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Not Another Soldier
Not Another Soldier
Samantha Holt | 2014 | Contemporary, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the story of Sienna and Nick. Nick is her dead husband's best friend although they haven't actually been that close over the past few years. Nick wants Sienna, and Sienna wants Nick, but she doesn't know if she can 'just' be a wife any more, especially an army wife. Nick however knows what he wants and isn't prepared to back down from a challenge.

On the whole, this was an enjoyable story that kept me reading. It's not one of the best that I've read but it definitely wasn't one of the worst. One of the things for me is that Sienna is quite a whingy character. Now I'm not saying she doesn't have the right, she really did have a scumbag of a husband but you see, my thing is, she is the one that made the choice to stay with him for all that time. Yes, I know she was leaving him when he died and it took his hands around his throat for her to do that but still... she knew he was cheating, it was a loveless marriage, yada yada yada and she STILL stayed. Nick deserves a medal, not for being a marine, but for keeping his mouth shut in such a situation.

Not Another Soldier is a relatively well-written and fast-paced novel. The characters are all well-rounded whether you like them or not. For me, it was a bit like a Chinese meal - satisfying at the time but hungry half an hour later.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
September 2, 2016
To The One I Love
To The One I Love
Dawn Gena | 2013 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Husband and Wife Write Letters to the Bitter End
Contains spoilers, click to show
Genre: Contemporary

Word Count: 3,880

Average Smashwords Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

My rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars

Through letters, Jonathan and Emily profess their love for each other. You can see snapshots of their lives as they meet and marry, and part ways. Time is fluid in this, with only the Chinese zodiac signs to give you an idea about how much time has passed.

This story was way too short and everything happened way too fast. It was like watching a television show for the first time and skipping entire seasons between episodes.

For instance, the mothers of the two main characters got into a fist fight at the engagement party and at least one of them was arrested for it. Why did the fight start? Do the mothers have a history of being violent? Maybe they have bad history.

The ending was abrupt. It implied a violent ending that had no foreshadowing in the previous letters. The story is a series of romantic snapshots into these people’s’ lives, but I would have preferred a little more reality with some context to what was happening.

The writing drove me crazy at times, too. Mostly it was witty, passionate and made me smile.

What other lovers? Whoever came before you fell out of existence at your first caress. You are my only…for now through eternity.

But sometimes it was pretentious and absurdly wordy.

“Fleeting and cold is my opinion of email, text and phone calls. I make no apologies for my old fashioned views on modern technology. It may not be instant, and might take a bit more effort (of which you are more than worthy!), but I prefer to sit and put pen to paper.”

It wasn’t bad. But it wasn’t great, either. Bascomville and Grind are both better literary romances.
Murder in Chinatown
Murder in Chinatown
Victoria Thompson | 2007 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Missing Girl Leads to Murder
After a recent close call, midwife Sarah Brandt has vowed to stay away from solving crimes and getting involved in anything dangerous. However, she is in Chinatown with the Lee family since Cora Lee is about to give birth and gets a front row to the family drama unfolding. Cora’s niece, Angel, is upset that her father has arranged a marriage for her to an older man and runs away. The family is frantic to find her because the city is no place for a fifteen-year-old to be alone. While the family does find her, she turns up dead a few days later. Sarah manages to get NYPD Detective Sergeant Frank Malloy involved in the case because she fears other police won’t care to fully investigate given who the victim was. But can Malloy figure it out? Will Sarah get involved despite her promise to stay away from murder?

Once again, we are expertly transported back to 1890’s New York City. Along with our normal glimpses of life during the time period, we get to see a bit of how the Chinese were treated during the time; unfortunately, it isn’t pretty. However, the book never stops to preach at us, instead working this in during the mystery. The case itself is strong with plenty of twists to keep us entertained until the end. I thought I had a few things figured out, but I discovered I was wrong when I reached the logical ending. Sarah, in her efforts to stay out of the case, isn’t quite as involved as Frank, but she still has plenty to contribute. Both are great lead characters, and I enjoyed spending time with the regular supporting players as well as meeting the new characters introduced here. We get some advancement on a couple of on-going storylines, and it looks like one of them will be the main focus of the next in the series. I’m definitely looking forward to seeing where that leads.
Little Fires Everywhere
Little Fires Everywhere
Celeste Ng | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (43 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was so close to putting this book on my DNF list. The beginning of it was SO slow that I found myself spacing out and then remembering that I was listening to a book.

