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Haley Mathiot (9 KP) rated Blind Sight in Books

Apr 27, 2018  
Blind Sight
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thomas lost his family in a terrible accident two years ago. He’s been living as a hermit, rejecting God, ever since. When he starts getting mysterious e-mails and phone messages from some nut saying that he needs him to save his children, Thomas at first doesn’t believe it. But on a whim he goes to the air port. And there are two children there, waiting for him, calling him “uncle Thomas.”

Thomas is dragged (by the hand of God no less) into this insane mission to save these children from a cult, bring them to their mother who has been living undercover for three years, and expose the lies that the cult has been feeding to the world. But how is he going to keep his sanity when every time he sees the kids, he thinks about his own children and his wife who died at what he sees as his own hand? And what about his forsaken relationship with God?

I’m having a very hard time trying to think of words that describe Blind Sight. It is an incredible story about a terrible loss, but more than a loss of family—a loss of a relationship with Christ, but one that is rekindled to an absolute trust in His sovereignty. Blind Sight had my adrenalin racing through all 400-pages, yet parts of it were so peaceful and uplifting that I went back and read them again.

My favorite character was Micah, the little boy. He and Michelle were twins. He was so trusting, so brave, and so fragile. He couldn’t see, so he learned to rely completely on Michelle’s guidance, and had to learn to trust a man he’d never met before (Thomas). My heart ached for him through the story.

On that note, all the characters had some sort of major flaw that made them definite real people. My heart ached (almost physically) for each of them in a different way.

The writing was contemporary prose, easy to read, fluid, but simple. It wasn’t what made the book a 5-star book, but it didn’t take away from the overall enjoyment.

The narration alternated between several different view points, and left you hanging, making it a compelling page-turner. The viewpoints were not confusing, however, because it was all from third-person perspective. Also because each character was so real, so distinct, it was easy to get inside their heads.

Because of the different view points, there were some sections where I was reading what was going on during the cult’s worship service. It was amazing in a repulsive, nerve-wracking way that sent shivers of disgust down my spine. I hated the cult with a passion, and because of that I related to Justine, the mother, very well.

The ending was peculiar. Most books leave you with a satisfied smile on your face. This one, not so much. That satisfied smile comes after you’ve set it down and thought about it for a while—and it does stick with you. Pence doesn’t really “finish” the story in the sense that everything is wrapped up completely. You know what will happen in the future, and because of that he doesn’t have to spell it out for you. Once I sat back and thought about what God had in store for these characters and watched it play out in my head, I grinned. It’s wonderful!

Content: 100% Clean!

Recommendation: Anyone ages 10+ would enjoy this! It would be a wonderful read for a family to share, or for an adult looking for a good clean Christian-thriller, or a teenager with the weekend off of homework.
The Selection
The Selection
Kiera Cass | 2012 | Children
7.9 (48 Ratings)
Book Rating
Set many years into the future The US has undergone drastic change. Under the rule of a monarchy once again. Prince Maxon, only child and heir to the throne, is ready to find his future queen. In a lottery type draw, one young lady (between the ages of 16 and 20) from each province is selected as candidates for the throne, and for Maxon's heart. Among them is America Singer. A Five in the caste system (There are eight total). Although her becoming a part of the selection was an accident, of sorts...Will she be able to forget her past and embrace her future? There are 35 girls, and only 1 prince. Who will emerge as Queen?

