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Karim Ainouz recommended Arabian Nights (1974) in Movies (curated)

Arabian Nights (1974)
Arabian Nights (1974)
1974 | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Like many of the films on this list, Arabian Nights showed me that the possibilities of working with narrative are the possibilities of working with the world. This film makes beautiful use of a documentary approach to filmmaking but within the framework of fiction. It’s filled with these faces you don’t generally see in cinema, faces that remind me of people from that region in Italy. I’m not Italian, but there’s something there that made me feel, as a Brazilian, that I was connected to these faces and these characters. It’s also a fantastic way of looking at a classic piece of literature—I am a big fan of One Thousand and One Nights, and this is an adaptation you can connect to, that doesn’t feel far away at all. There’s a sexiness and a rawness, and a sense of pulsating reality being brought to the screen on a poetic level."

Gone with the Wind Audiobook
Gone with the Wind Audiobook
Margaret Mitchell | 2009 | History & Politics, Romance
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Accents by the Narrator (1 more)
Historical vantage point
The people in the story. (0 more)
Audio Production is great
I struggled to care about these over privileged people as a whole. The main character especially. I made it through the first half of the book, which is 21 cds, and a ton of time. I felt like i invested a lot of my time into it, and didn't feel rewarded with a great classic piece of literature. That said it was well written for it's time and really provides insight into the thought and minds of the confederate side. It's a great slice of life for Civil war buffs. A lot of the racial language is cringe worthy by today's standards, but was probably very real for the time and even maybe lighter. I do not feel compelled to read the rest of it, one day when I am curious, I will watch the movie and that will probably be enough.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Worzel Gummidge in TV

Jan 3, 2020  
Worzel Gummidge
Worzel Gummidge
2019 | Comedy, Fantasy
Writer-director-actor-everything Mackenzie Crook's new take on the famous scarecrow draws much more from the original books than the first TV series with Jon Pertwee forty years ago. It certainly sounds like the stuff of classic children's literature: two children visiting the countryside discover Worzel Gummidge, a walking, talking scarecrow.

What makes it special is that, firstly, it is genuinely very funny, with strong performances from all concerned, and, secondly, when it's not trying to be funny, it is actually quite eerie: as the Unthanks' soundtrack played and the scarecrows of Albion stirred into awkward life, I felt a genuine shiver down my spine. It's not quite folk horror for kids, but there is a mystical atmosphere to the whole thing which suits the story extremely well. All of this is handled with a surprising but very welcome lightness of touch. One of the best things I saw on TV in 2019 (not that this is necessarily saying much).