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TravelersWife4Life (31 KP) rated A Love So True (The Billionaires of Sawgrass, #3) in Books
Feb 23, 2021
This was a sweet story!
I enjoyed this clean, girl next door, high school sweethearts type story. It is my first time reading a book by Delaney Cameron, and I liked her writing style
I enjoyed this clean, girl next door, high school sweethearts type story. It is my first time reading a book by Delaney Cameron, and I liked her writing style

Book Divas (227 KP) rated All the Way to Heaven (Fallout, #1) in Books
Dec 12, 2017
I received an eARC via Clean Teen Publishing Elite Reviewers which I am a member of. I made no guarantee of a favorable review and the opinions expressed here are my own.
I was magically transported to Italy while reading this well written story line. The characters are well developed and the romance is clean and endearing. I felt like I was caught up in the story and had a difficult time putting my Kindle down.
I was magically transported to Italy while reading this well written story line. The characters are well developed and the romance is clean and endearing. I felt like I was caught up in the story and had a difficult time putting my Kindle down.

Anne (15117 KP) rated The Blight of Muirwood (Legends of Muirwood, #2) in Books
Nov 4, 2019
I LOVE these books - they're so intriguing and awesome. I really enjoy the story lines and the characters.
It sucks me right in and I have a hard time putting these books down at all. I also love that these are clean books without any questionable material in them like I often find in other books that cause me to stop reading them.
It sucks me right in and I have a hard time putting these books down at all. I also love that these are clean books without any questionable material in them like I often find in other books that cause me to stop reading them.

Bookapotamus (289 KP) rated Amazon Kindle in Apps
May 31, 2018
Great for Reading on iPad or iPhone
I really love the Kindle App. I love how it automatically sends my books right from the Amazon website an dhow it connects with Good reads. Its easy to use and the options are great- page flip, colors, font sizes and choices aplenty. It seems to have a weird glitch though the pages don't typically work 1,2,3.... they always have a random "location number like 380 of 5265 and it goes up by 10 every time I flip the page.

Lindsay (1732 KP) rated The Quilter's Apprentice (Elm Creek Quilts, #1) in Books
Feb 15, 2018
This was a well thought book to read. It about a Old woman and her home a bit along with quilting. We find out some things about Mrs. Compson. We also learn about her family history a bit and Elm Creek Manor. It quite a sweet story.
If you decide to pick this book up and start reading you will finding out the family history of Elm Creek Manor. Sarah is hired to be a personal assistant to help clean up the Manor. Matt is in charge of the restoration of the Manor.
This book is about forming friendships, relationships and quilting. You will be amazed by what all in the this book and what is about.
If you decide to pick this book up and start reading you will finding out the family history of Elm Creek Manor. Sarah is hired to be a personal assistant to help clean up the Manor. Matt is in charge of the restoration of the Manor.
This book is about forming friendships, relationships and quilting. You will be amazed by what all in the this book and what is about.

Anne (15117 KP) rated The Devil's Only Friend (John Cleaver, #4) in Books
Mar 4, 2022
This series just keeps getting better and better with each book. Dan Wells is another awesome author and writes this genre and series really well.
I remember after reading the first book in this series, I couldn't handle it and didn't want to read anymore because of how creepy it was thinking about your next-door neighbor that could be the crazy psycho on the loose. Then because I couldn't stop thinking about the book, I had to know what happened next so here I am almost done with this series and I don't want it to end.
He is good at writing this psychological suspense and such that can mess with your head, scare you and suck you in and not let you go until you know what happens and all the answers.
The thing that I come back to a lot with this series is how well he writes this so it creeps me out and yet uses little to no violence, gore, swearing, and such because clean reads are always a bonus and clean reads that creep me out like this are rare.
If you haven't checked out books by Dan Wells, you really should cause you're missing out.
I remember after reading the first book in this series, I couldn't handle it and didn't want to read anymore because of how creepy it was thinking about your next-door neighbor that could be the crazy psycho on the loose. Then because I couldn't stop thinking about the book, I had to know what happened next so here I am almost done with this series and I don't want it to end.
He is good at writing this psychological suspense and such that can mess with your head, scare you and suck you in and not let you go until you know what happens and all the answers.
The thing that I come back to a lot with this series is how well he writes this so it creeps me out and yet uses little to no violence, gore, swearing, and such because clean reads are always a bonus and clean reads that creep me out like this are rare.
If you haven't checked out books by Dan Wells, you really should cause you're missing out.