It has been a long while since I have been so engrossed in a book that I couldn't put it down to go to sleep. I finally had to, as my eyes wouldn't stay open any longer, with only two chapters remaining! I kept having dreams about the book! I finished it as soon as I woke up this morning and am now anxiously awaiting to check out The Elite from the library. Since this is a book about a prince finding a wife, you can expect to have romance with a mild dystopian flair. Although I personally think the emotions are slightly intense for a YA book, it is still clean and decent. Prince Maxon is an honorable man. Parents, please use your own discretion. Kiera Cass has done a fabulous job imagining a new world of castes, monarchy, fashion, rebellion and love. (It's like The Bachelor, but way better!) Please be advised that these books do not stand alone. And once you finish The Selection you are going to want to start The Elite immediately (so do what I didn't do and place a hold on BOTH)! This book ends well, but definitely leaves you wanting more. I have also heard that The Selection is being made into a movie. Although all I could find out was that it is in pre-production. I am thoroughly enjoying this series, but I know that it won't be to everyone's taste. Keep in mind that it is a Young Adult novel and is written for that level. Happy reading! And may the odds be ever in your favor....wait....
Dance Over Me
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, my first that I NEED to see 42nd Street! As a lover of all things theatre, I can't believe that I haven't seen it yet. Speaking of theatre, I simply adored all the stage talk in this book! It has been so long since I have been on the stage, but I felt like I was right there with Dani. The pre-show nerves, the excitement and thrill of a live audience, the relief when the final curtain falls. But OH...Drama, drama, drama!!! Unfortunately, the theatre world can be brutal and harsh (thankfully not MY experience), and Candee did a wonderful job of portraying that, even if it did make me want to go out and purse whomp some people. (Thank you Reading is my SuperPower for the inspiration.) The romance is clean and oh, so sweet. Candee built the suspense perfectly, and Alex is such a gentleman! I too, am a dancer, and I found Dani's expression of her heart through dance bringing me to tears. It has been too long since I have danced, since I have truly expressed myself in the arts, and too long since I have let my Heavenly Father dance over me. (This is something that will hopefully be remedied before too long.) Dani's story is a good reminder to trust the Lord to fight our battles for us. While I do think we need to stand up for ourselves, it is not our place to fight for revenge. And through all of this, Dani was trying to kick down doors to find her brother, when all along the Lord was simply wanting her to trust Him to open the doors. You will just have to read the book to see if she walks through the doors He opens...Dance Over Me is written strictly from Dani's viewpoint, in third person. I found that it made the story very easy to follow and truly let me live inside Dani's brain. Dance Over Me had me on the edge of my seat for the whole TWO days that it took me to read this book, it is THAT good. Beautifully written and a captivating storyline, you definitely do not want to miss this one.

I received a free copy of Dance Over Me from the author in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
A Jolly Good Fellow
A Jolly Good Fellow
Stephen V. Masse | 2007 | Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Jolly Good Fellow by Stephen V. Masse
Genre: Fiction, Comedy, sort of Crime Fiction but not really
Rating: 3.75/5

Summary: Duncan is driving to the kids house. He has a plan—he’s going to kidnap him. But then he sees the kid hitchhiking in the snow. What better way to kidnap someone that to pick him up off the road and offer him a ride? Duncan dresses up as Santa Clause and sits on the street ringing a bell all day. The funds go to the needy—needy as in him. Duncan wants revenge, and he wants the ransom money. But Duncan isn’t exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer… he has no idea how to do a proper kidnapping.

Thoughts: A JOLLY GOOD FELLOW was really cute. It made me laugh, it made me smile, it had its nerve-wracking moments. It’s right in between a 3/5 and a 4 on the scale for me. The reason why is this—the plot was awesome, very unique, original, and very cute, the characters were hilarious and enchanting, but it was a little slow through the first three quarters of the book. Not that it dragged, just that it felt like the last section was fast paced, and the rest was slower and more relaxed, and those two things didn’t go well together and didn’t transition well.

I laughed a lot while I read A JOLLY GOOD FELLOW. If I had to pick a category, I’d choose comedy. It was cute and funny and a little silly, but silly in a good fun-to-read way.

The characters’ dialogue was written so that you could hear their voices in your head when they spoke. I loved hearing their accents while I read, it gave a lot of life to them. Duncan and Gabriel were very animated. Gabriel (the kid) was so full of life and energy. He was also very real. He acted the way a normal kid his age would act, he wasn’t a “perfect” child, an unrealistic character.

Content: There were a few bad words scattered throughout the book, but not much. Duncan went to the triple-X rated movie one night, but nothing was described. All in all, this was a very clean book.
Recommendation: Ages 14+ to anyone who wants a good holiday laugh. I stayed up pretty late reading this one because I couldn’t put it down. I can’t wait for more from Stephen Masse.

**Thanks to Pump Up Your Book for my review copy!**
Lander (Oberon Cycle #2)
Lander (Oberon Cycle #2)
J. Scott Coatsworth | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A-MAZ-ING follow up!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Oberon Cycle, and you really REALLY must read book one, Skythane, first. These are NOT stand alones!

What they are though, is brilliant!

Reeling from their discoveries that they are not who they thought they were, Xander and Jameson thought they had fulfilled their prophecy, but it seems there is more in store for these two, as joining the worlds of Oberon and Titania has bought them more than they expected!

Told from both Xander and Jameson AND a whole host of other characters who I don't recall having a say in book one, we get the whole picture of what is happening on this little planet that was put back together. There are some things laid out for book three, some things that I'm not sure how will play out, but that's not an issue here, because I loved this book!

