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A Matter of Grave Concern
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I listened to this as an audiobook during my commute back and forth to work. I have to admit that Historical romance is not one of my preferred genres, and someone who enjoys romance novels might have a different opinion of this book. I was in the library one Saturday afternoon with my two girls and wanted to grab something to listen to in a hurry. The title caught my eye, and I skimmed the beginning of the blurb on the back. I read just enough to make me think it was an historical mystery, and not even paying attention to the author I took it and checked out. Driving in to work that first Monday morning after picking it up, it didn't take long to realize what I had. I might have stopped listening if I'd had another book to listen to in the car, but since it was all that i had with me, I kept going.

The story is about a young woman named Abby who's father is a surgeon at Aldersgate School of Medicine. She decides to help the college keep their students by providing a corpse for the required anatomy classes. This requires Abby to deal with a group of resurectionists, or body snatchers. Little does she know that one of the gang is not what he is pretending to be. Max Wilder has actually joined the gang of grave robbers in search of his half sister, Madeline, who has gone missing and was last seen in the company of the gang's leader, Jack Hurtsill.

This story had it's ups and downs. At times the characters thoughts and concerns seemed repetitive and almost silly. Should she or shouldn't she give in to Max. Will he or won't he tell Abby the truth. I know some of that is necessary to help build tension, but it seemed a bit much. I'm not sure how I would have felt in Abby's position as Max revealed one secret after another, instead of coming clean up front. It also seemed that after spending the first 2/3 of the book searching for Madeline, her part of the story was wrapped up in a rush. It was interesting to hear about what colleges were willing to condone to get the corpses they needed for their students to study medicine, however, and there was enough danger, suspense, and intrigue to keep my attention.

All in all, this was not a bad story, but there was too much graphic sex for my taste. If you don't mind that, or are willing to do a little skimming, then it might be worth a read.
Olivia Dixon is the youngest of 4 sisters and 1 brother. Her family regards her as the “baby”, the “danty one”, the one to handle with kid gloves, or she might crack. Olivia would do anything for her sisters and especially her brother, including turning her back on the one man that is her perfect match.

Cody Madsen can’t believe his happily ever after is the little sister of his best friend. The same best friend who thinks he wouldn’t be able to offer anything but heartbreak to any woman he dates. Can he change everyone’s mind about who he really is?

Olivia and Cody have some mad chemistry, chemistry they both admit to but they have to keep under control so Connor doesn’t find out. They’ve made rule after rule to keep their thoughts totally clean toward one another. But those rules don’t mean a thing when Cody sees Olivia naked emerging from the bathroom. All cohesive thoughts go out the window at that point. They decide the only way to truly get over each other is to date other people. Olivia sets up a profile for each of them on a dating website and they both find matches. When Cody realizes he’s been stood up for his date he goes to leave the restaurant and sees Olivia. She realizes she’s been stood up too, they surmise that maybe they were matched with each other by the computer. Even the computer thinks they belong together. Will they keep their relationship hands off or go with the force that seems to be constantly pushing them together?

Cody and Olivia both want to keep Connor happy and risk his wrath if he finds out they are together. Together they realize that it isn’t just about making Connor happy or risking his disappointment. They have to come together and find a way to develop their relationship outside of their friendship. After some trickery, of course, using the dating app, some misunderstandings, awkward dating while loving someone else, a sex club (cue visit from Mac AND Dooley squeal), deep down soul confessions and a TON of chocolate chip cookies, they figure out they can definitely have the best of both worlds.

Going for Four continued a wonderful series involving the Dixon family (spun from the Bradford series) in which you get totally sucked into the family dynamics. These are people I would love to hang out with in real life. Ms Nicholas once again has you along for the ride of your life. I can’t recommend these 2 series’ enough. Just Everyday Heroes are just what I need in my every day life!!
As the War of 1812 comes to a close. Lives will be lost, hearts broken, and dreams shattered. But love can conquer all in the midst of the chaos and destruction.
About the Book
Reeling from the devastation that her brother has been taken prisoner by the British Navy, Fiona Lanier is in disbelief when she discovers a British sailor washed up on the shores of her home. Suffering from amnesia, Charlie Kincaid does not know why he is in America. As his memory returns in bits and pieces, duty and loyalties are challenged.

Despite her mother's attempts to raise Fiona into a "proper lady". Miss Lanier is anything but...Training and breeding horses, wearing her brother's clothes, and dashing off to ...Nevermind, "Spoilers". I would like to think that if I lived in 1814, I would be like Fiona. Refusing to conform to the regulations that society dictates, to follow my heart, my passion, my dreams. Will Fiona and Charlie follow their hearts? Or will they submit to duty to their country?