Sam (74 KP) rated Hinch Yourself Happy in Books
Jun 21, 2019
I’m one of those people who enjoy cleaning. I find it really therapeutic and love nothing more than getting the Zoflora out! Well, other than reading, that is. I didn’t even know about Mrs Hinch until a few months ago, but since I found out about her, I’ve loved keeping an eye on her insta!
Now, before reading this, I was far from being a major hincher. But I still loved trying out her tips around the house.
When I saw this book was coming out, I knew I wanted it, but it wasn’t a ‘omg I NEED it’, it was more of a ‘well that could be good’. So I didn’t preorder it and I also didn’t buy it as soon as it hit the shelves. Instead, I spotted it half price while I was at Sainsbury’s one Sunday, and decided to take the plunge.
Honestly, I loved it! There’s a lot in there about Mrs Hinch herself as well as plenty of cleaning tips! I didn’t even realise that I was halfway through until I put the book down for some food!
Now, a few weeks after reading the book, I’m going to admit it – I’m addicted to Hinching! Fair enough, I used to clean a lot before this book came into my life, but now I spend almost every day off work cleaning, and I love it.
The lists in Hinch Yourself Happy are so useful, and I’ve bought so many things she has recommended and fallen in love with them. I love that in the book, there’s recommendations on what to use, sorted by room and task. It turns the book into an easy reference point for anything cleaning related, and I’ve already gone back to it quite a few times to double check what I should be using.
I’d definitely recommend this book to anyone – whether you’re a clean freak like me, or if you tend to shy away from cleaning. There’s plenty in here to learn from, for anyone.
Now, before reading this, I was far from being a major hincher. But I still loved trying out her tips around the house.
When I saw this book was coming out, I knew I wanted it, but it wasn’t a ‘omg I NEED it’, it was more of a ‘well that could be good’. So I didn’t preorder it and I also didn’t buy it as soon as it hit the shelves. Instead, I spotted it half price while I was at Sainsbury’s one Sunday, and decided to take the plunge.
Honestly, I loved it! There’s a lot in there about Mrs Hinch herself as well as plenty of cleaning tips! I didn’t even realise that I was halfway through until I put the book down for some food!
Now, a few weeks after reading the book, I’m going to admit it – I’m addicted to Hinching! Fair enough, I used to clean a lot before this book came into my life, but now I spend almost every day off work cleaning, and I love it.
The lists in Hinch Yourself Happy are so useful, and I’ve bought so many things she has recommended and fallen in love with them. I love that in the book, there’s recommendations on what to use, sorted by room and task. It turns the book into an easy reference point for anything cleaning related, and I’ve already gone back to it quite a few times to double check what I should be using.
I’d definitely recommend this book to anyone – whether you’re a clean freak like me, or if you tend to shy away from cleaning. There’s plenty in here to learn from, for anyone.

Debbiereadsbook (1324 KP) rated The Arts of Love: Stories of Sensual Creativity in Books
Dec 10, 2018
a fabulous little collection!
Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
16 short stories, written by the same author, based around love and the Arts. Music, acting, writing and everything inbetween.
A 16 book collection was never going to get 16 individual reviews, so here's what I thought about them all, as a whole.
I rather enjoyed it!
It's a great collection of shorts, average about 15 pages each, some a little shorter or longer, but that gives you just enough for each story, I thought, to give you a brief connection, a glimpse into these people's lives.
Some stories are a bit more explicit, some almost clean, in my opinion. Mostly written from one person's view, in the third person.
Each short is well written, and well delivered. I saw no spelling or editing errors to spoil my reading experience.
This is the first I've read of this author, and I'd like to read more. Something much longer than these shorts, just to see what they can do with more pages!
A thoroughly enjoyable Sunday afternoon spent reading, thank you.
4 solid stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
16 short stories, written by the same author, based around love and the Arts. Music, acting, writing and everything inbetween.
A 16 book collection was never going to get 16 individual reviews, so here's what I thought about them all, as a whole.
I rather enjoyed it!
It's a great collection of shorts, average about 15 pages each, some a little shorter or longer, but that gives you just enough for each story, I thought, to give you a brief connection, a glimpse into these people's lives.
Some stories are a bit more explicit, some almost clean, in my opinion. Mostly written from one person's view, in the third person.
Each short is well written, and well delivered. I saw no spelling or editing errors to spoil my reading experience.
This is the first I've read of this author, and I'd like to read more. Something much longer than these shorts, just to see what they can do with more pages!
A thoroughly enjoyable Sunday afternoon spent reading, thank you.
4 solid stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

ALilLacey (2 KP) rated After Impact (After Impact #1) in Books
Mar 4, 2019
After Impact was a great start to a new thought provoking series. Avalon brought interest to a new look of how the world may handle an asteroid destroying life on earth. I liked actually reading a book where a younger girl actually acted appropriately for her age and that she was intelligent. The book keeps you wondering how society will not only function being the last few thousand alive on earth and waking from cryo-sleep hoping to find the outside earth environment liveable. In addition to that, we work through a mysterious illness and disappearance of some of the lower class residence. Of course we also have a good mix of love interests too. Overall an excellent young adult book and it's a clean read! Definitely recommended. I can't wait to read the next in the series.

Book Divas (227 KP) rated Minutes Before Sunset (Timely Death, #1) in Books
Dec 12, 2017
I received a free copy of this book via Clean Teen Publishing Elite Reviewers which I am a member of. I made no guarantee of a favorable review and the opinions are my own.
When I read the synopsis I knew I just had to read it. This book contains magic, romance and drama and it is about light versus dark {good versus evil} and though at times I found myself enjoying it, I found myself to be somewhat disappointed as well. Jessica is trying to locate/discover more information about her biological parents but by the end of the book we still don't really know anything. Now this could be what the author intended so I do plan on reading the next book. My other issue was that I found the characters to be good, the world building seemed somewhat lacking. I am giving this book three stars and I'm hoping that there will be more explanations in the second book.
When I read the synopsis I knew I just had to read it. This book contains magic, romance and drama and it is about light versus dark {good versus evil} and though at times I found myself enjoying it, I found myself to be somewhat disappointed as well. Jessica is trying to locate/discover more information about her biological parents but by the end of the book we still don't really know anything. Now this could be what the author intended so I do plan on reading the next book. My other issue was that I found the characters to be good, the world building seemed somewhat lacking. I am giving this book three stars and I'm hoping that there will be more explanations in the second book.