What made it, for me, *and please don't fall off your chair when I say this* is how very CLEAN this book is! Xander and Jameson shut you down, right at the good bits and they do it so well, its brilliantly written! Their love, even when faced with the possibility that it might be chemically induced, is evident, even when they take time apart get to the bottom of what they are really feeling, and it comes across in all the right places. Also, Quince and Robyn, while they don't get to their "good bits" yet, I expect they will shut me down just as good.

The general world *and I mean this quite LITERALLY* building is amazing, and you still don't get a massive info dump, its comes in dribs and drabs, but I again stress, you NEED book one first. The world building here is not the same as book one because, you know, they joined this world and everything is different, and not recapped the same way as it comes across in book one.

I cannot wait to see how this pans out, I'd love everyone, and I mean each and every member of this massive cast, to get their own happy ever after, I just don't see how that might play out. I have hopes for some people, I really do!

Coatsworth skill continues to grow, and I look forward to reading the final part to this series, even if I do have to wait another year!

5 amazing stars!

*8same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Bad News Belinda
Bad News Belinda
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bad News Belinda by Stewart Martin Johnson is an amazingly cute little children’s book of only about thirty pages or so. Each page only has an average of about one sentence which makes it a very easy read. For some reason, it brought back memories of Amelia Bedelia from my childhood, but that may just be because of the name.

Aunt Belinda coming to stay for a visit is one of those visits that we all come to dread. In some way, most people can probably relate to having a relative that they are less than enthusiastic to see but hopefully they are not as bad as Belinda. When Belinda is around the children have to hide their candy and clean while Belinda either sits around or makes a mess of things.

Belinda doesn't do fun things with the children like the other aunts do, instead, she makes things miserable for them. The other Aunts help the children plan to get rid of Belinda, but Belinda overhears them. After everyone tells Belinda what they really think of her she leaves on her own and the children have a party with the good aunts.

What I liked best was how the artwork and the story worked very well together. For children’s books, I feel it is very important that the artwork and the story work together. This book is a wonderful example of that. When Belinda is around the coloring is darker, messy, and has a negative feeling, but it is bright, happy, and cheerful when she is gone. If I had to choose something that I didn’t like it would be how everyone told Belinda they did not like her. However, seeing as how Belinda being a problem was kind of the whole point of the book it's not really a negative.

The target readers for this book are any children who like to be read to and young beginning readers. As an adult I also found this book to be fun and enjoyed reading it to my children. That being said I rate this book to be a perfect 4 out of 4. This is because everything about this book is great. The short sentences and overall length do not intimidate young readers. The artwork is spot on with the tones of the book. It has some funny and silly moments such as Belinda eating a goldfish and some very nice rhymes.
Possum Problems (The Magic Magnifying Glass #2)
Possum Problems (The Magic Magnifying Glass #2)
Wendy Ann Mattox | 2020 | Children
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second book in this series of Magic Magnifying Glass is called “Possum Problems.” It seems like we met Perry, and he is a little possum. He seems to have got lost and decided to jump into Fins’ backpack.

What adventures will Fin and Perry get into along with Elliott? There seems to be a baseball mystery for Fin to solve along with two other puzzles. This book reminds me of my experience with a possum for the first time. I met my first ever possum through an incident in my backroom when I checked on my cats. I found him in a wastebasket; it is beyond me how it got in the backroom or the wastebasket. My first words when I told my mom about this strange creature; I called it “Big Fat Rat” though it was not a rat. Though that is what it looked like to me. To this day, we get a laugh out of me calling my first experience with a possum a Big Fat Rat. He ended up back outside once mom came home, and we got it outside on the porch.

I was not scared of the thing. I was more startled and wondering what and how it got into the house. Not so much that it was scary, so this book teaches you what a possum is, and we get an adventure with one. We finally meet Mr. Mole as well. Now snakes are not a favorite of mine, But will Bart learn to be kind or not? Snakes do like mice, I believe. So we meet a snake for the first time in this book. Will Martin’s baseball mystery get solved.

Children will learn about nature and animals in nature. We also see how having friends and asking for help is good. Will James leans to lean on God’s trust. What does the new bible verse mean that shows up on the magnifying glass lens? What trouble will Fin and Perry find when looking for Perry’s family? Does Martin seem to think that a possum might have ruined this baseball? Did he or not. Children will enjoy reading a clean read and learning about wildlife animals. Animal facts are an excellent way to learn about through a book, and children will love them.