My Thoughts
As with The Creole Princess I was swept away from the first page of this book! The very first line is:

"She could set fire to the letter in her pocket and it would still be true."

Very fast paced and full of adventure, Beth White continues to draw us into the Lanier family. Throughout The Magnolia Duchess you will get to see the story unfold through the eyes of several characters. Creating a deeper understanding for the situation and the era. While Fiona has become very dear to me, I was thrilled to see her Aunt Lyse's reappearance (The Creole Princess)! As we follow Fiona and Charlie through the war, we can see God's hand on their lives. Protecting and guiding them. Bringing two hearts together despite all odds.

I definitely enjoyed reading this book and learned a bit more about the War of 1812 (thanks to my need to research the events I read about). There are several kissing scenes and references to "passion", but nothing that made me feel uncomfortable (and I thrive on clean reads). The war scenes are not overly descriptive. Enough to make me sad and ache about the horrors of war, but nothing that caused my stomach to churn. I can't wait to read Beth's next book! (I suppose I should go back and read The Pelican Bride first!) These books can stand alone as the main characters are in different generations. Although, I recommend reading them in order.

I received a free copy of The Magnolia Duchess from Revell Publishing in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
When God leads three sisters to a town called Defiance, they had no idea how He would use them to shine His light in the darkest of places.

"Naomi found it mind-boggling and quite humbling what God could do if you let him."
Location 3665

About the Book
Charles McIntyre is the founder of Defiance, a town riddled with lust and drunkenness. He is determined to clean up the town so that the railroad will lay tracks there. The only problem is, he has forgotten what it takes to be a man of honor. Recently widowed Mrs. Naomi Miller and her two sisters, Hannah and Rebecca, know that they were led to Defiance by God. Intent on opening a respectable hotel, they face challenges that they have been unprepared for. Following the Lord's lead...and sometimes that of a feisty personality, the sisters aim to earn a decent reputation in the town and share the love of God with those around them. Showing them that no one is perfect, and that our Heavenly Father loves us no matter our past. Repentance and salvation is available to us all. Will Naomi be able to see past the sins of the man and see his heart? With more than one disreputable man in town, will the sisters remain safe?

My Thoughts
I have not read many books that so blatantly show us the black and white of sin and salvation. There is a lot of language referencing the work of the prostitutes in the story. But I do not feel that the profession was glamorized at all, far from it. There is a lot of reference to the prostitutes' low cut dresses and ogling of the females in general by the men. But as the sisters remain pure, their attitudes and behavior rubs off on those around them. Giving us a perfect example of being in the world but not of it. They held firm to their beliefs and were not swayed by the godless world around them. And through them God brought a change to the town and the occupants. While this is not a book I would recommend for young readers, I never felt uncomfortable reading this and I am planning on reading the rest of the series. I would also like to honor Heather for writing what she was called to write. She shares the true grit of the west with the pure love and acceptance of our Lord Jesus Christ.

My Rating
★★★★☆ - You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you. (More Info)

Published by Rivulet Publishing. I received a free digital copy of A Lady in Defiance in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The Secret of Pembrooke Park
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mystery, murder, treasure and romance. All of which can be found in Julie Klassen’s most recent book, The Secret of Pembrooke Park. This book will have you turning pages until the wee hours of morning.

England, 1817, Abigail Foster and her family are in the midst of a financial crisis that could ruin them forever, when an offer to let Pembrooke Park is brought before them. The house has been vacant for almost 20 years, and there is a lot of clean up needed before they can move in, but the terms seem too good to be true. This is just the opportunity the Foster’s need so they can begin to rebuild their lives. Abigail and her father travel to the village of Caldwell to begin fixing up the property. It is not long before whispers and rumors make it to Abigail’s ears regarding the previous inhabitants. Whispers of treasure and murder and ghosts. What happened here so many years ago? Will Abigail be able to uncover the truth? Clues are found and mysterious letters are sent to Abigail from what appears to be someone who lived at Pembrooke Park. Does the miniature doll’s house hold the key to where the treasure was hidden? Abigail befriends the previous steward’s daughter, Leah Chapman, who has her own mysteries of the past that she is concealing. William Chapman, Leah’s sister and the local pastor, seems to become interested in Abigail, but will Miss Foster’s sister, Louisa sweep him off his feet as she does to every man she meets? And Mr. Chapman is not the only man that has taken an interest in Abigail. Truth, faith and love are the primary factors guiding our players. “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt.”

