://www.howtocreateyourauthorplatform.com or text the code KATIED to 33444 to get video...