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Freedom Is a Constant Struggle
Freedom Is a Constant Struggle
Angela Davis | 2015 | Essays, History & Politics
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A good introduction into the intersectionality of worldwide civil rights movements
Angela Davis is one of the most important activists in the past five decades, hence reading any of her essays, interviews or speeches is always essential. And while I think the message of the book important - discussing how to create a global civil rights movement, intersectionality, and making sure not to idolise any one individual - it is slightly haphazardly put together without a narrative thread.

On the other hand, Davis' book is a perfect counterpart to Michelle Alexander's important theoretical book "The New Jim Crow" as "Freedom is a Constant Struggle" is more of a manifesto, with practical advice.

Davis, who was at one point on the FBI 's Most Wanted List, discusses her role and support for the Black Panther Party during the 1960's, as well as global movements such as Palestine, who in turn advised those in Ferguson, Missouri, in how to deal with militarized police tactics. She criticizes companies such as G4S for essentially gaining from corporate punishments, who are notorious across the world.

Ironically, I have always held Davis on a pedestal, and went to see her many years ago during a speech in London. But she does warn against individualism and instead encourages finding common tenets across other civil actions. And while I love her vision of intersectionality, these speeches are far too brief to gauge a full understanding - it may be better to read some of her other works alongside this book. A great insight into a great mind.
The White Album
The White Album
Joan Didion | 1979 | Essays
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disappointing, writing from an elitist bubble
This was rather disappointing. While Joan Didion is obviously a good writer, she is too much of a cynic and writes from the perspective of upper class privilege. She has more enthusiasm for high end elitist social circles than the civil rights movements taking place in 1960s, even criticising Nobel Prize winner of Literature, Doris Lessing. She prefers the company of Charles Manson associates than she does of leading feminists and Black Panther leaders. It sounded like a long winded rant about her own troubles than the troubles of the time.
On the Basis of Sex (2018)
On the Basis of Sex (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama
On The Basis Of Sex (2019) fails to make its case
Armie Hammer may or may not be destined to answer the Batsignal, but never fear because he’s here to answer the virtue signal as the focus-stealing Martin Ginsburg, arguably the main character of a movie which sets out to repeatedly show him as the admirable, ahead-of-his-time supportive new man whose courageous struggle with testicular cancer and subsequent building of a lucrative tax career is told against the backdrop of the groundbreaking civil rights work of his wife....