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Riddick (2013)
Riddick (2013)
2013 | Action, Sci-Fi
Vin Diesel hits the silver screen in the third installment of the Chronicles of Riddick series. As you would expect, Diesel delivers on a role crafted solely for him.

Pitch Black opened in 2000, heralding a unique story with a compelling main character. Riddick was unique for his planning skills and killer instincts, and he possessed eyes with a “shine job,” which allowed him to see effectively in the dark. He was a convict — a killer — but he possessed enough of a conscience to be endearing and for the audience to identify with him.

In the second film (Chronicles of Riddick), an entirely different storyline unfolded. It showed Riddick as a hero, taking control of the Necromonger horde.

The third and newest film opens to show Riddick broken and stranded on a desolate planet. We watch as he ponders how he got into his current situation. After a brief flashback to the events of the second movie, the film segues into the new story — which feels very reminiscent of the first. This time around, Riddick is up against bounty hunters.

The beginning third of the film pits Riddick against nature itself. Later, the bounty hunters arrive, and the game of cat and mouse goes into overdrive.

I found the transition from the second film to the third adequate, but unsatisfying.

The script, acting, action, and cinematography are all top notch. I was happy with the production value. It didn’t feel cheap or cheesy at all; the effects seemed believable.

I enjoyed the humor. I also appreciated the complexity of the Riddick character, something fans of the series have all come to love.

There were a few plot holes, and a couple of inconsistencies, but overall it’s a great film.

One of the greatest parts of the film is Katee Sackhoff (“Starbuck” of Battlestar Galactica fame), and her bare breast. (I’m a hetero dude — sue me!) The other gratuitous nudity (including one shot of a woman’s shaved groin area) was appropriate and served as great icing on the filmography cake.

My main criticism is that this movie had almost nothing to do with the previous films. There were two great tie-ins, but it never felt like a true continuation of the story line, not in any meaningful way. It was very unsatisfying in that respect However, as a stand-alone action film featuring Riddick, it delivers.

This movie is well worth seeing, but it will dissapoint those looking for strong continuity with the other parts of the franchise.

Ross (3284 KP) rated The White Song in Books

Nov 17, 2017  
The White Song
The White Song
Phil Tucker | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Virtually non-stop action (0 more)
The final book in the Chronicles of the Black Gate sees all the previous forces unite to try and defeat the horde of demons that has taken over much of the Empire.
The book gets straight into the action from the off with battles against the demons taking place as the forces of good are gradually driven back and forced to flee to regroup.
Meanwhile Audsley is doing what he does best: snooping around, working out people's motives and discovering things. In so doing, he may just have sided with someone with even worse intentions than the current enemy.
Other than one or two regrouping chapters the action is pretty much non-stop and thoroughly exciting.
I think this is the shortest book in the series, but it doesn't feel like it was rushed through, I think there was just so much story left to tell in the conclusion that there was less time for characters' pondering and soul-searching.
The conclusion is satisfying with some people of the world's underclasses sacrificing themselves to save the day, with hopefully lasting consequences for their races in the aftermath.
In summary, a thoroughly exciting conclusion to an excellent series written with Tucker's excellent style of flowing prose.
Of Blood and Bone (Chronicles of The One)
Of Blood and Bone (Chronicles of The One)
Nora Roberts | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am enjoying the hell out of this trilogy.
Contains spoilers, click to show
Nora Roberts does it again with the second installment in the Chronicles of The One.

Of Blood and Bone, while telling its own important parts of the story, feels very much like a buildup to the finale - which is exactly what it is. We've now learned the fate of the characters we first met in Year One - some good, some bad. We've gone deeper into the powers, hearts, and minds of existing characters. We've met new characters, both light and dark. And we've learned - along with Fallon - what must be done to fix the world (although I admit this point is still a bit vague - deliberately, I believe). And while I hate waiting nearly a year between installments, I can't wait to see how it ends.