Obviously, I'm writing a review on it, so of course, I DID NOT put it on my DNF list. It took quite a few chapters (roughly five I think) to really get into the story and by then, I was completely hooked.

There are several stories going on.

The Richardsons rent out a house to a single mother, Mia Warren with her daughter Pearl. The Richardsons are friends with another family who are in the process of adopting a Chinese-American baby, but the process is paused when the mother comes forward wanting her daughter back. The husband, Mr. Richardson, is a lawyer representing the family who want to keep the baby and Mrs. Richardson basically tries to do some investigating of her own, including finding out things about her tenants past and what she has done to cause this drama for her best friends.

The theme of it all centers around a baby. Not just one baby, but that's the whole premise of the story.

One family wants to adopt the Chinese baby they renamed Mirabelle (I'm sorry, but I really don't like that name, or the reason WHY they changed it) and then the mother coming forward wanting her baby back. Now, the mother left her baby at a fire house cause she was not the right state to take care of her. If someone hadn't tipped her off as to where her baby was, then maybe this whole thing could have been avoided.

I struggled with not yelling at when the woman says the family is stealing her baby. No, they are not. They adopted her when she was left at a fire house. That is a thing that women in her state CAN do. If they cannot afford resources available (cost wise) they can leave their baby with a hospital or a fire house no questions asked. That also means that you give up parental rights. Granted, there should be some sort of grace period, but you cannot say this family stole your baby, because they didn't!

One teenager in the story finds out she's pregnant from her boyfriend and I just cannot fathom her snobby naivete attitude. She swoons over Mirabelle because she's so cute. I'll give you that, babies are cute. But then she starts to fantasize that her and her also teenage boyfriend could work it out and their parents would take care of the baby while at college. Yeah, okay! Reality does hit her hard though, but I won't say how, but it does and I almost feel bad for her, but not quite.

Then there's someone who agreed to be a surrogate and winds up stealing the baby before it was born. Now, technically, that woman did steal a baby. Granted, it's biologically yours, but she agreed, verbally and legally, to be this couple's surrogate. I'm not entirely sure I could do it, cause I really don't want to go through the whole pregnancy, but I can't speak for other women who go into the surrogacy and then start to regret it later. I don't know.

I'm now just babbling. Despite the slow beginning, I can definitely see why this book had as much hype as it did when it was published. It really gets you thinking about different perspectives of motherhood, biological or not. The story is told as if someone was indeed telling a story to a group of people. Almost like when someone is narrating a play and you're watching it as it unfolds before your eyes.

I do look forward to seeing about Celeste Ng's previous novels. This story may be sensitive to some people who have gone through any of these scenarios because I think some things that happen later, could very well get emotional. The story is great, but also keep that in mind if you are at all familiar with these kinds of stories.
When I decided to read and review this book, I was not aware that it was part of a series. Number five in the series to be exact. I'm a big fan of thrillers especially when there is a character like Vanessa Michael Munroe. I can't wait to go back and read the rest of the series.

Vanessa Michael Munroe is very good at what she does. Just off a recent job, she decides to spend some time with a very special person in her life, Miles Bradford. They were in the same line of work, but their personal relationship was something different. On assignment in Japan, Bradford's on the hunt for a thief at ALTEQ. Munroe asks several times to join Miles at work and help with the assignment. More times than not, he refuses. When Miles is framed for murdering a Chinese woman at the company, Vanessa, the girlfriend takes a backseat and Michael the mercenary takes over. Not just to finish the job Bradford started, but also find the real killer. Not sure who she can trust, Munroe, disguised as a man takes on this arduous task. Will she be able to find the killer before she herself is killed?

I'm really upset that I haven't read this series chronologically. I feel like there are parts of Vanessa Michael Munroe that I am missing. I want to know more about her relationship with Bradford. Munroe is the kind of woman we all wish we could be. Able to evoke fear with just a glance, can read people like a book. She is strong, intuitive, resourceful, and smart. I'm not sure if it was love or devotion to the job/craft that made her go to the length she did to save Miles.