I can’t wait to see what the next adventure Fin and his friend Elliott
get up to and what other friends Fin meets along the way.
The Summer of New Beginnings (Magnolia Grove #1)
The Summer of New Beginnings (Magnolia Grove #1)
Bette Lee Crosby | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Very Realistic Characters (3 more)
Well Written Plot
True Life Events
A Feel Good Story
All the Feels!
I had heard of the author Bette Lee Crosby before, and I had been meaning to read her books. Many people had actually recommended her books to me. After a Facebook live party, I finally decided to read her women's fiction novel The Summer of New Beginnings. I'm glad I did because it was so good!

The pacing moved at a very relaxing, consistent style. Not once did I grow bored wishing the pacing, nor did I find myself too lost because it was too fast. The pacing was just perfect.

I enjoyed the plot and world building of The Summer of New Beginnings very much. It felt very true to life and very believable. I won't rehash the book synopsis because it describes what happens so beautifully. I loved watching the sisters grow and seeing how they dealt with the hardships the life threw at them. Although this book is mostly focuses on Meghan, the younger sister, The Summer of New Beginnings gives us glimpses into how older sister Tracey is dealing with her problems (and boy, does she have a big one in the form of Dominic) as well as the girls' mother Lila having to deal with her husband's death and looking after her girls. Miss Crosby had me hanging on every word she had written in this book. The way she writes is magical! I was instantly transported to the world of Magnolia Grove every time I would start reading The Summer of New Beginnings.

Every single character in The Summer of New Beginnings, whether they were minor or major, felt like a very real person. I would even dare to say that characters in this book felt more alive than any other book I have read! I loved every character in The Summer of New Beginnings, except for Dominic, but only because he was a jerk, not due to how he was written! Meghan was definitely my favorite. I loved her caring attitude and how she always made sure everyone was taken care of. She was so loving and selfless. I also loved Sox. He sounded so adorable and sweet. I wanted to just snuggle with him myself. I loved reading about Tracey finally taking some responsibility although it's a shame she had to put up with what she did. Lila was such a lovely mother doting on her girls no matter how old they were or what they had done wrong. Tom was such a nice guy. It was hard to find fault with him, and I never did! Gabriel had overcome something major, and it was nice to see him give back to his community to help out. Lucas was so sweet. I fell in love with that little boy right away. It probably helps that I have a little boy of my own too, ha! As I've said before, all of the characters in The Summer of New Beginnings were fantastic!

The Summer of New Beginnings is a pretty clean read. Nothing was too graphic or drawn out. Trigger warnings include kissing (not steamy), mild swearing (only a couple of minor swear words that I noticed), drinking (only a glass of wine here and there and Dominic being drunk a few times), and the death of Meghan's father in the beginning of the book.

Overall, The Summer of New Beginnings is just a feel good read. It's just super sweet, and the whole book is written beautifully. I would definitely recommend The Summer of New Beginnings by Bette Lee Crosby to everyone aged 15+. I know it is considered Women's Fiction, but I think a lot of men who read would like this one too.
Birthmarked (Birthmarked, #1)
8.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gaia is a midwife, apprentice to her mother. But her job is not just to deliver the babies: it’s to take the first three of the month to the city within the wall away from their families, to “Advance” them and let them join the government there. Gaia has never questioned the government—until she has to advance a baby herself, until her innocent parents are taken away, until she sees the injustice that happens behind the wall… Gaia’s only wish is to get her parents back, safely outside the wall, and then flee to the Dead Forest—which may or may not exist—but when she finally gets in, a series of events makes her question what is really right, who she loves, and what she lives for.

When I first started Birthmarked, I had a hard time getting through the first chapter. The thought of these people taking the newborn babies away from their parents to live in the richer society but away from the ones who loved them made me sick to my stomach, and I almost put it down completely. It also struck me as familiar, and I realized later that it was the whole concept of taking the children away. It reminded me of The Hunger Games, and I didn’t want a lousy play-off. But I couldn’t stop reading, because it was just so good. Good thing I didn’t stop.

The plot had me guessing every step of the way. It was completely unpredictable and I’m still reeling from it.

The writing was beautiful and descriptive, so visual that I could see everything exactly. It almost had a rhythmic feel to it.

The characters were wonderful. Gaia is a strong willed girl, willing to do anything for the people she loves. The other characters are quickly defined and unique. Gaia’s father is a sweet wonderful man, and her mother was strong and beautiful like Gaia herself.

