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David McK (3204 KP) rated The Day After Tomorrow (2004) in Movies

Nov 20, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2022)  
The Day After Tomorrow (2004)
The Day After Tomorrow (2004)
2004 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Roland Emmerich sure likes his disaster movies.

This is his 2014 disaster movie that, taking climate change as it's starting point, has entered the popular vernacular - "it's like the day after tomorrow out there" - and, until the movie 2012 came along (I'm typing this in 2019) also must have held the record for portraying natural disaster on the big screen.

The main focus of this one is on both Jake Gylenhall and Dennis Quaid, with the former becoming trapped in New York when a series of natural disasters leads to a new ice-age leading to the latter (who, natch, is an experienced climatologist) to trek has way across the frozen North America to rescue his son.
Postcapitalism: A Guide to Our Future
Postcapitalism: A Guide to Our Future
Paul Mason | 2016 | Business & Finance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Some useful criticism and interesting speculation
As a former colleague of Paul Mason, I'm aware of his left-wing sensibilities having produced some of his work while he was in Greece celebrating Syriza's victory, the Scottish referendum as well as the war in Gaza. As a result, his own staunch views comes across strongly in this book, but I was surprised that he was able to critique Marxist polemics clearly without resorting to bias.

Mason writes about the way in which the present model of capitalism, and by extension the capitalist system itself, has reached a critical point. The old model is coming off the rails, sinking under the weight of the massive debts that it has created as a result of financialisation and downright fraud, and finding that its very success in transferring wealth upwards leaves it short of the demand that it needs to keep the wheels turning. It’s not suited to a world in which the marginal cost of the stuff that people want to buy is approaching zero. It is in any case ill-equipped to deal with the challenges of climate change, an ageing population and instability-induced mass migrations.

What's great about this book is the way it synthesises some of the best writing about the transformative potential of the internet and the web with a non-dogmatic perspective from the Marxist tradition.

There are a lot of arguments made in this book, that can easily be strung out into a university course. Consequently, Mason spreads himself a little thin in some areas such as climate change. Despite this, it's still important and worth the dense read.
Once There Were Wolves
Once There Were Wolves
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Animal protection, Climate Change and a mystery - perfect Clare reading fodder! The relationship between the two sisters, Inti and Aggie, was touching, and the relationship between the main character (Inti) and the townsfolk was tense, to say the least.

The idea of reintroducing wolves to the Highlands of Scotland in order to enrich and preserve the ecosystems there, is fascinating and exciting as a reader - and as someone who doesn’t have to farm under those circumstances. The writing was sensitive to every side of the story, but as Inti was leading the project to reintroduce wild wolves, the novel leant more in her favour - and I enjoyed that.

Aggie, Inti’s twin, has had a very traumatic experience, and she has severe depression along with other mental health problems. Inti hopes that by living in the wilds of Scotland, the isolation and wild country will begin to heal her.

But when one of the townsfolk is hurt, it’s hard to know who is safe - not the wolves, that’s for sure.

There are some really deep, involved themes in this: climate change, ecology, domestic abuse, violence, relationships.

Incidentally, I went on holiday in the Cairngorms this summer. We stayed in a cottage, away from all the other cottages on the estate (we couldn’t even see them), surrounded by fields containing alpacas and deer, with the odd buzzard, peregrine and even an osprey! I half expected to see a wolf-pack!! Sadly, there aren’t any wild wolves in Scotland now, but that estate was a weeks worth of heaven for me and my family - and would have fed a wolf pack for about that long, too!
My Monticello
My Monticello
Jocelyn Nicole Johnson | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you buy one book in October, it should be this one. MY MONTICELLO is a collection of short stories and a novella that explore race, identity, and more. Beautifully written, nuanced, and insightful, they each make you think. My introverted self found myself wishing for a book club so I could discuss these stories with others.

The eponymous novella is set in Virginia, where I live, and features a group of townspeople who must flee to Monticello after racial attacks and climate change. I wish I could describe how unsettling and good it is, but you just need to read it. It’s already been optioned for Netflix, which is awesome.

I cannot stop thinking about this book, and I also cannot recommend it enough.

I won this book in a Goodreads giveaway -- thank you to Goodreads and Henry Holt for my copy.

ClareR (5577 KP) rated The Rain Heron in Books

Aug 23, 2021  
The Rain Heron
The Rain Heron
Robbie Arnott | 2020 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Rain Heron has a dreamlike, fairytale quality to it that I loved. In fact, the first part of the novel is exactly like a fairytale: an unlucky farmer is rewarded by becoming more prosperous, but in remembering the hard times that they had, the farmer shares their wealth. However, a jealous neighbour soon makes their feelings felt, and no one comes out of the situation well.

Further away, near the sea, another mans jealousy of nature has terrible consequences, causing poverty and abandonment of a seaside village.

These threads of story are interwoven with that of a woman who lives alone in the mountains in order to escape the effects of a military coup. But the soldiers come looking for her - and for the Rain Heron.