This book takes you on a journey where you are unsure of what is going to happen next. In a foreign country where you're not sure who is in charge and who you can trust, it's difficult to get help. The way Munroe handles herself shows the skill in her profession.
The Mask (Vanessa Michael Munroe, #5)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I decided to read and review this book, I was not aware that it was part of a series. Number five in the series to be exact. I'm a big fan of thrillers especially when there is a character like Vanessa Michael Munroe. I can't wait to go back and read the rest of the series.

Vanessa Michael Munroe is very good at what she does. Just off a recent job, she decides to spend some time with a very special person in her life, Miles Bradford. They were in the same line of work, but their personal relationship was something different. On assignment in Japan, Bradford's on the hunt for a thief at ALTEQ. Munroe asks several times to join Miles at work and help with the assignment. More times than not, he refuses. When Miles is framed for murdering a Chinese woman at the company, Vanessa, the girlfriend takes a backseat and Michael the mercenary takes over. Not just to finish the job Bradford started, but also find the real killer. Not sure who she can trust, Munroe, disguised as a man takes on this arduous task. Will she be able to find the killer before she herself is killed?

I'm really upset that I haven't read this series chronologically. I feel like there are parts of Vanessa Michael Munroe that I am missing. I want to know more about her relationship with Bradford. Munroe is the kind of woman we all wish we could be. Able to evoke fear with just a glance, can read people like a book. She is strong, intuitive, resourceful, and smart. I'm not sure if it was love or devotion to the job/craft that made her go to the length she did to save Miles.

This book takes you on a journey where you are unsure of what is going to happen next. In a foreign country where you're not sure who is in charge and who you can trust, it's difficult to get help. The way Munroe handles herself shows the skill in her profession.
Memrise: learn languages
Memrise: learn languages
Education, Travel
7.5 (2 Ratings)
App Rating
Used to love this app (0 more)
Now, not so much (0 more)
This app started of really good when I first downloaded it. I used it to aid me while learning Japanese. It has cool short games and activities to help you learn and remember old and new things every day. It was so good that in fact I bought a subscription for it so I could do more things. When you become a pro member you get listening activities from native speakers, listening games as well as pronunciation exercises.

However, after using it for a while, I noticed it was harder for me to learn how to construct larger sentences. It was just a case of remembering what kanji was used instead of actually learning how to say/write the sentences. So the app is only great for learning words and short phrases.

Then my card details were updated and I lost my pro-member benefits. I found out that they now want to to pay for things that were previously free such as the difficult words which saved words you were struggling with and help you learn them separately. So now the only thing you can really do on the app is learn new words and recap old ones. 4 out of the 7 games now need subscriptions which seems unfair.

It is also hard to add new people who actually play on the app as well. (You need to pay to use this as well now, I believe) but it allowed you to compete with other players on a weekly score board. Only problem with that is you couldn't search for anyone. You had to know someone who played the game as well and add their user name. The alternative was to type in a random name in the search bar and see who came up and hope they were still active.

This app is good for learning basics words, and phrases, and kanji if you study Chinese or Japanese. But it will not help you with fluency. And you basically have to buy it to seek all the other features which make the app what it is.
Just a Phone Call Away - Single by Lui Peng
Just a Phone Call Away - Single by Lui Peng
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Lui Peng is a Chinese-British singer-songwriter based in London. Not too long ago, he released a groovy neo-soul tune, entitled, “Just a Phone Call Away”.

“As soon as Ali showed me the instrumental, I was in love. It was very different from what I was used to but I was up for the challenge. All in all, the song probably took around an hour and a half to write, which if you knew me, is very unusual. Normally I like to take my time. Being the last track, I wanted it to be more introspective and serve as a resolution to the EP. I think my intentions with this song was to carry on the story where ‘Disappointed’ left off and tell the listener how I feel now. I have come to terms with everything and I am over my distractions. But if you were to call me, I would still be at the ‘Same Place’.” – Lui Peng

‘Just a Phone Call Away’ is the first single from Lui Peng’s upcoming summer EP, entitled, “Unavailable”.