One of the things I love about this book is the realness behind everything—the dialogue, the feelings, even the romance. Especially the romance. I hate it when the main characters get crushes for each other within the first paragraph of the book. In Birthmarked, I didn’t see it coming until maybe halfway through the book (and that was only because the character just kept reappearing). I love that!

The ending, though, left me hanging a little. It wasn’t as horrible as The Hunger Games endings have been (hurry up, Suzanne!) but it did leave me saying “but… but… but….awww dang….” I shall be sitting on the edge of my seat, waiting for the sequel. And there better be a sequel.

Content: Clean of sex, language, and violence.

Recommendation: Ages 12+ Adults will love it, too!
The Housemaid (The Housemaid #1)
The Housemaid (The Housemaid #1)
Freida McFadden | 2022 | Contemporary, Mystery, Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had been in a book funk for awhile especially when it came to psychological thrillers. I love psychological thrillers, but I am very picky about which ones I'll read. When I came across The Housemaid by Freida McFadden, the synopsis really caught my attention. I decided to give it a read and ended up loving it!

The Housemaid tells the story of Millie, a young woman down on her luck. With a prison background, getting a decent paying job has been hard to find. Millie's been living in her car for awhile after being let go from her most recent job. When a high paying job arises working for the Winchesters, Millie can hardly believe her luck when she's offered the job. All she has to do is keep the house clean, take care of the Winchesters' daughter Cecelia, and cook for them. It's not too bad considering how much she's being paid. Plus, she'll be able to finally sleep in a bed! However, things drastically take a turn for the worst on Millie's first day. Nina Winchester, the wife, is constantly berating Millie and leaving big messes for her. She's gaslighting Millie at every turn. Is there a method to Nina's madness or is Nina really out to get Millie?

I loved the plot of The Housemaid. I was definitely scratching my head trying to figure out what was going on at first. While I have read similar stories to this one, Freida McFadden adds varying elements to keep her story line original. There were plenty of twists and turns throughout. In fact, one twist happens within the first few chapters. Nothing is as it seems when it comes to the story line of this novel. I was sucked into the world McFadden had created. I felt like I was a character hiding in the shadows watching all the drama unfold. While there is a small cliffhanger, I feel like The Housemaid is a book that can be read as a standalone despite it being part of a series. I say this because all my questions and wonderings I had throughout reading The Housemaid were tied up nicely by the end of the book. (Although I would have liked to know a bit more about how Andrew Winchester, the husband, had amassed such a large fortune.)

Every single character main and secondary character in The Housemaid was well written. It was actually quite easy to picture each character in my mind. Each character's personality shown through with each page. I never knew what to expect with Nina. I kept trying to figure out why she was one way while interviewing Millie yet a whole different person from the very first day Millie started her job. I couldn't figure out why she kept gaslighting Millie and why she would hire her only to ridicule and belittle her at every given opportunity. I did like reading about Nina though and to finally get her perspective on why she was the way she was to Millie. Andrew seemed like a nice guy. He was always wanting to protect Millie from Nina's craziness, and I did keep finding myself wanting Andrew and Millie to become a couple as there was so much chemistry between them. I also thought Nina didn't deserve Andrew with how mean she was. Millie seemed like a sweet young woman that had been handed some bad cards throughout her life. I was wishing nothing but the best for Millie throughout the book. It was obvious that she was trying to get her life on track after all the bad she had endured. Enzo, the gardener, was the wild card. I never knew if I should trust him or not. While he seemed oblivious to everything around him, I was always left wondering if he knew more than he let on. One character I would have liked to know more about was Cecelia. She came across as a bit of a brat, and it becomes obvious why she would act that way, but I would have liked to know more about her life growing up in the Winchester residence such as what she would go through while she was away and what not. Saying all that about the characters, I will say that no one in this book is quite as they seem. What you see is not what you get with the people in The Housemaid.

Trigger warnings for The Housemaid include gaslighting, blackmail, profanity, torture, violence, murder, and captivity.

Overall, The Housemaid is a solid story that will leave you guessing which each page read. You won't know which character to trust or what is real. It will be all too easy to stay up late into the night to finish this book because it's just that good! I would definitely recommend The Housemaid by Freida McFadden to those aged 18+ who love being fully immersed in whatever they are reading. This book will suck you right into its pages from the get go. It'll also leave you with a distrust of attic rooms at the top of stairs!