This is a book about mans need to control nature and their inability to. The more man tries to control it, the more damage is done.

I loved the feel of this novel. It’s a fable of our modern times, about how our actions are having a lasting and devastating effect on our climate and nature.

I would most definitely recommend this book, and Arnott’s previous book as well, Flames, if you haven’t read it. Both are masterpieces in magical realism. Rain Heron is a timely book as we come to realise just what an impact climate change is having on our world, and comes highly recommended from me!
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Ernest Cline | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (161 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nice easy read.
I really liked the idea behind this book... Being a child of the 80s it was a real buzz to think that all the things that made me tick as a child could become stuff of legend. The setting for the story is entirely believable, with climate change, renewable energy and global over population very hot topics right now - it's no real stretch of the imagination to see that this is where we could be in the future. I also really identified with the insecurities of the characters... The anonymity that the internet lends is liberating, but also terribly isolating.

As much as I enjoyed this book, I did find my mind wandering at times, that I was glossing over paragraphs that had got too bogged down in details that weren't entirely pertinent to the story. That being said, I think that this story is going to make for an amazing movie, I'm very much looking forward to it.
Evo (second edition)
Evo (second edition)
2011 | Prehistoric, Science Fiction
I always get so excited when I start a review because I want to tell you all about these wonderful experiences we have had with different games. I want to let you in on all of our inside jokes that make their way into our every day language. But, alas, I cannot. At least not yet. But my hope is that I will interest you enough to give our favorite games a shot so that you can have these, or similar, great experiences. And Evo is one of our favorite games.

Evo pits its players against one another in a clash to populate an island too small for everyone to enjoy harmoniously. It’s a… Small (dino) World, if you will. By improving your clan’s dinosaurs, survivability, and vigor you may be able to establish the most prosperous clan. At least until the meteor hits and wipes everyone off the face of the island anyway…

DISCLAIMER: We do not intend to cover every single rule included in the rule book, but will describe the overall game flow and major rule set so that our readers may get a sense of how the game plays. For more in depth rules, you may purchase a copy online or from your FLGS. -T

Evo is played over several phases over several turns. Exactly how many turns is unknown because the end game is denoted by a randomized meteor token. To setup Evo shuffle the meteor token into the bottom few climate rotation tokens and set them as a stack face down. These will be the round trackers and also will dictate how the climate may change from round to round. Set the climate wheel on the starting space and within view of the players. Shuffle the event cards and place them face down near the enhancement bid board. Give each player the mat, dinomeeples (yay I got one that makes sense!), and bidding totem of their chosen color. Lay the correct map for the amount of players on the table and have each player place their dinomeeples on the corresponding starting spaces on the map. Give each player their starting money (in VP chips). Determine the starting initiative order and place the totems on the bid board in that order. Set aside the combat die and you are finally ready to play!

The first phase of the game is Climate. (after the first round) A new climate token will be revealed which directs the players to adjust the climate wheel or keep it status quo. The climate wheel determines which spaces on the map will have cold, hot, Death-Valley-type, or safe climates for dinos to live on. This is known information at the beginning of the round so the players can plan out the rest of the round to keep their dinos safe before the culling.

The next phase is bidding on enhancements. Draw from the bag enough tokens for the players to quarrel over and place them randomly on the bid board. In initiative order players will bid on enhancements using their VP chips. When a player is outbid for an item they must place their bid totem on another item. Once all players are winning bids on items they pay the supply for their winnings and add it to their mat in the appropriate slots. These could include items to help a dino survive the cold, increase their attack potential, give their dinos more movement (or walks, as we call them), and other special abilities.

Now that the players are enhanced a bit more, their dinosaurs can move on the map. This may be necessary for some, but not all, depending on how they have enhanced their dino clans. A dino can move as many spaces as feet are shown on the player’s board, or the total movement can be split by multiple dinos. The more feet, the more movement. If, during the movement phase, a dino wishes to enter a space currently inhabited by a rival clan’s dinomeeple a combat will occur. Combat is determined by comparing horns and defenses and the roll of the combat die.

Once movement is over, it’s time for the dinos to get saucy – it’s baby-making time! I mean, it’s reproduction time! That’s not appropriate either. You can create one more dinomeeple to place on the map adjacent to another dino. This is how you may expand your empire of cute dinomeeples.

Once these phases are complete the players will consult the climate wheel to see which of their dinos are safe from elimination. For those dinos that are safe a player will earn 1 VP. Play continues in this fashion until the round that the meteor token is flipped from the stack of climate tokens that typically start a round. As the meteor destroys all dinomeeples on the map players will total their VPs and the winner is the clan leader with the most VP at game’s end.