The likable tune tells an interesting tale of a young guy who wants to chill, smoke, and have a romantic moment with a female who he desires to be with.

Later, he explains that if she misses him as much as he wants her; he’s not very far, just a phone call away.

‘Just a Phone Call Away’ contains a relatable storyline, pleasing vocals, and groovy instrumentation scented with a neo-soul fragrance.

“‘Unavailable’ is all about the space just on the outskirts of love. When things don’t work out, we often tell ourselves another version of the same story where we didn’t come second place. My aim with this body of work is to create a small collection of happy sad love songs that fall somewhere between being in love and heartbreak. I think with online dating being the main way people meet each other these days, the way we view love and sex has been completely flipped. Suddenly everyone has a plethora of choice at the swipe of their fingertips, and as a result, the value we place on romance has become disposable.” – Lui Peng
A Hero Born
A Hero Born
Jin Yong | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great plot but translation isn't so good
Despite what you read on the covers (e.g. “It’s like Lord of the Rings”) ignore all of that. It’s nothing like it. There is no epic adventure to fight evil (at least not yet - this is the first book in the series). So before you get all disappointed in what the outside quotes say, completely disregard them.

Translation will always be an issue with these kinds of books. It’s hard to keep it true and coherent. Sometimes you get a good one that is completely comprehensible and makes the reading a journey well worth it. Then you get one like A Hero Born and it’s not the greatest translation. The writing style is dry and hard to get into. Sometimes it gets too descriptive, but other times it’s not descriptive enough. It can be a little long winded at times and it drags - I’m not too sure if that’s because of the run on writing style or the plot itself. Either way by the last third of the book it was getting to be tiresome.

Speaking of the plot, it was good! There’s plenty of action, a bit of intrigue here and there. If you don’t mind something akin to Chinese historical fiction movies with classic martial arts fighting then perhaps this is for you. There are small elements of political intrigue which keeps the story interesting, however keep in mind there are a lot of characters to keep track of, but luckily there is a cast of characters in the beginning of the novel so that should not be a problem. This isn’t a book to put down and turn back to later, this needs to be consistently read you will easily lose your place.

There’s also several plot arcs that happen throughout the novel so it’s best to keep track of them carefully. They are all intertwined at some point. It’s a great plot and if it wasn’t for the horrible writing/translation.

I don’t know if I could recommend this one to anyone. I would under normal circumstances but the writing just do the plot justice. It’s too bad, it would have been such a great series.
The Great Wall (2016)
The Great Wall (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama, Mystery
5.8 (27 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Universal Studios and Legendary’s latest monster film is from the brilliant mind of Zhang Yimou. I must say that though this was a Yimou film I was not really intrigued with the trailer and almost skipped it however I’m glad that I didn’t!

William (Matt Damon) and Toval (Pedro Pascal) are mercenaries trying to make it rich. They are on a mission in China on the lookout for legendary exploding black powder. Instead they find a huge Great Wall and are mystified as to why it was built and what it is trying to keep out. The Tao Tei, are prehistoric looking monsters who are a danger to all of humanity and the only thing stopping them is the wall. William is a skilled archer and Toval a witty fighter. With their help they might be able to save humanity from the onslaught of the Tao Tei.

 I thoroughly enjoyed this film and found it extremely entertaining. The action and unexpected humor is what sold it for me. The casting of Matt Damon and Pedro Pascal was brilliantly thought out and kept the audience laughing with the duos chemistry and how well they played off of each other.

Despite all of the controversy about having Matt Damon as the lead in a Chinese film is crazy and I think Zhang has made the right choice in doing so. To be successful in the American film industry sometimes you have to use a big star to bring in big results. Though the story and script are basic and easy to follow the action, scenery, costumes and humor are fantastic and what makes the film great. This film should definitely be viewed with the 3D option as it fully immerses the audience into and becomes a part of the story. A lot of CGI was used and though normally I am not a fan of a lot of CGI, it works with the film rather than against it. I would definitely recommend this film but the monsters might be too much for kids to handle in 3D.