I have not enjoyed a book so much as I enjoyed reading The Secret of Pembrooke Park. I stayed up late many a night reading when I should have been sleeping. Most definitely a page turner if I ever read one. I cannot praise Mrs. Klassen enough for her fine works. The historical accuracy, the depth, the feeling. Creative liberties are used in regards to classes intermingling, but that’s what makes her books so intriguing. The suspense and mystery was mild (compared to the thrillers my husband reads), but it was enough to make my head turn at the sounds of my own house creaking in the night. I am looking forward to her next release. I told my husband that I want the rest of Julie Klassen’s books for Christmas this year!

As a part of their blogger review program, I received a free copy of The Secret of Pembrooke Park from Bethany House Publishers. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
You Are Not Alone
You Are Not Alone
Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen | 2020 | Contemporary, Thriller
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Better Than Anonymous Girl
Contains spoilers, click to show
Spoilers in Effect. You’ve been warned.

So I read the first two books by these lovely authors, loved The Wife Between Us. Didn’t really like An Anonymous Girl. So although I didn’t set the bar too high this time around it’s always worth giving them another chance. Luckily I’m glad I did. I did quite enjoy this one and loved the little twists and turns that got me going.

Shay isn’t likable. But she’s not one to underestimate either. She’s quirky and may seem a bit off and not so socially inclined but she may be one of those types of people where you once get to know them, they seem to be pleasant to be around with. Now I’m not quite sure why she had to lie to the sisters like that in the first place. Did she feel that awkward? She had so many opportunities to come clean but decided to continue the lie. I’m not sure if that was because we still want her flawed or it was just a plot hook to keep the story going. Nevertheless it was just odd how she just continued the lie (although it would have changed the story, but it might have changed for the better?)

I loved the Moore sisters despite their manipulative behavior. I’d rather hoped there was more backstory to them instead of the little breadcrumbs here and there but the twist behind it was so good! I definitely was not expecting that! What I didn’t appreciate was they could have used Shay’s skills! It was infuriating! They were just so hung up on her lying (which was stupid of Shay to do it to begin with) that they couldn’t see how much value she would bring to the group. Can you just imagine what this group can do if Shay was a part of them? It would have been a completely different novel but perhaps a good one.

The plot itself is good. The intrigue and the twists and turns are there, perhaps not as much as I would like as I’ve read their previous works in the past. The back and forth between points of view was good and a breadcrumb trail is set throughout the storyline to keep you wanting to read more. Love that twist in the end but I have to admit, the ending could have been better. Sure the Moore sisters had good interests in mind, but whether their hearts were in it, maybe not so much.

Loved this book and was happy with it. It’s so much better than the last one and brings me back to wanting to read more of these two authors in the future.
No Escape (2015)
No Escape (2015)
2015 | Drama, Thriller
6.9 (13 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Full disclosure…I am not a fan of Owen Wilson. In fact, I have down right loathed him since I first saw him in Armageddon. In my opinion, he always plays an annoying, somewhat exaggerated and not very funny character. To make things worse, No Escape is a non-comedy, non-quirky, straight man Owen Wilson film. Seems like a terrible idea. Still, the trailer intrigued me because I wanted to see if Wilson had any range to be a “normal action” character for once or would he continue to live up to my low expectations of him.

Surprisingly, I enjoyed him in this performance greatly. Wilson plays a father who uproots his wife Annie (Lake Bell) and their two little girls and moves them to Southeast Asia to work on a project to bring clean drinking water to the country and provide a better life for his family. However shortly after arrival, the family finds themselves in the middle of a violent political uprising they do not understand nor have any idea why it is happening and must somehow find sanctuary and escape this foreign city where Americans are being executed on sight. The film is intense. As soon as the coup begins, we are taken on a ride of constant tension and emotion, broken up with quiet moments where Wilson uses “dad humor” to comfort his family. Wilson shines in these moments because his “lame Dad humor” is not only believable, but his demeanor throughout the film is realistic and loving. His chemistry with his cast mates is stellar as the family all deliver solid performances and you can believe they are an actual family.

As they are moving through the city they come across a familiar face in Pierce Brosnan who plays some kind of mercenary ex-agent type. Brosnan’s screen time is short but he steals every scene he is in. He also gives an explanation, though simple, of what is going on and how the family can find safety. Critics of this film may fault it for glossing over a real world issue of western colonialism and no attempt to humanize the plight of the locals, however for me at least, this film isn’t trying to tell a giant story, but rather a far simpler one which is about family. Additionally, the trailers for this film present it as more of an action film, which it is not.

In the end we are left with a frightening atmosphere where we constantly might ask ourselves what we would do in that situation. The strength of this film is the family dynamic and the strong performances that give them life. Though the film mostly ignores a real world issue, it delivers a thrilling fast paced ride from almost start to finish.
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