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The outpost season 1
The outpost season 1
2018 | Sci-Fi
Refreshing (0 more)
Creepy Janzos eyebrows (0 more)
Refreshing and interesting storyline. Its fun and has decent fight scenes but its a low budget show and acting can be a bit corny, especially the Janzo character who just acts really creepy. You do have to get past the first few episodes for it to get better though. The lead character is strong willed, independant and capable woman, driven by vengeance. However its a bit frustrating when she keeps getting stabbed, leads the creepy guy on and moons over the "handsome" male lead. Hmmm.... what was that about a strong female character? Give it a chance, it does improve. Theres not many decent new fantasy shows available, with the exception of the bigger budget, Game of thrones. Its more in line with xena and the shannara chronicles and its actually not as bad as some reviewers may say, well theres got to be a reason it got a second season. Im looking forward to seeing it.
By far one of best I have read in a long time. This is exactly the type of ghost stories I love to read! Hahn delivered yet again.

The story chronicles Ali traveling with her aunt up to Michigan to babysit her younger cousin. I think what make this novel so remarkable is that it is one of her less predictable ones. Hahn does not lay everything out for you in the beginning. Instead, she gives you bits and pieces at a time and you place them together.

I also loved that the ghost was not evil, per se. Of course, she had her flaws as do all Hahn’s characters. However, she did evoke some sympathy.

If you appreciate a good ghost story, I highly recommend it. Again, Hahn writes for a younger generation, but this is a good ole’ fashion ghost story that needs zero tricks to keep the reader interested.
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1
2017 | Sci-Fi
Some of the cast are atrocious (1 more)
Takes a dip after a few episodes
Darker than your normal Star Trek
This series of Star Trek comes in after Enterprise, but before the original series, The Next Generation etc. It chronicles the battle of Starfleet against a resurgent Klingon empire.
Gone is the usual Star Trek single episode storylines, where the ship encounters a race or problem and everything is wrapped up in one episode. Everything within the series links together as a whole long storyline without much deviation. In hindsight, I think knowing this would have made me more engaged with the first few episodes, I think I got a bit bored after the first couple.
The series as a whole is good and sets up a nice second series at the end.
One thing that really bugged me was the atrocious sub-Shatner ham acting of Anthony Rapp (Stamets) and Michelle Yeoh chewing the scenery in the last few episodes.
Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2)
Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2)
Marissa Meyer | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (36 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am huge fan of the lunar chronicles series. Just as the first book, scarlet surpassed my expectations. It's a refreshing and unique take on the fairy tale of little red riding hood. The book also continues with the story of Cinderella from the first novel of the series. The story keeps you interested the entire time and has simple twists and turns to keep you coming back for more. The characters are good kids but flawed in a way that lets you remember they are just like us, you cant help but love them all. The villain of the series is so vile the reader just cant wait to see her get what she deserves. I would recommend this series to anyone who loves the ya genre. It is also clean enough for my ten year old to read. I can not wait to read the next novel in the series: Cress.

ashezbookz (32 KP) rated Winter in Books

Jul 5, 2018  
Marissa Meyer | 2016 | Children
8.9 (26 Ratings)
Book Rating
Who couldn't rate this 5 if they read all the others and rated any one of them 5 - I mean, it had every single character from the past in it. I must say though even though Scarlet was my favourite - Winter is my new one - and them together was just amazing - their interaction was just life.

The whole book was action non stop - I love books like that - there were a few down times but not many, and I just .. I'm sad, I'll get novellas but, it's over, and I really would like more Winter - I listened in audio and her sing song voice and her wolf howl was just so super awesome I just cant even deal I would fangirl the voice of these books so hard.

Perhaps theres fanfic for lunar chronicles .....perhaps I should go lurk because, for my first series finish I'm proud of myself that it's this series.
A Morbid Taste for Bones (Chronicles of Brother Cadfael, #1)
Ellis Peters | 1977 | Fiction & Poetry
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The first of Ellis Peters Cadfael Chronicles mystery novels, which it is no next to impossible to read without imagining Derek Jacobi in the lead role.

For those not in the know, Cadfael is a medieval Welsh Benedictine Monk, who has come late to the Order in life, and who proves rather adept at solving various mysteries, as well as looking after his garden. In this one, the mystery to be solved is just who murdered the leader of the opposition to his Orders plans to relocate the bones of a local saint from the sleepy Welsh village in which she is buried to the confines of his own Order of St Peter and St Paul.

If I'm honest, I actually found this quite hard going: it never really gripped me all that much, nor made me want to read on. Perhaps this kind of novel is just not my cup of tea!
American Horror Story  - Season 2
American Horror Story - Season 2
2012 | Horror
So much gorier and darker than the first series, Asylum chronicles the events of Bloody-face, the twisted fictional serial killer of the 1960s. This is the story underlying all events in the series, but there is so much more going on. We are treated to a glimpse into the abuse and disgust of people suffering mental health problems, and the supposed treatments being dreamt up to deal with their issues.
The series also has aspects of demonic possession, alien abduction and so much more.
While there were some aspects I felt were left open (the alien abduction for one), and others were not explored quite as much as it could have been, I feel this should be seen as more of an anthology series, where a number of stories of mental illness all intertwine to tell one thrilling story.
An exciting, but at times uncomfortable to watch series with some excellent acting and writing.
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Ross (3284 KP) Jan 15, 2019

Thanks. In true rock and roll fashion, I watch this when I am ironing (pausing when one of the kids comes in the room) so it will take me quite some time to get through it all. I love the idea behind it though, exploring fresh ideas each series but with a number of the same cast members so you instantly feel like you know some of them.


Amy Christmas (171 KP) Jan 15, 2019

Completely agree. Love the premise of it all.