Side note spoiler: It's incredibly satisfying that Simon gets to be the one to take Eric down. Here's hoping Allegra and Petra meet similar fates.

For me, this trilogy is very reminiscent of both the O'Dwyer trilogy and the Guardians trilogy, both of which I enjoyed immensely. There's something about the way Roberts writes fantasy that draws me in and keeps me there while also leaving me wanting more.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press for the ARE!

ClareR (5753 KP) Jan 4, 2019

I haven’t read any other Nora Roberts books at all! I’d like to think I would (especially the two series you refer to) but I’m not so sure I will - I have a bookcase full of books to read, never mind the kindle!!?


MelanieTheresa (997 KP) Jan 4, 2019

Oh believe me, so do I! Certain authors just immediately jump to the top of my pile, though, when they release a new book, regardless of how many books I have TBR. Nora Roberts is one of them. Kay Hooper, Lisa Unger, Jayne Ann Krentz are some others. :)

Tricked (The Iron Druid Chronicles, #4)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book no 4 in The Iron Druid chronicles this, I felt, is the weakest of the series so far.

I'm not sure whether that is because it comes after [b:Hammered|10443590|Hammered|Mark Ward||15348265] my choice for the best or because the main plot line of [b:Hounded|18404329|Hounded|David Rosenfelt||26038191], [b:Hexed|6372672|Hexed|Michael Alan Nelson||6560286] and [b:Hammered|10443590|Hammered|Mark Ward||15348265] are finished, or even because of the unfamiliar (to me) Navajo setting, but to me, this just didn't gel as much as any of the previous three.

The plot has to do with Atticus dealing with the aftermath of his journey to Asgard in the previous novel, and the deal he made with Coyote to cover his tracks, with the big bad in this taking the form of two Skinwalkers rather than the Irish god(s) of the first, the Witches of the second or the Norse gods of the third.

It's not a bad read, just not my pick for the best of the series
At Deaths Door (Deadman's Cross)
At Deaths Door (Deadman's Cross)
Sherrilyn Kenyon | 2019 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another fab book
Welcome to the latest Deadmen's Quest....

Valynda Moore was born cursed. So when she dies as the result of a spell gone wrong and is trapped in the body of a voodoo doll, she expects nothing else from her messed-up life. Until Thorn, leader of the Hellchasers, offers her a chance at redemption and a new life.

But nothing has ever gone her way, for the Malachai, the very beast she and her crew of Deadmen have sworn to keep locked away, has risen. And this time he's taken prisoners. Valynda must keep her wits about her or be denied her salvation and forced to watch as the entire world falls into the hands of absolute evil.

It's a demon-eat-demon world where the stakes have never been higher and either redemption or the ultimate betrayal waits for her At Death's Door

This is the end of this trilogy and I'm sad to see it finish. I love her books and the little touches she brings from her Dark hunter and Nick chronicles. Always a joy to see Simi make an appearance as well as Ash.

So this is ram packed with demon fights and well written sex scenes.

Highly recommended

Open Mind (Kink Chronicles #1)
Open Mind (Kink Chronicles #1)
Luna David | 2019 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
bdsm, contemporary, grrc, m-m, read, romance


OPEN MIND is the first book in the Kink Chronicles and we meet Jamie and Ronan. Jamie is 28 and has been a travelling nurse for the past couple of years but is now ready to settle down. Ronan has settled down but is in need of a new nurse for his specialised practice!

This story is an interesting mix of being sweet and full of kink! Different kinds of kink so if kink is your thing, there is probably at least one scene in here you will like. As for Jamie and Ronan, I kind of thought they were the perfect pair - once Ronan pulled his head out of his backside! Not every relationship is destined to be monogamous and so long as everyone agrees to that BEFORE anything happens, I'm okay with it.

This was an enjoyable book that moved along at a fair pace. I enjoyed the characters and look forward to reading more in this series.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

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