Components. There are a LOT of components in this box. One of the best components in the game is the well-designed box insert. As you unpack the game you can really just setup right out of the box. The maps, bidding board, and climate wheel are normal-style game boards and of good quality. The cards are OK and get the job done. The die is a painted wooden die and it’s fun to roll. The climate tokens, VPs, and enhancement chips are all thick cardboard. The play mats are a matte cardstock (and that’s fine because it just holds your components). The other components are the cloth bag for enhancement draws and those cutie little dinomeeples! Everything is really well-produced and has held up really well for us. My only minor minor complaint is that I wish the dinomeeples were a different shape per color, but everyone having brontosauri is fine with me too. The art. The art is SPECTACULAR on this one. Seriously really great artwork. The cards, the boards, the playmats, the enhancements. Everything looks just amazing.

I kinda already let you know that I love this game. So I am not going to wax poetic here and go into some long analyses of why I love it. It is a more-involved Small World (I hope you caught that shameless reference in the intro) that uses dinosaurs instead of fantasy race/class combos. You know Evo is great when you can compare it to an already-great game from the same designer. I also think you could play Evo and Small World back-to-back and have an enjoyable experience. They are similar, but offer a different experience FOR SURE. I know this one is tough to find nowadays, but please, if you see it for sale in the wild PICK IT UP. It’s a great game that will offer years and years of play for you and your game group. Purple Phoenix Games gives this one a prehistoric 16+ / 18. I say “plus” because I may change it to a 6 in the future. It’s that good.
Wanted in Paradise
Wanted in Paradise
Kate Ashenden | 2019 | Crime, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wanted in Paradise by Kate Ashenden is a quick-to-read romance thriller set on the tropical nation of the Maldives. The twenty-five-year-old protagonist, Jasmine Hartwell has been on a hellish journey: surviving a typhoon in the Philippines, which killed thousands of people, and quitting her job because she cannot stand the way her boss treats her. To top it off, her ex-boyfriend has disappeared, presumed dead. After sending her condolences to his good looking superstar brother, Romeo Moretti, Jasmine is offered the chance to join him in the Maldives to help set up a concert in aid of climate change.

Readers are aware that Jasmine has had a crush on Romeo since she met him five years ago but due to their current circumstances, it would not be right for them to form a relationship while her ex, Diego is still missing. That does not stop Jasmine having strong feelings for Romeo and vice versa, however, there is another love interest on the scene. The Sheikh has fallen for Jasmine but Romeo believes he is an evil character set on destroying the concert and taking over the islands. Not only does Jasmine have to contend with this love-triangle, but Romeo's publicist also seems fixed on making things unnecessarily hard for her.

It takes a while for the reader to warm to the characters, especially as the story is fast-paced. It also takes a moment to appreciate the complexities of the storyline; it is not only about romance, but it also encompasses natural disasters, the dangers of climate change and the ignorance and selfishness of those with power. By the closing chapters, readers are enthralled with the potential of a happy-ever-after but still in the knowledge that all could backfire at the last minute.

Wanted in Paradise is Kate Ashenden's debut novel, which, whilst it has room for improvement, gives a taster of her potential. It is the ideal book for those who want a quick read and to be transported to another part of the world to escape the challenged of everyday life.

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Day the Earth Caught Fire (1961) in Movies

Mar 3, 2018 (Updated Mar 3, 2018)  
The Day the Earth Caught Fire (1961)
The Day the Earth Caught Fire (1961)
1961 | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi
Weather Forecast says 'Sun Everywhere'
Apocalyptic British SF movie shows how this sort of thing should be done. Nuclear tests shift the Earth on its axis, send it closer to the sun: civilisation struggles to cope with the prospect of looming extinction. Story is told from the point of view of the journalists of the Daily Express (don't laugh, it was a newspaper back in the 60s).

Very similar in its downbeat tone to the Quatermass movies Val Guest had previously made for Hammer - no B-movie this, but a serious, hard-edged naturalistic drama. Personal story of romance between lead journo Edward Judd and met office secretary Janet Munro is woven into the main plot with considerable skill; scenes of devastated London are well-mounted. A bit dated in some of its attitudes, but its concerns with the disastrous effects of climate change and its political cynicism mean it still feels surprisingly relevant today. Much better than any of the Roland Emmerich movies which have arguably ripped it off.
Lorri Dudley crafted a great story about forgiveness, love and finding yourself amidst adversary. I enjoyed reading about the characters in this book, they had some good strengths and weaknesses. Both of the main characters were well developed and grew throughout the story. Honestly, at first, I was not sure if I particularly liked Georgia as she seemed to be a weak character, however, by the end of the book she turned out to be pretty good. I also liked Harrison, he was sure of himself and a strong character right from the get-go, a great dad and someone who wasn’t afraid to have a little fun.
I liked the setting of this story as well. Lorri Dudley’s descriptions of island life, the people, animals, and climate made for a vivid backdrop to this story. She described it in such a way that you could almost taste the salty are or hear the thunder roll. I think it would have quite a change for someone coming from England to the small island of Nevis. It made me want to visit